relationships and families Flashcards
quotes about gay and lesbian relationships
- “do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman: that is detestable” (CHRISTIANITY)
- “must you, unlike (other) people, lust after males and abandon the wives that god has created for you? you are exceeding all bounds” (ISLAM)
quotes about sex before and outside marriage
- “every sexual act should be in the framework of marriage”
- “you shall not commit adultery”
- “anyone that looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart”
- “the only way to protect all within society is to maintain a society where only a man and his wife share the act of sex”
quotes about contraception
- “every sexual act should have the possibility of creating new life” (CHRISTIANITY)
- “do not kill ypur children for fear of poverty - we shall provide for them and for you - killing them is a great sin” (ISLAM)
quotes about marriage
- “that is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh”
- “god blessed them and said to them; be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it
- “there is no institution in islam more beloved and dearer to god than marriage”
“if a man gives his daughter in marriage while she is averse to it then such marriage is invalid”
quotes on divorce and remarriage:
- ‘anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. and if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery’
quotes on families
- “anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household. has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever”
- “listen to your father who gave you life and listen to your other when she is old”
- “children are a heritage from the lord, offspring a reward from him”
- “children it is your christian duty to obey your parents for this is the right thing to do”
- “parents do not irritate your children, or they will become discouraged”
- “heaven is under the feet of mothers”
- “honour your children and perfect their manners”
- “he who is good to his parents, blessings be upon him”
quotes on gender equality/roles
- “with painful labour you wil give birth to children. your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you”
- “there is neither jew nor gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female for you are all one in christ jesus”
- “wives, submit yourselves unto your own husband, as unto the lord”
- “husbands love your wives just as christ loved the church and gave his life for it”
- people we created you all from a single man and a single woman and made you into race and tribes so you should recognise one another”
someone who has or is involved with many sexual partners
the use of artificial methods to prevent pregnancy and STDs
refraining from sex or acts considered to be sexual
living together and having pre-marital sex
refraining from marriage and sexual relationships
sexual relationships between people who are not married to each other
roman catholics + traditional evangelical view on pre-marital sex
- against all sex outside of marriage because of the concept of ‘one flesh’
anglican view on pre-marital sex
- allows sex within a responsible relationship, if it is leading to marriage
extreme liberal protestants on pre-marital sex
- allows sex within a responsible relationship but does not approve of promiscuity
belief that heterosexuality is the preferred or normal mode of sexual orientation
describe the concept of ‘one flesh’
- “and the two shall become one flesh, so they are no longer two but one flesh”
- the christian view strongly surrounds the idea that when a man and woman comes together they unite to become one flesh
- indicates that a sexual union is permanent and should only be reserved to occur within an exclusive relationship
which two natural methods of contraception do all christians agree with?
- abstinence
- rhythm method
which methods of contraception do christians disagree with?
- condoms
- morning after pill
- sterilisation
- injection
- implant
- withdrawal method
roman catholic view on contraception
- only allows ‘natural, birth control
- that means only having sex during the inferyile part of a woman’s monthly cycle
- artificial methods of contraception are banned
what do more conservative churches suggest about contraception?
- that contraception should be limited to married couples who are trying to regulate the size and the space of their family eg. family planning
what do liberal protestant churches suggest about contraception?
- teach that it is acceptable to use birth control as long as it isn’t used to promote promiscuous behaviour
why do people choose to get married?
- legal rights
- love
- to show commitment
- a sacrament (catholic)
- emotional security and stability
- spiritual union blessed by god
- to have children