Relationships And Familes (Y10 - Autumn 1) Flashcards
The Catholic Church teach that sex should be:
Sex Should Be:
- Sex and love is a gift from God.
- Marriage is the ultimate commitment because vows are made in front of God and the community.
- Sex unites the couple and deepen their love.
- They become closer and more committed.
- The couple totally give themselves to each other.
- God creates new life through sex
- There is more intensity in self-giving when open to new life
Quote saying how God creates people in his image:
“God created humans in his image, male and female, he created them.”
(Genesis 1:27)
What do the Catholic Church’s teachings tell us from the quote: “God created humans in his image, male and female, he created them.”
- Human life is the most important thing to God
- Men and women are equal in the eyes of God
- Men and women are complementary to each other (produce a harmony together)
Quotes for Marital, Unitive and Pro-creative:
“The sexual act outside of marriage is a grave sin.” (CCC)
“The two shall become one flesh.” (Mark 10:6-9)
“Be fruitful and increase in number.” (Genesis 1:27-28)
Catholic Views on Sex Before Marriage
- God gave humans the gift of sex in order the reproduce, so sex should only happen when there is a possibility of new life.
- Casual sex is wrong - it can cause hurt to other. Sex should be with someone you trust and love.
- The gift of virginity makes husband and wife feel special, privileged and loved.
- Waiting until marriage to have sex means there is no risk of sexually transmitting diseases.
- Sex with someone you re not married to trivialises (devalues) the sexual act.
Contrasting Views on Sex Before Marriage
- Pre-marital sex is common, the Catholic Church should accept modern life.
- Everyone has the right to have sex when they are ready.
- Sex before marriage is fine as long as it’s within a loving, long-term relationship - Jesus taught that love is the most important thing.
7 Conditions for a Roman Catholic Marriage to be Valid
- The Marriage must be consummated (have sex)
- Both people must be free to marry
- They both must give consent (I take thee to be my wife/husband)
- They both must marry of free will
- Must not be closely related
- The five vows must be made in front of a Catholic Priest
- Must declare willingness to have/accept children
What 4 things should a Roman Catholic Marriage be? (Backed up with quotes from the Ceremony)
A Roman Catholic Marriage is:
- A Sacrament: “The love of man and woman is made holy in the Sacrament of Marriage”
- Permanent: “I, (name) do take thee, (name) to be my lawful wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”
- Exclusive: “What God has joined together let no man put asunder.”
- Procreative: “… aid and strengthen them in sublime office of being a father or mother.”
The 8 parts of a Marriage Ceremony
- The Greeting
- The Liturgy of the Word (and Homily)
- The Marriage Ceremony
- The Marriage Vows
- Acceptance of Consent and Blessing
- Exchange of Rings
- The Marriage Blessing
- The Signing of the Register
What happens in The Greeting
- The rite, or ceremony of marriage develops the idea that the couple express their love and service of God through their love and service of each other.
- Marriage is a solemn contract between a man and a woman who love each other.
What happens in The Liturgy of the Word (and Homily)
- The priest will talk about the meaning of Christian Marriage and the responsibilities that it requires.
- The priest will mention the dignity of married love and how the couple will grow closer with each other (and God).
What happens in The Marriage Ceremony
-The priest individually questions the couple, with the purpose being to make sure that the bride and groom understand what they are accepting.
-He asks 3 questions:
“Have you come to give yourself to each other, freely and without reservation?”, “Will you love and honour each other for life?”, and “Will you accept children lovingly from God?”
What happens in The Marriage Vows
- This exact point is the moment of the Sacrament. The couple make vows to each other.
- These vows are: “I, (name) do take thee, (name) to be my lawful wedded wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”
What happens in The Acceptance of Consent and Blessing
- The priest who is present represents the people of God, the Church, and accepts the mutual consent of bride and groom with these words.
- The priest then goes to ask God to strengthen and help them , whilst declaring that no man can put this asunder.
What happens in The Exchange of Rings
- The rings are blessed with the words “May the Lord bless these rings which you give to each other as a sign of your love and fidelity”.
- The rings are a true ‘sign of love and fidelity’. The couple have promised to love each other permanently and exclusively for the rest of their lives.
What happens in The Marriage Blessing
- The ideas in this blessing bring out the two important themes of marriage:
- That a husband’s human love for his wife is a model of the love which Christ has for God’s people - the Church.
- That marriage is a relationship based on faithfulness which is plain for all to see.
What happens in The Signing of the Register
- Witnesses and Registrars must be present to sign off the legalities of the marriage.
- A register must be signed, and a marriage certificate must be given to make this marriage lawful.
Contrasting Views on Adultery
- There may be a good reason for this
- Personal happiness is the most important thing in life
- Maybe the couple made a serious mistake in getting married … adultery may be the only way to change an unhappy marriage
Points Against Catholic Views on Cohabitation
- Cohabitation enables the couple to get to know each other - which helps them commit to each otherand may prevent divorce in future
- The only important thing for children id that their parents love each other within a long-term relationship
Catholic Views on Adultery
(Adultery Definition: When a married person has sex with someone who is not their husband/wife)
- Adultery breaks the marriage vows and the ten commandments (‘Do not commit adultery’)
- Jesus says Adultery is wring himself
- It is a betrayal that causes great hurt
- The innocent partner can feel rejected and like a failure
- It destroys trust, brings tension and distress
- It can cause the breakup of a marriage - making children insecure
Why is the Catholic Church against Cohabitation?
The Catholic Church is against Cohabitation because:
- It breaks the sanctity (holiness) of marriage and of sexual love (lack of commitment)
- It can create insecurity for the couple
- It can reduce the need for faithfulness
Points For Catholic Views on Cohabitation
(Cohabitation Definition: Living together as a couple without a formal commitment (if they are in a sexual relationship))
- Married couples are less likely to separate because they receive marriage preparation - and are most likely to seek counselling.
- Marriage us the deepest commitment you can make and the most secure for children.
- Making vows publicly shows your commitment.
- Cohabitation encourages a casual, selfish attitude to the relationship.
Couples cannot end a Marriage in the Catholic Church because:
(Divorce Definition: The Legal ending of a Marriage)
Couples who have married in the Catholic Church cannot end their marriage in the eyes of the Church because:
- God is part of the marriage and is present when the Sacrament takes place.
- The couple vowed “till death do us part”.
- The Church don’t think that divorce is wrong, they just don’t recognise it at all.
Catholic Views on Remarriage
(Remarriage Definition: When a divorced person marries a new partner)
- Catholics cannot remarry in the Catholic Church (if you’ve married in a Catholic Church already), unless the original partner has died
- Anyone who is in another relationship should not receive Holy Communion whilst they are married (the Catholic Church think) - some Priests are very strict, but others are very lenient.
Church Of England Views on Remarriage
- Divorce is recognised because it is human nature that vows sometimes cannot be kept
- Re-marriage is allowed (usually) because it is a sign of God’s forgiveness and willingness to give a new start
The Catholic Church’s acceptable reasons for Annulment
Acceptable reasons:
- On/both were forced to marry
- One/both never intended to have a child
- The marriage wasn’t consummated
- Lies/Concealment
- Incest
- One/both couldn’t give consent
- One/both did not understand the vows
Catholic Teachings on Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
- The Catholic Church teaches that sex should be procreative.
- Homosexual acts are not acceptable to the Catholic Church
- Same-sex couples cannot marry in the Catholic Church
- Same-sex marriage is not Sacramentally marital or properly unitive
- Homosexuality in itself is NOT sinful
- Homosexuals are asked to be celibate, and to not act upon their feelings
- All people should be respected and loved, regardless of their sexual orientation
Other Christian Teachings on Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
- The Church of England (CoE) will not marry homosexual couples, but will give them a ‘same-sex civil partnership’.
- A few other denominations, such as the United Reform Church (and other Protestant Christian Denominations) will perform same-sex marriages.
Contrasting Point of View on Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage (compared to the Catholic Church)
- Same-sex marriage was legalised in England and Wales in 2014, with considerable debate to whether Christian Churches should do the same.
- Many in Britain think that homosexuals should have the same rights as anyone else, including the right for sexual relations
Same-Sex couples should be allowed to marry in the Catholic Church (For)
- Homosexuality and same-sex marriage is a fully legal, accepted part of society today.
- Same-sex couples can adopt and raise children.
- Everyone has the right to love and marry-boy or girl
- Homosexuality is not a choice (proven scientifically)
- Jesus never spoke about homosexuality, meaning he never said anything in favour or against
- Homosexuals can still be faithful Catholics
Same-Sex couples shouldn’t be allowed to marry in the Catholic Church (Against)
- Same-sex marriage is not properly unitive nor sacramentally a marriage
- Homosexuals cannot naturally pro-create
- God wants marriage to be between a man and a woman (shown by Adam and Eve)
- Jesus never spoke about homosexuality, meaning he never said anything in favour or against
Catholic Attitudes towards Artificial Contraception
(Contraception Definition: A device used to prevent pregnancy when a couple have sex).
- Artificial contraception is wrong, because it contradicts God’s command to ‘be fruitful and multiply’.
- It contradicts the two purposes of marriage - to be unitive and to procreate.
Other Christian Attitudes towards Artificial Contraception
- All forms of contraception are acceptable (apart from the morning after pill) because it is a responsible way of planning your family
- You should only have the number of children you can care for
- God created sex for uniting couples as well as procreating
What forms of Contraception do the Catholic Church allow and not allow?
The Catholic Church do not allow any artificial contraception, along with all other types of Contraception, with one exception: Natural Family Planning (NFP).
This is when couples avoid sex when the woman is at the most fertile time of the month, meaning you are most likely not going to get a woman pregnant, allowing you to naturally plan your family, allowing them to obey the advice that couples should only have the number children they can care for (Although the possibility of pregnancy still remains).
The Catholic Church allow NFP because whether the woman becomes pregnant or not is up to God.
Points for Contraception and Against Contraception
- It can prevent STD’s and un-planned pregnancies
- Having fewer dependant children can help the economy in developing countries
- The Bible does not forbid contraception
- Most sexually active women use it
- It enables existing children to have a better standard of living
- It can be medically necessary, e.g to prevent birth defects (zika virus)
- The morning after pill can cause abortion
- It can lead to promiscuity (casual sex)
- It is not open to the possibility of new life and prevents it
What is the definition Sanctity of Life?
The Sanctity of Life is the Christian Teaching that life is holy and precious, because it comes from God. Therefore, all life should be cared for and protected, meaning only God should create new life and only God should end life - not humans.
What is included in the Sanctity of Life?
- Christians believe that life is sacred and precious. This means that life should be respected and taken care of
- Christians believe that life starts at conception. This means that from the moment the sperm fertilises the egg, life has just started
- Christians believe that we have a responsibility to protect all human life, especially the vulnerable. This means that all life from beginning to end needs respect and protection
- Christians believe that the ideal place to create life, is within a marriage. This means that sex should be kept for marriage so that life starts in an ideal setting
- Christians believe that the Holy Spirit lives within each person. We are all temples of God. This means that to destroy human life is to destroy somewhere God lives (thou shall not kill)
- Christians believe that life is a gift from God and only God can take it away. This means that God chooses when life starts (no artificial contraception) and when life ends (no assisted suicide)
What are the 4 Catholic Teachings on Family and why?
- The Catholic Church teach the nuclear family is the best possible environment to bring up a child
- The children are visible signs of the parents love
- Other types of families are still accepted, but the nuclear family is ‘ideal’
To Give Children Security:
- The family need to provide a safe, stable and loving environment for a child ti develop and grow in.
- ‘Tough Love’ sometimes needs to be used to expose children to failure, so they can experience hardships to help them grow in the long term.
To Educate Children:
- Parents are the children’s first and most important teachers for these children to understand right from wrong
- In Christian Principles that means peace, forgiveness and kindness should be experienced on a regular basis
To be The Authority:
- Parents should be using their authority carefully to educate and discipline the child to be an independent and balanced person
- They should be taught respect and self-respect for themselves, their parents and the rest of outer society
What did St. Paul teach on the roles and responsibilities of family members?
- What people do for each other they also do for Christ - “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.”
- Husbands should love their wives unconditionally - “love your wives, just as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her.”
- Wives should do what their husbands ask, within reasonable boundaries to show their love - “Wives be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord”
- Children should obey their parents, as obedience is a way for children to honour their parents. - “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” (also) ‘Honour thy father and thy mother’.
Why is there Dignity for working in the home? (Flowchart)
(Dignity Definition: Being worthy of honour and respect)
Traditionally, the Catholic Church saw the mother’s role to be looking after the home and children (there is great dignity in this)…
… the father’s role was to protect and provide for the family (usually financially).
Today, the Catholic Church teaches that men and women may have different roles - each brings their different qualities to the family.
Therefore, many mothers work - to help provide for the family - and traditional roles may even be switched.
Quotes from the Bible For and Against Gender Equality
- “God created humans in his own image, male and female he created them all.” (Genesis 1: 27)
- “Husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies.” (St. Paul)
- “There is neither male nor female… for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (St. Paul)
- “I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man; she must be silent” (St. Paul)
- “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord” (St. Paul)
Examples of Gender Equality in the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament)
Old Testament:
- One woman who played an important role in the Old Testament was Deborah, who acted as a judge (Judges 4: 4-10) and played a similar role to Gideon,
- Another woman who played an important role in the Old Testament was Esther, who was the person that brought the freedom of the Jews from the Perisians.
New Testament:
- In the New Testament, one woman who was very important was Mary the Mother of Jesus. This is because she is the perfect disciple as she shows people how to be open to the will of God
- In the New Testament, another woman who was very important was Mary Magdalene, as Jesus appeared to her first after the Resurrection, while she was tasked with announcing his return.
Catholic View on Gender Equality (Quote+Their View)
“Each of the two sexes has equal dignity though in a different way.” (CCC 2335)
This means men and women are equal, but have different roles - neither is subservient to the other, they are instead complementary to each other.
What can women be in the Catholic Church (get 6 or more)
Women can be:
- A Nun
- A Chaplin
- An Alter Server
- A Catechist
- A Sister
- Helping Children prepare for their First Holy Communion
- Ushers and Collectors
- Able to give Birth
- A Mother
- Able to support Charities
- In a caring profession
- Able to host Retreat Days
- A Missionary
Points For Women Being Priests
- The Church must modernise if people are going to be part of it
- …“there is neither male nor female; you are all one with Christ Jesus.” (St. Paul’s letter to the Galatians)
- Men and women are equal when they enter the Church (in baptism) - so should be treated equally afterwards
- Jesus lived in a Patriarchal society, but today, we live in an equal society
- Many Christian groups have already accepted women priests and bishops (e.g Church of England)
- Jesus’ mission to the disciples was to ‘spread the gospel message to the ends of the earth.’ It is difficult to do this if half the population cannot be priests
Points Against Women being Priests
- Jesus chose men to be his 12 apostles so only men should be Priests today
- “I do not allow women to teach or have authority over men; they must keep silent.” (St. Paul’s letter to Timothy)
- Women can play important roles in the Catholic Church - they can be nuns, chaplains, Eucharistic Ministers and e.c.t
- St. Mother Theresa made a massive impact on the Church and people in need, yet she was not a Priest
- The Church’s teaching is right for all times - we should not change it just because society has changed
- The Priest acts in the person of Christ (who was a man) and God (who is Father) - so the Priest must be male
Definitions of Gender Prejudice and Gender Discrimination
Gender Prejudice:
Expecting someone to behave in a particular way because of their gender (pre-judge)
Gender Discrimination:
Acting upon a prejudice - treating someone differently because of their gender.
Why do people have prejudices and discriminate?
Lack Of Education:
People do not understand what or why they shouldn’t discriminate
People fear what they do not know much about
It’s learned:
People take on prejudices of their families and friends
Sometimes has a negative portrayal of minorities
People make themselves feel better by picking on a person or group they feel are weaker than them
People always look for someone to blame (e.g fir unemployment, the economy e.c.t)
People sometimes misunderstand what certain minorities stand for and why
Lack of Empathy:
People do not empathise with smaller minorities and put themselves in other’s shoes
What is Sexism?
This is the belief that one sex is superior another. Women and girls mostly experience sexism, which puts limits on what they can and can’t do economically and socially.
For example, there are 195 countries in the world, but only three countries have equal (or more) numbers of women in Parliament!
How have Women been Historically Discriminated?
- Girls have sometimes received a more restricted education than boys. It was traditionally centred around domestic skills, like sewing, in order to prepare them for their roles as housewives
- Women who applied for jobs have sometimes been overlooked on the grounds of gender, rather than suitability for the job.
- Poorer women worked in factories during the Industrial Revolution, but received lower wages than men doing the same job
- The vote was only open to all women from 1928 onwards
Ways Women can still face Sexism (6 or more)
Women can get:
- Paid Less (the gender pay gap is 15.5% in favour of men)
- Harassed
- Confronted with ‘Mansplaining’
- Listened to less in society
- Given fewer job opportunities
- Not usually given as much social power as men
- Seen as less important
How were there changes in the workplace after the 2 World Wars
After the two world wars, attitudes towards women in work gradually began to change. Women had to work when the men were fighting and proved that it was within their capabilities. However, many advertisements from the 1950’s still depicted women as housewives and it is not until the 1960s that women make up 40% of the workforce.
Today’s situation on Sex Discrimination in the workplace today
In 1975 the Sex Discrimination Act was passed, making it illegal to discriminate against applicants on the basis of their gender. Despite this, women today are sometimes still discriminated against, for example, on average, women are paid less than men (currently 15.5%) and, although women make up half the workforce, men hold a higher proportion of senior positions.
Men can also be the victims of discrimination. For example, women may be preferred for jobs such as a nanny, a nursery nurse etc.
Pope Francis’s Quote on Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
“Why is it expected that women must earn less than men? No! they have the same rights. It is a pure scandal!” (Pope Francis)
The Catholic Church’s view on Gender Discrimination, along with what others think
The Catholic Church believes that discrimination can do great damage as it makes people feel like they have less worth and value and that widespread discrimination can affect society as a whole in a negative way.
However, many people in Britain today would argue that the Catholic Church’s ban on allowing women to become priests is a form of gender discrimination, although this would be disputed by the Catholic Church, as they will maintain that women have other important roles in the Church to form a good harmony between men and women.
Pope John Paul’s ‘Theology of the Body’ (get 6 or more)
- God loves every human for his or her own sake
- People discover and express their dignity through their bodies
- God created humans as male and female with dignity and value
- The full meaning of a person is only found through a deep relationship with the opposite sex
- God made marriage to bring two people together as a communion between persons
- In sex, the couple give themselves to each other completely, and discover themselves in the process
- Through sex the couple show each other mutual love and respect
- The human body, and sex, are good. Sex outside marriage, and contraception damage the significance of sex
- Sex outside marriage leads people to be selfish and a tendency to break promises
- The way human bodies are made brings both intimacy and the possibility of new life
- Sex within marriage helps enrich the couple and stops it being only about personal pleasure
- Unfaithfulness starts in the mind, we should avoid reducing people to sexual objects and not individuals