Reiki Level 1 - Energy Flashcards
Intro, Energy & Chakras
What are the 5 Reiki Principles? “Just for today…..”
I will not worry
I will not be angry
I will do my work honestly
I will give thanks for my many blessings
I will be kind to every living thing
What are 5 things you can do to enhance your energy?
Ingest food and drink that provides your body with nutrients
Create a habit that mains a clear state of mind
Spend time outdoors focussing on your breath
Create positive mental processes to help process your life
How does Reiki work?
Reiki Energy addresses physical, mental and energetic imbalances.
Bodies have a magnetic pulse. This bio-magnetic field provides an accurate indication of the current state of the body.
How many Hz is the bio-magnetic energy that emanates from Reiki Practitioners?
The energy comes from outside of the practitioner. The practitioner is a conduit to help the recipient restore energy flow/
What are the 7 Chakras?
Third Eye
Solar Plexus
Are the Lower Three Chakras Masculine or Feminine?
They call us to action. They help ground us and are usually concerned with the material world.
What does the Crown Chakra represent?
What does the Third Eye Chakra represent?
What Does the Throat Chakra represent?
What does the Heart Chakra represent?
Love & Healing
This is also balanced in masculine and feminine energy and can help balance other chakras.
What does the Solar Plexus Chakra represent?
Wisdom & Power
What does the Sacral Chakra represent?
Sexuality & Creativity
What does the Root Chakra represent?
Basic Trust
Where is the Root Chakra located, and what is it associated with?
The base of the spine
Spine, Bladder, Blood, Kidneys, Male Reproductive Organs & Feet
Imbalanced - Insecure, resistant to physical world, spaced out, fatigue, fear around survival
Balanced - Feeling grounded, motivated, comfortable in this material plane
What can an overactive Root Chakra result in?
The individual can be bossy, domineering, ego, greedy, violent
What can an under-active Root Chakra result in
The individual can feel unloved, sexually inadequate, frustrated and fearful
What can a balanced Root Chakra result in?
The individual can feel grounded, a sense of belonging, trust and independent
Where is the Sacral Chakra located, and what is it associated with?
Just below the navel
Lymphatic and circulatory systems, kidneys, adrenals, skin, female reproductive organs
Imbalanced - imbalances around sexuality and creativity. Possessiveness and jealousy, immune system issues, low self-esteem
Balanced - High self-esteem, healthy expressions of creativity and sexuality, joy and pleasure
What can an overactive Sacral Chakra result in?
The person craves power and is manipulative.
What does an underactive Sacral Chakra result in?
The person can be shy, guilty, concerned with what others think
What can a balanced Sacral Chakra result in?
The person can be friendly, passionate, fulfilled sexually, and playful
Are the Higher Three Chakras Masculine or Feminine?
Are associated with self-reflection and the spiritual aspects of life.
Where is the Crown Chakra located, and what is it associated with?
Close to the top of the head/brain
Brain, nervous system, Pineal Gland
Imbalanced expression - Limited connection with the Divine or Source, limited access to the body’s inner wisdom, mental imbalances
What can an overactive Crown Chakra result in?
Addicted to spirituality, craving attention, needing to be popular
What can an underactive Crown Chakra result in?
Misunderstood, unable to have fun, unaware or denying spiritual connection
What can a balanced Crown Chakra result in?
Connected to source, wise, joyful
Experiencing source and source within self, wisdom, awareness, self-realisation
Where is the Solar Plexus Chakra and what is it associated with?
Located under the sternum
The nervous system, stomach, gall bladder, large intestine, liver and the pancreas
Imbalanced - unsure of role on earth, feelings of rejection, extreme extroversion or introversion, ulcers and issues with organs associated
What can an overactive Solar Plexus Chakra result in?
Judgment, stubborn, critical, bully
What can an underactive Solar Plexus result in?
Low self-esteem, procrastinates, apathetic, feels taken advantage of
What can a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra result in?
Respect for self and others, confident, calm, problem solver
Where is the Heart Chakra, and what is it associated with?
Centre of the chest
The circulatory system, arms, hands, shoulders, ribs, breasts, diaphragm, thymus
Imbalanced - not accepting love, problems in relationships, holding grudges, heart issues, lung issues, and immense system imbalances.
Balanced - Ability to love and receive love, healthy immune system, balance in relationships and other chakras, compassion, feelings of harmony and peace
What can an overactive Heart Chakra result in?
Entitlement, jealousy, blaming others, giving too much
What can an underactive Heart Chakra result in?
Fear of rejection, unloved, self-pity, neediness
What can a balanced Heart Chakra result in?
Loved, loving, empathetic, brings these qualities out in others
Where is the Throat Chakra located, and what is it associated with?
Located in the base of the throat area
Thyroid, larynx, trachea, ears, nose, teeth, mouth and throat
Imbalanced - speaking from programmed conditioning, overly talkative or non-communicative, thyroid issues, metabolic and hormonal conditions, coughing.
Balanced - strong communicator, expresses personal truth, maintenance of healthy weight
What can an overactive Throat Chakra result in?
Speaking too much, boring others, criticising, stubborn
What can an underactive Throat Chakra result in?
Difficulty expressing personal truth, afraid to speak in public, timid
Where is the Third Eye Chakra located, and what is it associated with?
Middle of the forehead
The pituitary gland, eyes, nose, ears, skeletal system
Imbalanced - focused on the physical plane, poor vision, close-minded, headaches, sleep issues, mental and hormonal issues.
What can an overactive Third Eye Chakra result in?
Spaced out, lost, worrying, seen as living in a fantasy world
What can an underactive Third Eye Chakra result in?
Cannot see the bigger picture, easily influenced, confused about purpose, doubts self
What can a balanced Third Eye Chakra result in?
Intuitive, charismatic, wise, understands purpose
What are Meridians?
The energetic equivalent of our blood vessels
Instead of transporting blood, this system transports Chi or life energy.
How many main meridians does the body have?
Small Intestine
Triple warmer
Gall Bladder
Large intestine
(Plus Conception Vessell, Governing Vessell)
Acupuncture, acupressure and Reiki all work with the meridians to remove any blocks or imbalances. Because Reiki will go where it is needed, you do not need to focus on a specific meridian or acupuncture point.
What are the colours associated with the Chakras?
Root Chakra: Muladhara - RED
Sacral Chakra: Svadhishthana - ORANGE
Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura - YELLOW
Heart Chakra: Anahata - GREEN
Throat Chakra: Vishuddha - BLUE
Third Eye: Ajna - INDIGO
Crown Chakra: Sahasrara - VIOLET