Regulation of Thyroid Hormone Synthesis Flashcards
Uptake of iodide from plasma by thyroid gland
- Ingested iodine mostly absorbed from gut as iodide to enter extracellular iodide pool
- Iodide exits pool from blood into follicular cells of thyroid gland
- Mechanism for iodide transport into gland = “iodide trap” mechanism
- Trap = membrane pump on basal side of follicular accumulation of concentration of iodide in thyroid 30-40x that in serum
- Iodide concentrated in gland against electrical gradient and chemical gradient
- Certain anions (perchlorate) transported by same mechanism
- Act as competitive inhibitors of iodide uptake
Synthesis of thyroglobulin
- Thyroglobulin (TG) –> 660kD glycoprotein composed of two identical polypeptides
- Synthesized on RER within follicular cell –> glycosylated and packaged into secretory vesicles in Golgi apparatus –> vesicle release from apical side of follicular cell into lumen –> into colloid
Steps in thyroglobulin production
- After entering follicular cell: iodide follows electrical gradient from basolateral to apical surface
- Colloid found at apical side of follicular cell
- Iodide must be oxidized before it can participate in tyrosyl iodination
- Thyroperoxidase: enzyme that catalyzes iodization of thyroglobulin
- Membrane bound glycoprotein
- Present at microvilli on apical membrane
- Converts I2 –> I- (active iodide)
- Iodide is organified (incorporated) into tyrosyl residue on thyroglobulin at cell-colloid surface

Steps in thyroid hormone synthesis
- Thyroperoxidase catalyzes two steps of TH synthesis
- Initial iodination of thyroglobulin –> MIT and DIT (intermediates to T3 and T4)
- Thyroperoxidase catalyzes coupling of 2 DITs or 1 MIT and 1 DIT to form iodothyronines (T3 and T4) in colloid
- Then coupled TG endocytosed, heads to lysozome where T4s and T3s are cleaved off
Steps in thyroid hormone release
- Thyroglobulin must first be endocytosed from lumen (colloid) back into follicular cells
- Endocytosed drops of colloid then migrate to lysosomes
- Lysozomal enzymes cleave thyroglobulin into T4 and T3
- T4 production + release exceeds T3 production + release 20x under normal conditions
- Mechanism of hormone release not well understood, may be by facilitated diffusion
- Proteolytic action of lysosomal enzymes will cleave iodotyrosines (MIT and DIT) from thyroglobulin as well
- De-iodinated - tyrosine and iodide both reincorporated into TG
Transport of thyroid hormones in plasma
- TH enters blood and residues as protein-bound form (99.97%) or free form (0.03% T4 and 0.4% T3)
- TH binding proteins include thyroid binding globulin (TBG), thyroid binding pre-albumin (TBPA), and albumin
- Because so much TH is bound to proteins, TSH is good way to measure thyroid function
Other relevant notes:
- Free form = active, most important form to measure when evaluating thyroid function
- Both bound forms and unbound forms should be measured
- In pregnancy, levels of TBG and TBPA are elevated
- Tyroglobulin in colloid serves as reservoir of TH
- Protein bound TH buffers TH and is more important for T4 (there is 10x more T4 protein bound)
- T4 half-life = 7 days; T3 half-life = 1 day
- T3 considered active form (form that acts on cell at transcriptional level)
- Both T4 and T3 enter target cells via active transport –> T3 has higher affinity for TH’s cell receptor
- T4 must be converted to T3 by 5’-deiodinase
Actions of thyroid hormone
- T4 reaches target cell –> deiodinated –> T3 binds to receptors (alpha and beta) –> dimerization occurs –> binding to receptors alters gene expression
- Major regulators of basal metabolic rate (BMR)
- Necessary for normal fetal and neonatal brain development
- Both TH and GH essential for normal growth
- Enhance response to catecholamines - mimic effects of SNS
- Effects on metabolism - calorigenic actions and independent effects
TH as regulator of BMR
- No THs present –> decreased BMR
- TH effect on BMR = thermogenic/calorigenic effect
- Mostly due to levels of Na+/K+ ATPase pumping and O2 consumption
- Decreased T3 –> low heat production –> cold intolerance
- Increased T3 –> excess heat production –> heat intolerance
- Mostly due to levels of Na+/K+ ATPase pumping and O2 consumption
- TH stimulation of calorigenic effect is delayed - can be inhibited by blocking protein synthesis
Role of TH in fetal/neonatal brain development
- TH screen in newborns very important
- Congenital hypothyroidism can lead to severe and irreversible intellectual disability
- Can lead to Cretinism (short stature, intellectual disability)
- Decreased TH in adults can also have behavioral effects
Role of TH in growth
- TH permissive of GH
- GH works better in presence of TH
- Decreased TH –> decreased GH
Role of TH in response to catecholamines
- TH enhances response to catecholamines, mimics effects of SNS
- TH permissive of adrenergic system
- Seems to be specific to beta receptors
- Increased beta-adrenergic receptors with hyperthyroid status –> tachycardia, etc.
- Often treated with beta blockers
- Seems to be specific to beta receptors
Role of TH in metabolism
- Some effects are consequences of calorigenic actions, others are independent effects
- THs low to moderate doses –> anabolic, glucose –> glycogen
- THs in high doses –> catabolic, increase fuel consumption, protein breakdown and muscle wasting, enhanced glycogenolysis
- Lipolysis is net result of actions of TH on lipid metabolism
Normal regulation of TH levels by HPA
- TSH controls many things:
- Follicular cell number
- Thyroperoxidase
- Iodide uptake
- Organification of iodide
- High T3 downregulates TRH receptors in AP –> inhibits TSH secretion
- Low T3 levels sensitize AP to TRH stimulation
- T4 and T3 both feed back at level of AP and hypothalamus