Adrenal Gland Disorders Flashcards
Addisons Disease: general characteristics
- Cortisol: major product of fasciculata layer of adrenal cortex, vital for cardiovascular homeostasis
- Deficiency results in decreased cardiac output and vascular tone
- Patients often develop hypovolemia –> stimulates ADH –> increased free water absorption & hyponatremia
- If primary adrenal cortex dysfunction exists: patients also lack aldosterone –> hyperkalemic
- Divided into primary (adrenal gland) and secondary (pituitary & hypothalamus) dysfunction
Primary adrenal insufficiency (adrenal gland dysfunction): causes
- Autoimmune:
- Addisons Disease (70-80%) most common in developed countries
- Tuberculosis:
- 10-20% most common in developing countries
- Other: 10%
Secondary adrenal insufficiency: causes
- Pituitary and hypothalamus
- Following exogenous glucocorticoid withdrawal
- Following cure of Cushing’s disease
- Hypothalamic/pituitary lesions
Primary adrenal insufficiency: pathophysiology
- Patients with primary adrenal disease: hyperpigmentation due to increased production of POMC (ACTH precursor in the pituitary)
- POMC: also precursor of melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) –> hyperpigmentation
- Patients are deficient in cortisol and aldosterone –> develop hyponatremia and hyperkalemia
- 60% of patients with autoimmune adrenal insufficiency have autoimmune dysfunction of another gland (thyroid)
- Hypothyroidism (25%)
- Graves disease (11%)
- Premature gonadal failure
- Type 1 diabetes (10%
- Proposed theory: polyglandular autoimmune syndrome - endocrine cell undergoes normal damage but does not get recognized as self by body (leads to autoimmune attack in susceptible individual - HLA-DR3, -DR4)
Secondary adrenal insufficiency: pathophysiology
- Patients have low ACTH levels
- No hyperpigmentation
- Preserved aldosterone synthesis –> normokalemic
Addisons Disease: clinical manifestations
- S/S divided into acute and chronic
- Chronic sx:
- Weakness, fatigue, dizziness, anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea
- Acute:
- All of the above + fever, hypotension, confusion
- Other sx: weakness, fatigue, dizziness, anorexia, weight loss, salt craving
- Lab abnormalities: hyponatremia, hyperkalemia (primary), hypoglycemia
- Because cortisol is counter-regulatory hormone
- Identifiable risk factors for adrenal insufficiency: autoimmune disease, trauma, sepsis, HIV/AIDS, malignancy, glucocorticoid treatment, complicated delivery and head injury (pituitary infarct)
Addisons Disease: diagnosis
- Best way = Cortrosyn/Cosyntropin stimulation test
- Baseline serum cortisol followed by 250ug of synthetic ACTH
- Blood drawn at 30 & 60 minutes to check for serum cortisol
- Stimulated level greater than 20ug/dL indicates adequate adrenal cortisol reserves
- If < 18 ug/dL: adrenal insufficiency present
- Caveat: in recent (less than 6 month) pituitary or hypothalamic injury - pituitary (adrenal?) may still be able to respond to Cotrosyn test
Addisons Disease: imaging considerations
- Two typical abnormal adrenal gland appearances:
- Small atrophic glands with or without dense calcifications indicate autoimmune, ALD, AMN
- Enlarged glands with hemorrhage or necrosis
- CT identifies both
Addisons Disease: treatment
- Glucocorticoids replacement: oral glucocorticoids given on chronic basis
- Hydrocortisone, prednisone, dexamethasone
- In acute crisis: saline infusion and stress dose steroids given
- Fludrocortisone to replace aldosterone in primary gland failure
- Sex steroid replacement necessary in women: give DHEA
Pheochromocytoma: general characteristics
- Chromaffin cells: adrenal medulla cells that appear dark due to oxidized catecholamines
- Chromaffin cell tumors secrete excess epinephrine and norepinephrine
- Most arise from adrenal medullary cells
- Pheochromocytomas: rare
- 2-8 cases/million people
- Represents the most common adrenal tumor in adults
Pheochromocytoma: pathophysiology
- Neuroendocrine cells contain surface receptor (ret) –> binds glial-derived neurotrophic growth factor (GDNF) causing cell signaling –> initiates production of NE and epi
- Mutation to ret receptor –> increased activation and hormone secretion
- Germline mutations in ret implicated in Multiple Endocrine Syndrome:
- MEN 2a: pheochromocytoma, medullary thyroid carcinoma, hyperparathyroidism
- MEN 2b: pheochromocytoma, medullary thyroid caricinoma, mucosal neuromas
- Other germline mutations discovered that indicate familial forms of pheochromocytomas - may account for 25-30% of cases
- VHL, NF1, familial carotid body tumors, familial paragangliomas
Pheochromocytoma: clinical manifestations
Headache, sweating, palpitations (clinical triad)
- +/- hypertension
- No flushing - pallor instead because of vasoconstriction
- Other sx: anxiety, epigastric pain, orthostatic hypotension (hypovolemia), and chest pain
- Pheochromocytomas (<1%), hyperaldosteronism (5-10%), and Cushing’s (<0.5%) can all cause HTN, should be included in DDX for secondary HTN
- Primary HTN accounts for 85% of the cases
- Signs and symptoms
- Revolve principally around excess catecholamines
- α1 receptors mediate vasoconstriction and thus activation can lead to HTN
- β1 receptors mediate positive inotropy, chronotropy, increase sweating
- β2 receptors mediate muscle bed vasodilation
- Revolve principally around excess catecholamines
- Epinephrine works principally through β receptors to cause tachycardia, sweating, but not significant HTN (mostly due to β2 vasodilation)
- Norepinephrine works through a & β receptors causing similar set of signs, but with added a1 related hypertension
- Secretion from tumor can fluctuate - symptoms can be episodic
Possible risk of patient with pheochromocytoma being on beta blocker
- Unopposed a1 vasoconstrition and HTN —> dramatic increase in blood pressure
- Start on a-blocker first
- Then β-blocker after adequate blockade pre-operatively
Pheochromocytoma: differential diagnosis
- Anxiety/panic attacks
- Alcoholism
- Drugs (cocaine/PCP)
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Menopausal syndrome
- Hypoglycemia
- Withdrawal of adrenergic inhibitor
Pheochromocytoma: diagnosis
- Can be tough - pheo called “great mimic”
- Endocrine principle: biochemical diagnosis must be established prior to anatomic localization - 5-10% of people with adrenal mass on CT have non-functioning masses
- Great deal of variety in what product a tumor creates - standard workup includes 24 hour urine for catecholamines (Epi & NE), metabolites (metanephrine, normetanephrine, VMA, HVA)
- Plasma metanephrines if high risk patient with family hx and adrenal mass
- Plasma catecholamine measurement is difficult
- Certain drugs can interfere with testing, should be avoided for two weeks:
- TCA, beta-blockers, alpha-blockers, alpha-2-agonists (clonidine), decongestants, benzos, amphetamines, ETOH withdrawal
- Once diagnosis is made - localization is relatively easy
- 90% of tumors are in adrenal gland
- 10% are extra-adrenal in sympathetic chain
- 98% of tumors in abdomen - CT and MRI are helpful
Pheochromocytoma: 10% rule
- 10% extra-adrenal
- 10% bilateral
- 10% malignant (dopamine secretion) - most likely extra-adrenal
- 10% recurrence after removal
- 10% calcify
- 10% kids
- 10% familial (now thought to be more like 20-30%)
Pheochromocytomas: imaging considerations
- AKA paraganglioma or ganglioneuroma
- Usually appear spherical and well-circumscribed on imaging > 4cm in size - easy to see
- CT: variable
- MRI: hyperintense on T2WI
- Heterogeneous enhancement
Pheochromocytomas: treatment
- Surgical removal after a-blockade with labetolol or phenoxybenzamine to avoid hypertensive crisis
- Need a-blockers because they will vasodilate once removed, become very hypotensive
Adrenal insufficiency: familial syndromes
- MEN 2A/2B
- NF1
- Familial carotid body tumors
- Familial paragangliomas
- Can test for all with genetic testing
Cushing’s Syndrome: causes
- Most commonly iatrogenic (due to chronic administration of glucocorticoids in tx of autoimmune/inflammatory disorders)
- Otherwise, ACTH-dependent or ACTH-independent
- ACTH-independent: caused by excess function of adrenal cortex
- Most common cause of endogenous Cushing’s: pituitary tumor (80%)
Cushing’s Syndrome: clinical signs and symptoms
- Obesity: central adiposity, supraclavicular fat pad, dorsoclavicular fat pad (buffalo hump), facial fat pads
- Skin changes: facial plethora, easy bruisability, “onion paper skin” (very thin), purplish-red striae
- Purple striae seldom seen in other diseases
- Insulin resistance and hyperglycemia
- Hirsutism
- Hypertension
- Gonadal dysfunction: amenorrhea, infertility, decreased libido
- Proximal muscle weakness
- Osteoporosis
- Depression
- Routine lab findings: hypokalemic alkalosis in syndromes of marked hypersecretion of cortisol - ectopic ACTH or adrenal carcinoma
- Due to increased cross-reactivity with mineralocorticoid receptor
Cushing’s Syndrome: diagnosis
- Defined by inappropriate elevation of cortisol
- Examine sequential photographs: look for clinical signs and symptoms
- If clinical s/s are present & chronic administration of glucocorticoids not thought to be the cause - proceed with 2 diagnostic tests
- Bedtime salivary cortisol - positive result is elevated
- Overnight 1mg dexamethasone suppression test (DST)
- Administer 1mg dexamethasone at 11pm night before
- Positive test = 8am plasma cortisol > 1.8ug/dL
- 24-hour urinary free cortisol (UFC)
- Positive test = > 90-100 ug/day
Situations that can cause false-positives in Cushing’s screening DST
- Acute and chronic illness
- Obesity
- Sleep apnea
- High estrogen states
- Drugs (dilantin, phenobarbital)
- Alcoholism
- Anorexia
- Renal failure
- Depression
But most of these situations will have normal 24-hour UFC
Cushing’s Syndrome: how to distinguish ACTH-dependent from ACTH-independent
- High/normal ACTH = ACTH dependent
- = Cushings Disease or ectopic ACTH syndrome
- Low ACTH = ACTH independent
- = Cortisol producing adrenal adenoma, cortisol producing adrenal carcinoma, or nodular adrenal hyperplasia
- Also use 8mg dexamethasone suppression test (DST)
- Suppression happens = pituitary
- No suppression = ectopic/adrenal
Cushing’s Disease: imaging considerations used to distinguish different types of adrenal hypersecretion of cortisol
- Try to localize it: pituitary MRI, chest CT, abdominal CT, inferior petrosal sinus sampling
- Tx with pituitary surgery, chest surgery, abdominal surgery, cortisol synthesis inhibitors
- CT, MRI, ultrasonography, isotope scanning with iodocholesterol - used to define adrenal lesions
- In ACTH hypersecretion: used to exclude presence of solitary adrenal adenoma/carcinoma & confirm bilateral adrenal hyperplasia/nodular adrenal hyperplasia
- Effectively localize adrenal tumors (usually > 1.5cm)
- 10% incidence of silent adrenal nodules - biochemical testing performed in conjunction with localization studies (ensure identified lesion is biologically significant)
Cushing’s Disease/primary adrenal disease: treatment
- Surgical removal of:
- Isolated adenoma OR
- Adrenal affected with macronodular hyperplasia OR
- Adrenal gland containing carcinoma
- Bilateral adrenalectomy
- May be required to adequately treat macronodular hyperplasia with bilateral involvement
- Medical therapy
- Usually adjunctive/temporizing/not curative
- Involves use of drugs that inhibit adrenal cortisol production
- Ketoconazole, metyrapone, aminoglutethimide, mitotane
- Mitotaine: only adrenolytic agent, used palliatively in carcinoma patients
Hyperaldosteronism: causes
- Aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) = 34% of patients
- Treat with surgery
- Idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) = 66% of patients
- Treat medically
Hyperaldosteronism: features suggestive of primary disease (in patient with hypertension)
- High likelihood of APA
- Young age at onset (< 40 years old)
- Resistance to multiple antihypertensive medications
- Stage 2 ( > 160-179 / 100-109) or more severe hypertension
- Presence of hypertension with adrenal adenoma found incidentally on body imaging
- Hypertension in patient who has first-degree relative with primary hyperaldosteronism
Primary hyperaldosteronism: diagnosis
- Clinical triad: hypertension, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis
- Aldosterone/plasma renin activity (PRA) ratio > 20-30
- with PRA < 2 ng/mL/hr
- Biochemical dx confirmed with suppression test prior to anatomic localization
- Challenged with IV saline load - should suppress aldosterone levels in patient with essential hypertension, has little effect on patient with primary hyperaldosteronism
Antihypertensive medications that interfere with diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism
- Beta-blockers
- Diuretics
- Spironolactone
- ACE inhibitors
Patient should also be euvolemic and normokalemic (avoid confounding stimuli to renin/aldosterone)
Hyperaldosteronism: imaging considerations and treatment
- CT scan of adrenal gland performed
- Unilateral lesion > 1 cm seen: aldosterone-producing adenoma diagnosed
- Surgery is therapeutic choice
- No lesion, bilateral lesions, or very small lesions seen: confirm diagnosis with adrenal vein sampling
- Unilateral elevation of aldosterone: small adenoma, requires surgery
- Bilateral elevation of aldosterone: either idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) or glucocorticoid-remedial hyperaldosteronism (GRA)
- GRA diagnosed by direct genetic testing, elevated levels of 18-hydroxycortisol; treated with glucocorticoid replacement
- IHA treated with aldosterone antagonist (spironolactone, eplerenone)