Regulation of Osmolarity Flashcards
What hormone is responsible for water balance?
Where is ADH synthesised?
In the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus
How is ADH secretion controlled?
When the plasma osmolarity increases, the rate of discharge of ADH-secreting neurones in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei is increased so more ADH is released from the posterior pituitary
What receptors mediate changes in neuronal discharge in ADH secretion?
Osmoreceptors in the anterior hypothalamus
How is an increase in osmolarity detected?
Increased osmolarity means there are more particles in the ECF, so water moves out of the cells and shrinks them. This activates sensitive ion channels and results in increased neural discharge and ADH secretion
How is a decrease in osmolarity detected?
Decreased osmolarity means there are less particles in the ECF. so water move into the cells and causes the cells to swell. This causes a decrease in neural discharge and ADH secretion
What is the normal plasma osmolality?
280-290mOsm/Kg H2O
What is the result on ADH secretion of an increase in osmolarity without an increase in tonicity?
Solutes that can penetrate membranes move together with water and don’t produce any tonicity so no change in ADH secretion
What is the site of water regulation?
The collecting duct
How is reabsorption of water and solutes varied?
ADH controls the permeability of the collecting duct
How does ADH alter the permeability of the collecting duct?
Vasopressin binds to membrane receptors, which activates cAMP second messenger system. This results in the cell inserting AQP2 water pores into the apical membrane and water is absored by osmosis into the blood
What is ureas role in the production of concentrated urine?
In the prescence of ADH, H2O moves out of the collecting ducts and concentrates the urea in the ducts. CD membranes are relatively permeable to urea, particularly towards medullary tips. As urea moves towards the tips there is an increasing tendency for it to move out down its concentration gradient and the permeability of the late medullary CD to urea is enhanced by ADH
Why is urea retained during maximum anti-diuresis?
Urea us retained in order to save water and reinforce medullary gradient in regions of thing ascending limb of LoH
How does ECF volume affect ADH secretion?
There is an inverse relationship between rate of ADH secretion and rate of discharge of stretch receptor afferents in the low and high pressure areas of the circulation.
Where are the low and high pressure receptors found in the circulation?
Low pressure receptors- found in both atria and great veins
High pressure receptors- carotid and aortic arch baroreceptors
How are the low and high pressure receptors involved in ADH secretion?
Moderate decreases in ECF volume affect the atrial receptors, decreasing their discharge and increasing ADH release. If the ECF volume changes enough to affect blood pressure then carotid and aortic receptors will also contribute to changes in ADH secretion
What stimuli increases ADH release?
Pain Emotion Stress Exercise Nicotine Morphine
What stimuli decrease ADH release?