Presentation of Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Tract Flashcards
Where is the division of the upper and lower urinary tracts?
Anything above bladder is the upper urinary tract
Bladder and below is the lower urinary tract
What is the definition of proteinuria?
Urinary protein excretion >150mg/day
What are the three types of haematuria and what characterises each one?
Macroscopic- blood visible in urine
Microscopic- Intact blood cells visible on microscopy
Dipstick- blood cells present on urine dipstick analysis
What is the threshold for microscopic haematuria?
3 or more intact red blood cells per high power field
What is the definition of oliguria?
Urine output <0.5mg/kg/hr
What are the two different kinds of anuria and how is each characterised?
Absolute anuria- no urine output
Relative anuria- <100ml urine produced in 24hrs
What is the definition of polyuria?
Urine output >3L per 24 hours
What is the definition of nocturia?
Waking up at night at least once to micturate
What is the definition of nocturnal polyuria?
Nocturnal urine output > 1/3 of total urine output in 24 hours
How is acute kidney injury staged?
Risk- Increase in serum creatinine by 1.5x or decrease in GFR by 25% or urine output less than 0.5ml/kg/hr for 6 hours
Injury- Increase in serum creatinine by 2.0x or decrease in GFR by 50% or urine output less than 0.5ml/kg/hr for 12 hours
Failure- Increase in serum creatinine by 3.0x or decrease in GFR by 75% or urine output less than 0.5ml/kg/hr for 24 hours or anuria for 12 hours
Loss- Persistent ARF or complete kidney function loss >4 weeks
End-stage kidney disease- complete loss of kidney function >3 months
How does chronic renal failure present?
Asymptomatic (found on blood/urine testing) Tiredness Anaemia Oedema High blood pressure Bone pain
What are the characteristics of advanced renal failure?
Pruritis Nausea/vomiting Dyspnoea Pericarditis Neuropathy Coma (untreated advanced renal failure)
How do ureteric diseases present?
Pain Pyrexia Haematuria Palpable mass Renal failure
How do bladder diseases present?
Pain Pyrexia Haematuria Lower urinary tract symptoms Recurrent UTIs Chronic urinary retention Urinary leak from vagina Pneumatria
What is the risk of bladder cancer in someone who presents with haematuria?
What is the risk of kidney cancer in someone who presents with haematuria?
How do bladder outflow tract diseases present?
Pain (subpubic or perineal) Pyrexia Haematuria Lower urinary tract symptoms Recurrent UTIs Acute urinary retention Chronic urinary retention
How is acute urinary retention defined?
The painful inability to void with a palpable and percussable bladder
How is chronic urinary retention defined?
A painless, palpable and percussable bladder after voiding. Patients often able to void but have high residuals
What differentiates complicated and uncomplicated UTIs?
Uncomplicated UTIs- young sexually active females with clear link to sexual activity
Complicated UTIs- everything else
What bacterial species are often associated with UTIs?
E. coli
Klebsiella species
Proteus species
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (common with foreign bodies ie catheters)