Regulation of glucose Flashcards
Semester 1 year 1
Where are the Islets of Langerhans found?
In endocrine tissue
What are the main secretory Islet of Langerhans cells?
-beta (65%)
-alpha (20%)
-delta (10%)
What other single/grouped endocrine cells are there?
-F (PP/gamma) cells
-ε cells
-enterochromaffin cells
What do beta, alpha, delta, F and ε cells secrete?
-beta = insulin, proinsulin, C peptide, amylin
-alpha = glucagon
-delta = somatostatin
-F = pancreatic polypeptide
-ε = Ghrelin protein
How does humoral communication and control occur in the Islets of Langerhans?
Small arteries enter the Islet core + distribute blood via fenestrated capillaries
How does cell to cell communication occur in the Islets of Langerhans?
-gap junctions between beta and alpha cells
-delta cells send dendrite-like processes to beta cells
What neurons are the islets innervated by?
What is the primary pathway for secretion in beta cells?
-glucose enters cell via GLUT2, is phosphorylated + oxidised to form G6P
-ATP inhibits K+ dependent channel, so membrane depolarises
-causes Ca2+ gated channel to open + Ca2+ to enter down electrochemical grad.
-influx of Ca2+ causes vesicles containing insulin to move + fuse with membrane
-insulin released by exocytosis
What is the secondary pathway for secretion in beta cells?
-acts via G protein coupled receptors
-CCK + acetylcholine move in via G protein coupled receptor
-converted to PKC
-causes fusion of vesicle with membrane + insulin release via exocytosis
What is the third pathway for secretion in beta cells and what inhibits and upregulates it?
-ATP converted to cAMP via adenylyl cyclase
-cAMP converted to PKA
-causes fusion of vesicle with membrane + insulin release via exocytosis
-inhibited by somatostatin + alpha adrenergic agonists
-upregulated by beta adrenergic agonists + glucagon
What regulates insulin secretion?
Islet beta cell receptors
How does high and low blood glucose effect insulin secretion?
-high = stimulates insulin synthesis + secretion
-low = inhibits secretion
What does sympathetic stimulation cause in relation to insulin secretion?
-beta adrenergic stimulation increases secretion
-alpha adrenergic stimulation decreases secretion
What effect does parasympathetic stimulation have on insulin secertion?
Increase secretion
What effect do drugs acting on K+ ATP channels have on insulin secretion?
Increase secretion