Muscle 1 Flashcards
Semester 1 year 1
What is skeletal muscle responsible for?
-voluntary movement of bones
-control of inspiration
-skeletal muscle pump
Describe the appearance of skeletal muscle
Describe the structure of skeletal muscle
-muscle cell/fibre surrounded by endomysium
-muscle cells come together to make fascicles surrounded by perimysium
-muscle units made up of many fascicles surrounded by the epimysium
-myofibrils run through muscle cells + are made up of sarcomeres
What are sarcomeres made up of?
-thick filaments (myosin)
-thin filaments (actin)
How do the I and A bands appear and why?
-I band appears light - predominantly actin
-A band appears dark - overlap of actin and myosin
Where is the Z line/disc in the sarcomere?
At the ends
What are the 2 other proteins in the sarcomere and what do they do?
-nebulin protein is linked around actin
-titin protein anchors myosin to z disc
When the muscle contracts, what changes in the sarcomere?
Actin is pulled inward, so the I band becomes smaller and the A band stays the same
How is muscle contraction initiated?
-ACh released at neuromuscular junction causing action potential in plasma membrane of muscle fibre
-depolarisation passes along sarcolemma + through T-tubule network to cell interior
-T tubule runs near 2 areas of sarcoplasmic reticulum, forming a triad (skeletal muscle)
-depolarisation causes increases in intracellular calcium
How many actin filaments are around myosin?
How are cross-bridges formed?
-myosin head is tightly bound with actin
-ATP binds to myosin head, weakening its binding to actin, so it dissociates
-ATP is hydrolysed, causing myosin head to return to resting configuration
-myosin head binds loosely to new actin molecule, forming a cross-bridge
How does the sarcomere contract?
-after cross-bridge is formed, phosphate is released, causing a strong association between actin + myosin
-myosin head changes from open to closed position, pulling actin towards middle of sarcomere
-ADP released, returning head to original position
How can the myosin head attach to a new actin molecule further down the filament?
When the myosin head returns to resting configuration, it’s in an open position, lengthening it
What happens to calcium ions after contraction?
Taken out of cytoplasm, so muscle goes into relaxation period
What happens to skeletal muscle at an increased frequency (10 Hz)?
-muscle doesn’t fully relax before next contraction
-stronger contraction
-temporal summation