Regeneration local and contrasting Flashcards


Evaluate the extent to which your chosen places have changed their functions and characteristics over time (20)


Redruth has changed from changes in the global economy.
In the 19th century, the UKs industrial industry largely declined due to it being cheaper to import commodities like tin and copper from elsewhere. As a result, Redruth, which had one if the richest mines nationally and in Europe, fell into decline leaving a lack of a strong function. This led to Redruths functioning changing to more tertiary sectors with a small tourism industry based around its mining history e.g., East Pool mine.
Whereas, HOTH wasn’t so impacted by the UK mining decline and so its functioning in education has remained constant

HOTH hasn’t changed due to a lack of government planning
Local and national planning is key in the development of changing a place over time. However, HOTH has experienced a lack of planning due to the influence of Harrow school in the area since the 16th century, a private school which has high ownership of the land on the hill such as ownership of property, shops and green space. This lack of change is evident by looking at photos of the hill due to its village-like style and historical buildings.
Whereas, Redruth has had local planning leading to development of derelict land and creation of tourist attractions to make it more service based.

HOTH has changed due to globalisation and immigration
HOTHs demographics have been largely impacted by migration, largely due to its close proximity to Heathrow where its population is now only approx 43% white (compared to Redruth 96.6%) and is 36% Asian. This has led to glocalisation at HOTH, whereby many restaurants have opened and reflect migrants backgrounds although still suiting local culture including Mediterranean, Indian and Italian restaurants. This suggests HOTHs characteristics have changed by becoming more diverse over time.
Whereas, Redruths isolated location (5 hours to London) suggest why it hasn’t been impact by migration, although out-migration of miners led to a more international function with the glocalisation of Cornish pasties to places like Mexico.

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‘Places tend to be more defined by their social and economic strengths than weaknesses’
Evaluate this statement, referring to your local and contrasting places


Agree- HOTH know for education function
HOTHs main functioning is educational, whereby Harrow school is a prestigious boys school that is situated at the top of the hill and has been open since the 16th century. Harrow is defined by this because the school is an international influence, with a high number of Asian students in particular. Visitors may also come to the hill as a tourist destination due to the schools media depiction ‘Harry Potter’ and the series ‘The crown’. Therefore, it is very significantly defined by social and economic strengths of education as the school has a very positive reputation and is a strong area in the HOTHs economy.

Disagree- Redruth known for mining which declined
Redruths main international influences lie in its previous copper, tin and coal mining history which declined due to cheaper imports. Redruth has attempted to use its mining history to make tourist attractions like East Pool mine. However, this is a relatively small tourism industry due to the inaccessibility of Redruth and so this may only be a regionally or nationally known , and internationally it may still be defined by its economic weakness.

Agree- HOTH known for connectivity
Due to HOTHs close proximity to Heathrow and London means it is defined by social strength of connectivity. this is because many people migrate there as it is easy to commute to London for work or around the world. This is evident by its diverse population being 36% Asian and 43% white.

Disagree- Redruth media coverage
Redruths perception in the news and articles paints it in a socially negative light. One of the main things it is known for is ‘Close Hill’, an estate that became the first nationally to have a curfew for under 18s, whereby operation goodnight lasted 6 weeks in summer 2008. This curfew was set in due to high crime rates in the town.

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Evaluate the extent to which national influences have led to significant changes in your local and contrasting places (20)


Agree- HOTH education
HOTHs national influence as a place of prestigious education has defined HOTH as the place it is since the 16th century. Harrow school has led to the hills tertiary sector as well as much of it is built up of school shops. It also brings a small aspect of tourism because of filming of parts of ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘The Crown’ at the school.

Disagree- Redruth tourism
Redruth lacks major national influences, but one of its influences includes a smaller tourism industry. This is highly based around the town old mining history, such as East Pool mine. This hasn’t caused great changes to Redruth as its inaccessibility means that tourism is limited, being in Cornwall, the very South West of England, and 5 hours by train from London.

Somewhat agree- HOTH connectedness
HOTHs national influence as a transport hub to the rest of London and the world due to Heathrow proximity has led to high migration there so people can easily commute into work in London. However, it can be argued changes in demographic from this aren’t so significant, and international influences through international migration have had a larger impact on the hill due to creating its high diversity (36% Asian), reflected in local shops and restaurants e.g., Indian restaurants.

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For your local and contrasting place, evaluate the significance of the factors that have shaped its identity and influence today (20)


Economic function
HOTHs education functioning very significantly shapes its identity and influence. Harrow School is a prestigious boys school that has been open since the 16th century and has some very famous alumni including Winston Churchill. The school not only acts s an education function, but a tertiary one as many shops on the hill are school shops e.g., selling uniform. It also brings some tourism through use of the school in films like Harry Potter and series like The Crown.

Historical influence
Redruths historical importance as a rich copper, tin and coal mining region shapes a large amount of its identity and importance today. This is because although it fell into decline during the 19th century, it still uses its history in sites in Redruth e.g., East Pool mine. Miners also went to other countries to train them in mining after the decline e.g., Mexico, bringing the Cornish pasty and glocalising this.

Accessibility and connectedness
Accessibility and connectedness makes up a large part of HOTHs identity and influence because its proximity to Heathrow and the rest of London has led to high migration rates, whereby Harrow, the borough HOTH is in, is one of the most diverse boroughs in London. The hill is 36% Asian. This has shaped the hill as migrants have opened shops ad restaurants that reflect the culture e.g., Indian and Mediterranean restaurants
The opposite applies for Redruth whereby its isolation means that its demographics do not shape its identity strongly, being 96.6% white.

Media perception
Redruths media perception of being a place of high crime have largely shaped its identity in a negative way. It became the first place nationally to have a curfewed estate where for 6 weeks in 2008, close hill had an under 18s 9PM curfew due to high crime rates

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For your local and contrasting place, evaluate the factors leading to deprivation (20)


A place can be considered deprived if it lacks resources that are considered necessities in society. Deprivation is measurable by the IMD, whereby the government use 7 factors to measure deprivation, of which include income, employment, quality of living, crime and barriers to housing and services
Redruth is in the top 10% most deprived areas nationally, whereas HOTH is in the top 10% least

Income/employment- Redruth
The decline of the mining industry has led to deprivation in Redruth due to low income created. Redruth has struggled to find other functioning because of its inaccessibility.

Quality of living environment- HOTH
HOTH can be considered to have a poor quality of living environment due to despite having some green space, this is made inaccessible to the public due to Harrow School ownership. This means important things for wellbeing like fresh-air and green space may be lacking. As well as this, HOTH was built for village-like life, and roads aren’t suited for London buses increasing congestion

Crime- Redruth
Crime may be a very important factor leading to Redruths deprivation. High crime led to the 1st curfew estate nationally at close Hill during summer 2008 for 6 weeks, where under 18s had to be inside, in order to cut down crime rates. Antisocial reports fell by 60%

Barriers to housing/services- HOTH
The hill is very expensive and so there are barriers to housing due to costs as well as school ownership of a lot of property as it is boarding. The average house price is approximately 515,000 pounds.

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For your local and contrasting place, evaluate the reasons why economies vary from place to place (20)


HOTH acts as a transport hub so economy is very tertiary as workers commuting to London have high disposable incomes and so shops are successful. Whereas, Redruth inaccessible so tertiary economy less successful

Historical development
Redruth historical development as uses its previous mining history to make tourist attractions like East Pool mine.
HOTH is restricted on historical development because of school ownership of land

Economies suit to their demographics, so contrasting demographics lead to differing economies
HOTHs proximity to Heathrow means it has a diverse economy. It therefore has businesses reflecting this e.g., Indian, Mediterranean and Italian restaurants owned by people from these places.
Redruths population lack diversity being 96.6% white so economy reflects this

HOTH 50% L4+ qualification
Redruth 27.5%

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Explain how the identity of one place you have studied has been affected by change (6)



Change of industry
In the 19th century, the UK decline in mining meant that Redruths rich mining which was its main functioning went into decline, leaving it without a proper functioning and high unemployment

Government planning changes
To attempt to combat issues surrounding mining moving abroad, the government did planning to try and give Redruth a more tertiary industry such as by making tourist attractions out of old mines like East Pool mine

Demographic changes
There have been slight demographic changes due to increasing opportunities in Redruth, meaning slightly fewer young people move away. the average age went from 42 in 2011 to 40 in 2021.

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Explain how increasing connectedness has shaped the economic and social characteristics of a place you have studied (6)



Social- younger population
Increased connectedness has led to a younger population as there are more economic migrants that come due to the easy commute into London for work. In 2011 the average age was 36, and in 2021 this decreased to 28

Social- more diverse population
Increased connectedness by proximity to Heathrow means the population is very diverse. HOTH is 36% Asian

Economic- glocalised businesses
Increasing diversity of HOTH has meant that there are more multicultural shops and restaurants reflecting the demographic e.g., Indian restaurants

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Using your named location, explain whether there is a need for regeneration (6)


Factors that can explain need for regeneration include deprivation data like quality of living environment, health, employment and crime. It also includes media depiction

No- Good health. 54% of HOTHs population have very good health, with only 2.7% having bad health. This can be attributed to the 7 schools. It suggests quality of services like healthcare are good so regeneration isn’t needed

Yes- poor quality of living environment- HOTH lacks green space due to school ownership over a large amount of land on the hill. As well as this, the hill was made for village life and now has 2 bus routes which increase congestion. Fresh air and green space are important for mental and physical well-being.

No- media depiction of HOTH is very good. It is perceived to be low crime and very same, where TimeOut headlined it as ‘Londons d
safest place to raise a family’. Although, it is often confused for Harrow town centre area, which gets much more negative depiction, so could need regeneration to distinguish it

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Regional, national and international influences

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