What are the life expectancies for Glasgow and Exeter?
Women = 76.6
Men = 67.8
Women = 82
Men = 77
What are the crime statistics for Glasgow vs Exeter
Exeter crime index = 33
Glasgow crime index = 46
What are the health statistics for Glasgow and Exeter?
Exeter healthcare system index = 80
Glasgow healthcare system index = 80
What are the average incomes for Glasgow and Exeter?
Exeter = £60,000
Glasgow = £40,000
What are the regional influences of East Devon?
- Commute into Exeter
- Coastal path
- Buses
- Great Western Railway
What are the national influences of East Devon?
- M5
- Trains
- Exeter airport
- Conservative political ideology
What are the global influences of East Devon?
- TNCs such as those on Exeter High street
- 4G in most places
What are the regional influences of East London?
- Enterprise zones
- Liberal view on trade
What are the national influences of East London?
- 2012 Olympics
- Less of a sense of community
- Labour political ideology
What are the global influences of East London?
- High rates of 5G
- TNCs
- Global tourism
- Financial sector
What factors contribute towards Sydney being a successful place?
- Economy is important for trade, manufacturing and education
- Largest economy and CBD
- 8 million visitors in 2016
What are the contradictory factors towards living in a successful place such as Sydney?
- 5.8 unemployment rate (high)
- Expensive country to live in
- Gentrification pushes up house prices
- Congestion, pollution
Why is the Rust Belt unsuccessful?
- Low population
- Little competition and innovation
- Increased outsourcing
- Negative multiplier effect
Where is the Rust Belt?
- Areas across the NE USA that suffered from a decline in manufacturing
- Pittsburgh, Chicago and Detroit
Outline what happened at the London 2011 riots and why?
- Increased unemployment and inflation led to social strain
- Anger over racial tensions and class divides
- Scrapping of supporting programmes for the unemployment
- MET opted for a more aggressive policing style