refugee law 1-3 Flashcards
what is intl humanitarian law
International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is a compilation of rules that aim to mitigate the humanitarian consequences of armed conflict.
It protects those who are not or are no longer engaged in hostilities and limits the means and techniques of warfare. It is also known as the law of war or the law of armed conflict.
Jus In Bello and Jus Ad Bellum
Jus ad bellum refers to the right to resort to war or to the use of armed force in general. The prohibition against the use of force amongst States and the exceptions to it (self-defence and UN authorization for the use of force), set out in the United Nations Charter of 1945, are the core ingredients of jus ad bellum
Also known as the law on the use of force or jus contra bellum
Jus in bello regulates the conduct of parties engaged in an armed conflict. IHL is synonymous with jus in bello; it seeks to minimize suffering in armed conflicts, notably by protecting and assisting all victims of armed conflict to the greatest extent possible. Applies to all parties in an armed conflict, regardless of the reasons for the conflict
what is synergy in IHL
Common purpose: Both laws aim to protect human life and dignity.
Mutual reinforcement: In many cases, the two laws complement each other, especially when protecting people who are under the control of a party in conflict.
Application in armed conflict: Both laws apply in armed conflict, but IHL deals with the conduct of parties to the conflict, while IHRL protects individuals from arbitrary state behavior.
Non-state actors: It’s contested whether non-state actors have human rights obligations.
Military necessity: IHL tries to balance military necessity with common humanity.
Derogations: Some IHRL treaties allow governments to limit certain rights in public emergencies, such as armed conflict.
IHL applies in armed conflict, and no derogations from its provisions are allowed.
IHRL applies at all times, including during armed conflict. However, some rights may be limited in public emergencies.
Fundamental Principles of International Humanitarian Law
The principle of humanity reflects the idea that people should be treated with respect and protected from unnecessary suffering -
This article prohibits attacks when the
civilian harm would be excessive in relation to the military advantage sought. This is an area of
hostilities where we often hear the term ‘collateral damage’.The principle of proportionality limits the degree of force that can be used in a conflict. -
The principle of distinction requires that civilians be protected from attacks and that military objectives be clearly separated from civilian objects The principle of distinction is set out in Articles of Additional Protocol 1 to the Geneva Conventions. The Conventions define who is a combatant and a military object that can be lawfully attacked -
Military necessity
The principle of military necessity limits the use of force to what is necessary to achieve a legitimate military objective
Armed conflict.
Armed conflict. ‘An armed conflict is said to exist when there is an armed confrontation between the
armed forces of States (international armed conflict), or between governmental authorities and organised armed groups or between such groups within a State (non-international armed conflict). Other situations of violence, such as internal disturbances and tensions are not considered to be armed conflicts.’ (International Committee of the Red Cross – ICRC)
International armed conflict (IAC)
Involves the armed forces of states
* Can include the invasion of another state’s territory
* Can include the occupation of another state’s territory
* Can include minor skirmishes between armed forces
Non-international armed conflict (NIAC)
* Involves armed groups and governmental authorities, or between armed groups within a state
* Can include armed confrontations between governmental armed forces and armed groups
‘Treaty law’ and ‘customary international law’ are the main sources of international
humanitarian law. Treaties, such as the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols of 1977, are written sources in which States formally establish certain rules. Customary international law derives from “a general practice accepted as law”.
geneva conventions
The First Geneva Convention protects wounded and sick soldiers on land during war.
The Second Geneva Convention protects wounded, sick and shipwrecked members
of armed forces at sea during war.
The Third Geneva Convention applies to prisoners of war.
The Fourth Geneva Convention affords protection to civilians, including in occupied
Martens Clause
It states that when there is no specific IHL treaty covering a topic, the principles of
humanity and public conscience must protect civilians and combatants.
The clause provide that something which is not explicitly mentioned prohibited under
a treaty is not ipso facto permitted.
It is not possible for complete codification of the modern rules of IHL, therefore, the
Martens clause prevents one from suggesting that something which isn’t protected is
Kunduz Hospital Attack (KW Case)
US airstrike on Doctors Without Borders, in Kunduz Afghanistan killing 42 people
Justification by U.S.: U.S. officials claimed the strike was intended to target Taliban insurgents.
The Kunduz hospital was a protected facility under IHL, and no evidence suggested itwas being used for military purposes. The attack violated the principle of distinction
and precaution.
Tarek Hassan, an Iraqi national, was detained by British forces in Iraq in April 2003 during the hostilities following the U.S.-led invasion.
Hassan was taken to a detention facility, interrogated, and later released without charge after a brief period of detention.
Tarek Hassan’s detention violated Article 5 (right to liberty and security) of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).
The ECtHR ruled that the detention was not arbitrary and did not violate Article 5.
The Court acknowledged that the UK was conducting operations under IHL during an international armed conflict.
\The Court concluded that IHL allows for the detention of individuals as prisoners of war or for imperative security reasons, which can justify certain derogations from
Article 5.
The Hassan v. UK case remains a cornerstone judgment for understanding the
interplay between IHL and IHRL, especially regarding the detention and treatment of
individuals during armed conflict.
Prosecutor v Tadic
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)
an armed con
flict involving non-state groups arises only if the violence is protracted and the non-state groups are organised
1. Charges: Crimes against humanity, war crimes, and grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions
that the main parties to the conflict in
were the government of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on
the one hand, and the Bosnian Serb forces, on the other.
- The ICTY ruled that the conflict in Bosnia was both international and non-international in nature, depending on the involvement of foreign actors (like Serbia). This helped clarify when an armed conflict transforms from non-international to international based on external state control.
- Before this case, war crimes were mainly recognized in international conflicts. this case held that individuals could be held responsible for war crimes in non-international conflicts too.
- Doctrine of “Overall Control”- tribunal ruled that a state (serbia) can be held responsible for actions of a group if it has overall control, even if it does not directly order every act.
this differed from the “effective control” test established later by the ICJ in Nicaragua v. USA, which required a higher threshold of control.
it also discussed on how to qualify a situation as armed conflict in order to apply IHL to it, stating that theres a certain level of organisation of a group as prerequisite for applicability for intl humanitarian law, specially involing non-state actors in order to distinguish armed conflict from sporadic outbreaks of violence like riots typically it requires armed grp to have organised and a clear chain of command
human rights law vs intl humanitarian law
International humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law are complementary.
Human rights law applies at all times and in all circumstances, and it concerns all persons
subject to the jurisdiction of a State. Its purpose is to protect individuals from arbitrary
behavior by the State. Human rights law, therefore, continues to apply in times of armed conflict.
In times of armed conflict, a special system of law, IHL, comes into effect. It is a set of rules
especially adapted to armed conflict that serves to protect the victims of war and those no longer involved in hostilities (civilians,
wounded and sick, prisoners, displaced, etc.) and to regulate the conduct of hostilities.
IHL can govern extra territorially- given that its purpose is to regulate the conduct of one or
more States involved in an armed conflict on the territory of another.IHL binds all parties to an armed conflict and thus establishes an equality of rights and obligations between the State and the non-State side for the benefit of everyone who may be affected by their conduct.
Human rights law explicity governs relationship between a State and persons who are on its territory and/or subject to its jurisdiction (an essentially ‘vertical’ relationship), thus HR law only binds STATES
Lieber Code
The earliest attempt for the codification of the law relating to war was made in the US.
Francis Lieber, was asked to frame rules concerning conduct during civil war. He formed
“Instructions for the Government of Armies of the US in the field” later known as Lieber code.
It was heavily drawn upon as the basis for Hague and Geneva Conventions.
It identified the principle of military necessity to limit violence.
It also distinguished between combatants and non-combatants
Conditions for the prisoner of war.
The Islamic concept of humanitarian law is based on Quran and Sunna.
Like modern humanitarian law, Islam think of war only as avoidable, not as desired, or to be sought after.
It is resorted to under extraordinary circumstances
when all means fail.
Under Quran, War is permitted under only in defense -especially of defense of religion. The
aggressive war is against the teaching of Quran.
The idea of respect for the dignity and integrity of the human is central to the Islamic concept humanitarian law.
1. The Islamic humanitarian law forbids Muslim combatants to torture their enemies or prisoners of war
to subject them to treatment contrary to human dignity.
- Islam advises to refrain from shedding of blood, or destruction of property not
necessary for achieving the objective of war. - Islam also acknowledges the distinction between civilian and non-civilian population and establishes protection of to people who are not directly involved in conflict. prohibits killing of women and childeren
IHL In christianity
There has been two strands of thought on war in Christian history; 1) Christian Pacifism; and 2) rules of just war.
Under this, aggressive war was considered a sin. The justness of war was considered as irrelevant.A military career for Christians were disapproved. This was in the pre-Constantine era.
There were just conducts of war given; 1) war should be waged only under necessity;2) war
must have a just cause; 3) war should be waged by a legitimate ruler.