Refuge Stations, Emergency Shelters Flashcards
What is the purpose of refuge stations in mines?
To provide shelter for miners during emergencies
Refuge stations are permanent or portable and designed for safety.
What is the minimum fire resistance rating for materials used in refuge stations?
At least one hour
This rating is crucial for the safety of miners.
What features must a refuge station have according to Reg. 854?
- Large enough to accommodate workers
- Capable of being sealed
- Means of voice communication with the surface
- Supply of compressed air and potable water
- Doors that open outwards
These features ensure the safety and communication of miners.
What factors determine the occupancy and duration of stay in a refuge station?
The volume of air in the station
Additional supplies like compressed air or oxygen can extend this duration.
What should a team do before passing a refuge station?
Contact the briefing officer and check for occupants
This ensures accountability and safety.
True or False: Temporary emergency shelters are covered under Regulation 854.
These shelters are considered shelters of last resort.
What are temporary emergency shelters typically used for?
As shelters of last resort for limited duration
They may not have access to compressed air or secure airline.
What are some examples of temporary emergency shelters?
- Do-it-yourself shelters
- Barricaded areas
- Manufactured emergency shelter devices
- Emergency fresh air stations
- Drop down tents
These options provide temporary refuge but are not substitutes for refuge stations.
What is a key distinction between refuge stations and temporary emergency shelters?
Temporary emergency shelters cannot be used as a substitute for refuge stations
Refuge stations are more secure and properly equipped.
What is the first step in checking a refuge station?
Knock on the door
How should you identify yourself when checking a refuge station?
Identify as mine rescue
What information should be determined about the people inside a refuge station?
The number of people inside
What should you ask if people are not in communication with the surface?
If any are trained in first aid or mine rescue
What should you inquire about concerning the occupants’ conditions?
If people are OK or there are any injuries
What should you ask regarding self-rescuers?
If they have self-rescuers and if they were used to get to the refuge station