Reformer Flashcards
How much does 2G and 1R spring equal?
1G, 2R, 1Y
What is the best spring set up for footwork?
1G, 2R, 1Y
Should the headrest be up or down for footwork?
What angle should the client’s knees be in for footwork while placing the feet on the footbar?
90 degrees - adjust the footbar up or down to help facilitate this
What are the muscles used in a footwork series?
Core, pelvic floor, multifdus, diaphragm, external and internal hip rotators, quads, hammies, adductors, scapular depressors, VMO
During footwork, are you lying prone or supine?
How many variations are accepted to place the foot on the footbar in footwork? Name them.
- Heels
- Heel pockets
- Arches
- Toes on the bar - neutral ankle
- Toes on the bar - high heel
How many foot positions are accepted for footwork? Name them.
- Parallel - hip distance or bolted together
- Wide pilates 2nd
- Pilates 1st
- Turned in
What are some things to monitor a client during footwork?
Splayed ribcage; hyper-extension of knees/locked knees; flat back; knee tracking over 1st ray (ankle in line with knee, knee in line with hip); pronation (ankles/knees putting weight on outside of feet); supination (pulling ankles/knees together); hip hike/leg length discrepancy; neck alignment
What are some cues for footwork?
On carriage return, resist the return - gluten and hamstring connection; lace the ribs together on the exhale; keep chest and shoulders relaxed; keep feet/toes relaxed
What is the spring setup for tendon stretch/calf raises?
2G & 1R = 2R, 1G, 1Y
What is the muscular focus for tendon stretch/calf raises?
Gastrocnemius and soleus
Should the feet be parallel in tendon stretch/calf raises?
What part of the foot should be on the footbar for tendon stretch/calf raises?
Ball of foot
What should I be monitoring in clients during tendon stretch/calf raises?
Hyper-extension of knees/locked knees; pronation/supination
What are some cues for tendon stretch/calf raises?
Engage glutes; equal weight in every toe; lengthen through the hamstring
What are some modifications for tendon stretch/ calf raises?
Lighter weight; towel pad to create connection under big/little toe; towel/pad for shoe leg; ball between ankles for alignment
What is the spring set up for supine ab series?
Where is the footbar?
1R & 1Y = 1.25
Medium footbar
Should the headrest be up for supine ab series?
What muscles are being used during supine ab series?
Core; scapular stabilizers and lats; challenge neutral spine
Where are the legs during supine ab series?
TT and glued together
Are the straps being used during supine ab series?
Where are the hands reaching initially during supine ab series?
Toward the ceiling
What should I monitor during supine ab series?
Scapular elevation; knees relaxing or opening; loss of neutral spine/pelvis; splayed ribcage; arms moving beyond 90*
What cues should I use during supine ab series?
Maintain neutral spine; empty hands and lengthen fingers; ribs lace together; maintain resistance on down and on return; pelvic floor; open chest on down stroke
What are modifications for supine ab series?
Pillow up neck or shoulders; no trunk flexion/head down; crossed ankles with knees slightly open; imprint spine; lighter weight or lengthen straps
What is the springs set up for supine arm circles?
Where is the footbar?
1R & 1Y = 1.25
Medium footbar
Is the headrest up for supine arm circles?
What is the muscular focus for supine arm circles?
Core, scapular stabilization, deltoids, pecs, triceps, lats, rotator cuff, challenge neutral spine
What movements do the arms make in supine arm circles?
Down towards carriage, out to T, return to 90* - then reverse
What should I monitor during supine arm circles?
Scapular elevation; knees relaxing and opening; loss of neutral spine; splayed ribcage
What cues should I uses during supine arm circles?
Empty hands, lengthen through fingers; maintain neutral spine; ribs lace; pelvic floor; maintain chest open
What are the modifications for supine arm circles?
Pillow up neck or shoulders; no trunk flexion/head down; crossed ankles, knees slightly open; imprint spine; lighter weight
What is the spring set up for coordination?
Where is the footbar?
1R & 1Y = 1.25
Low foot bar
What muscles are being used for coordination?
Core, scapular stabilizers, adductors, pelvis stabilizers and triceps, challenge neutral spine
What position do you start in for coordination?
Dead bug (knees and elbows bent), hands in straps, neutral spine
On the inhale for coordination, what does your head, arms and legs do?
Head lifts, arms and legs extend
On the exhale for coordination, what do your legs do?
Open legs no wider than frame
What is the final part of coordination
Close legs, draw knees in with resistance and return to dead bug position
What should I monitor during coordination?
Scapular elevation; legs relaxing; splayed ribcage
What cues should I use for coordination?
Empty hands, lengthen fingers; initiate from between blades and armpits; ribs lace; on open and close of legs, visualize resistance
What are the modification for coordination?
No trunk flexion, head down; pillow up neck or shoulders; take legs to a higher angle; imprint spine; lighter weight
What is the spring set up for hundreds? Where is the footbar?
1R & 1Y = 1.25
Low foot bar
Is the headreast up during hundreds?
What muscles are used during hundreds?
Core, lats, trees major (shoulder blade), pecs, deltoids, challenge neutral spine
What is the starting position for hundreds?
Supine, legs TT, neutral spine, hands in straps arms toward ceiling, scapular engagement
What is the movement for hundreds?
Exhale to curl as arms press down to sides, palms down, turned out legs at 45*, inhale small pumping arms down and up for 5, exhale for 5 (20 set of 5)
What should I monitor for hundreds?
Scapular elevation; splayed ribcage; neck tension; wrist position; neutral or overarching spine; no carriage movement
What cues should I say for hundreds?
Keep chest open; small range of motion on pumps at shoulder joint; lift head high enough to look at lower abs (to shoulder blades); reach hands past hips
What are modifications for hundreds?
Pillow up neck or shoulders; no trunk flexion/head down; imprint spine; lighter weight or lengthen straps; legs TT or take legs to higher angle
Reverse Abs/Hip Flexors Supine
Set up:
Muscles Used:
Set up: IR, flat headrest, pin up hair
Muscles Used: Core, quads, hip flexors - good for Sway Back Posture
Position/Movement: Sit facing tower, feet on headrest, loops above knees, scoot forward and lay down. Bring legs to TT, arms at side, legs together, extend 3 inches, pull back in, abs creating movement, not hips, progress to extend to 45
What are 4 variations of reverse abs/hip flexors supine?
- Hands behind head, curl up, extend and bend legs to 45
- Hands at sides, arms hovering above mat, extend and bend legs to 45
- Hands behind head, extend legs to ceiling, lower down and up -look at belly button
- Hands behind head, obliques - rotate to one side as knees bend in, then extend
Short Box
Set up:
Muscles Used:
Set up: Springs fully loaded, short box (over shoulder rests for taller than 5’6”), foot strap
Muscles Used: Core, trunk stabilizers, spinal articulation
Position/Movement: Round Back (c-shape with spine) - sit facing forward, feet under strap, round back, arms crossed at chest, chin to chest, tuck pelvis, lower back, inhale to hold, push feet into ledge, roll up, keep feet connected to ledger to strengthen abs
What are 2 arm variations for short box round back?
- Extended at shoulder height
2. Genie
What is the position for Short Box Flat Back? With dowel?
Sit facing forward on short box, feet under strap, hands behind head, hinge from hips, like a board, pull down and in with abs
Holding on to dowel, frame ears, fingers reaching high, hinge from hips, lower back, ribs connected and shoulders down
What is the position for Short Box Spear a Fish?
Sit facing forward on short box, feet under strap, holding on to dowel, frame ears, upright, spine stacked, hinge over, rotating to one side, then back to tall, other side
What is the position for Short Box Spine Twist?
Sit facing forward on short box, feet under strap, arms out in front of you, rotate to one side, 3x deeper rotation, inhale back to center. You can use a ball between the hands.
What is the position for Short Box Side to Side?
Sit facing forward on short box, feet under strap, hold dowel, arms frame ears, like a pendulum reach to one side, exhale back to center, tapping into obliques to create the work
What is the position for Short Box Climb a Tree?
Sit facing forward on short box, one foot under strap, hands behind bent knee, extend and bend knee 3x, hold extension, flex and point 3x, walk hands up let towards ankle, rock back and forth 3-5 times - use abs, not momentum. Exhale walk hands down straight leg and draw chin to chest, curl back sequentially over edge of box, inhale into extension, exhale tuck chin, walk hands back up leg to anke, curling up sequentially using core.
What is the position for Side Overs?
Short box, side facing, top foot under strap, bottom leg on top of box with bent knee; one hand on headrest, other hand on hip/leg. Bend and extend hand on headrest, dipping down. Then release hand off headrest, both hands across chest. Lower and lift body towards well. Option to bring hands behind head, lower inhale, exhale lift. Option to extend arms out in front. Side stretch at the end.
Foot Strap Series - Tick Tock
Set up:
Muscles Used:
Set up: 1R, 1B, Headrest up, Feet in straps
Muscles Used: Hip Extensors, External and Internal Rotators, Adductors, Core, Scapular Stabilization, Synovial Fluid to joints, challenge to keep neutral spine
Position/Movement: Extend carriage out with feet on footbar, place one foot in one strap first, then the other
Tick Tock - lying supine, straps in arches of feet, neutral spine/pelvis, legs parallel, lengthened and extended towards ceiling, tailbone anchored, arms at sides, inhale to prepare, exhale lower legs as far as neutral spine/pelvis and core allow, inhale return legs up. Facilitate movement with abs.
Foot Strap Series - Leg Circles
Set up:
Muscles Used:
Set up: 1R, 1B, Headrest up, Feet in Straps
Muscles Used: Hip extensors, external and internal rotators, adductors, core, scapular stabilization
Position/Movement: Lyin supine, neutral spine/pelvis, legs parallel lengthened and extended towards ceiling, tailbone anchored, arms at sides, inhale and open legs as wide as frame, exhale lower legs to diagonal and bring legs together, inhale and return legs to starting position through midline, reverse. (Modify to place loops around knees)
Foot Strap Series - Frog
Set up:
Muscles Used:
Set up: 1R, 1B, Headrest up, Feet in Straps
Muscles Used: Hip Extensors, external rotators, adductors, core, scapular stabilization, challenge neutral spine
Position/Movement: Lying supine, neutral spine/pelvis, heels glued together, hips and knees flexed 90 shoulder width apart, tailbone anchored, arms by your side, inhale to prepare, exhale extend legs out to 45, stay consistent in your turnout and angle, return to start
Foot Strap Series - Swimming
Set up:
Set up: 1R, 1B or 2R, headrest up, feet in straps
Position/Movement: legs extended, lengthened, lower to 45, open to a v, bend knees in to frog, extend back out, then reverse (Frog, open out to v, straight legs squeeze together, back into frog). Do not move carriage on open/close. Neutral spine!
Foot Strap Series - Smile
Set up: 1R, 1B or 2R, headrest up, feet in straps
Position/Movement: Legs extended towards ceiling, lower down and separate, creating a U shape, reverse, bringing legs back together. Neutral spine!
Foot Strap Series - Peter Pan
Set up:
Set up: 1R, 1B or 2R, headrest up, feet in straps
Position/Movement: Legs together, lengthened, lower to 45, bend one knee into frog as the opposite legs slides out, push both legs back to center. Opposite side. Neutral spine!
Foot Strap Series - Hammer
Set up:
Set up: 1R, 1B or 2R, headrest up, feet in straps
Position/Movement: High frog, press heels together, move from hips to lower/lift legs maintaining diamond shape. Neutral spine!
Foot Strap Series - V Pull Down
Set up:
Set up: 1R, 1B, or 2R, headrest up, feet in straps
Position/Movement: Lower legs to 45, as you lift them up, open up to a V. Neutral spine!
Pelvic Curl/Bridge
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 2R, 1B, Headrest down
Muscular Focus: Low back care, hams, glutes, core, quads
Position/Movement: Feet parallel, sits bone distance apart, heels on footbar, inhale to prepare, exhale lead with tailbone to imprint spine, peel spine off mat one vertebrae at a time, lifting hips hip, inhale hold at the top, exhale lower spine, down, lowering sequentially
What are the three additional feet position for Pelvic Curl/Bridge?
- Pilates 1st
- Pilates wide 2nd
- Single Leg
What’s a more challenging weight for Pelvic Curl/Bridge?
1R, 1Y - Less weight = more challenge to keep carriage in
What are the two variations in Pelvic Curl/Bridge for moving the carriage?
- Short Press - move the carriage 1/2 way out
- Long Press - move the carriage as far as you can go. Option to lower down after pushing the carriage out, bringing it back in, lifting hips and pushing out again.
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R or 1R, 1Y
Muscular Focus: Quads, hams, hip flexors, trunk and scapular stabilization
Hip Flexor/Quad Stretch - Standing alongside of carriage, hands on foot bar, place inside leg on reformer, heel on headrest, toes curled, outside leg aligned to front of reformer frame, inhale and tuck pelvis under, keep shoulders pulled down, core engaged, spine long, exhale down into a hip flexor/thigh stretch as inside leg extends back and outside leg flexes to 90, hold stretch and return.
Hamstring Stretch - same set up, extend outside leg and push carriage out
Square hips!
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R or 1R & 1Y
Muscular Focus: Hip extensors, core, hip flexors, glutes, scapular and trunk stabilizers, balance challenge
Position/Movement: Stand alongside reformer at 1/2 way point, knees aligned with each other, inside foot on shoulder rest, heel on, toes curled, hands on foot bar, neutral spine, bend into standing leg, sit back like in a chair, knee hovers above mat, chest out, tail out, inhale extend carriage away, exhale, bring carriage in with resistance. Work is on the press out and the return in (core). Faster paced!
What are the 3 bonus standing work for Scooter?
- Standing lunge work - 1R, Standing 1/2 point of carriage, inside heel on shoulder rest, toes curled, knees aligned, standing leg straight, hands on hipsinhale to prepare, exhale extend carriage, inhale bend standing leg, exhale hold, inhale return to start, long spine, no rounding or tucking. Option to extend arms at shoulder height and hinge over at hips.
- Candy Cane - 1R or 1B, Stand towards front of reformer, hands on bar, inside heel pocket on edge of carriage, tuck pelvis, round through spine, looking down, shoulders down, chin tucked, inhale to press carriage out, exhale to draw carriage back in as abs draw up higher. Core exercise!
- Standing VMO/Reverse Scooter - 1R - Stand in front of footbar, facing carriage, place one foot on carriage, heel high, hips over standing leg, stay tall, inhale press carriage away with foot, exhale, using abs to resist carriage in, keeping spine tall and core engaged.
Reverse Knee Stretch - FULL BODY INTEGRATION I
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: IR
Muscular Focus: Core, obliques, quads, hip flexors, triceps
Position/Movement: Kneel on reformer rear facing, knees against shoulder rests, hands on rails, thumbs on top of rails, neutral spine, neck long, shoulders engaged, ribs pulled up, inhale prepare, exhale move carriage by engaging core, torso won’t move, inhale release with control. 6x-12x
What are 3 variations for Reverse Knee Stretch?
- Lumbar spine in flexion
- Move knees 2” away from shoulder rest - more hip flexor
- Obliques - both hands on one side of rail, engage obliques to move carriage
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: IR 1B
Muscular Focus: Scapular stabilizers, multifidus, core
Position/Movement: Kneel on reformer, hands on foot bar, shoulder width apart, feet against shoulder blocks, toes curled, shoulders anchored, neck long. Engage core, sit back towards heel, maintain neutral spine position. inhale push carriage back, maintaining neutral spine, no collapsing through back/core; exhale return carriage back to start. 6x-12x
What are the 3 variations of Knee Stretch Series?
- Round spine position - Sit back towards heels and create a c curve in spine, ears between arms, inhale, carriage travels back, stopping with knees under hips, strong core to bring carriage back in
- Neutral Spine - Move carriage using ARMS ONLY, kneeling hips over knees, engage lats, upper body moves here
- Tricep Press (1R, 1Y) - Child’s pose, kneeling with knees wide or parallel, hands narrow, elbows pointed towards floor, or diamond position with hands on foot bar, or wide, use triceps to inhale and push carriage away, exhale return. Flat back.
Rowing Front Series - Hug a Tree - ARMS
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1B (Handles) or 1R (Straps)
Muscular Focus: Core, scapular and trunk stabilizers, pecs and deltoids
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, neutral spine/pelvis, straps in hands hold arms out in front in rounded position, palms face each other, inhale open arms to side, exhale return to start
What are the 4 position options for Rowing Font Series?
- On short box - beginner
- Sitting on carriage, legs criss cross - beginner/intermediate
- Sitting on carriage - legs extended long - harder
- Kneeling - advanced
Rowing Front Series - Shaving Back of Head - ARMS
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1B or 1R
Muscular Focus: Core, triceps, scapular and trunk stabilizers
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, neutral spine/pelvis, slight pitch forward with torso, straps in hands behind head (diamond shape), elbows flexed and open with palms facing back of head. Engage abs and exhale to extend arms overhead to 45, inhale “shave off back of head” to return. 6-10x
Rowing Front Series - Serving Bread - ARMS
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1B or 1R
Muscular Focus: Core, biceps, scapular and trunk stabilizers
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, neutral spine/pelvis, straps in hands, elbows next to ribs, super tall through chest, shoulders down, inhale to reach out to shoulder height or lower, exhale to return, stop elbows at ribs
Rowing Front Series - Tin Soldier - ARMS
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1B or 1R
Muscular Focus: Core, scapular and trunk stabilizers
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, neutral spine/pelvis, straps in hands, elbows bent to 90 at ribs, palms face down, fingers extended, inhale prepare, exhale extend arms straight forward to sternum height, shoulders stay down, inhale get taller as you press arms down to carriage, don’t let arms go behind the body, exhale straight arm extend forward and up toward ceiling, slight pitch in torso, “lift from back”, inhale reach arms around to side and down then return to start. 6-10x
Rowing Front Series - Bonus Arm Variations - Forward Chest Expansion
Set up:
Set up: 1R
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, straps in hands at sides palms forward, lift arms forward in higher than shoulder height, return not allowing arms past hips
Rowing Front Series - Bonus Arm Variations - Barbie Arms
Set up:
Set up: 1R
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, straps in hands palms facing in at hips, elbows slightly bent to ribs, extend arms up and out to eye level and return, do not allow elbows to straighten or bend
Rowing Front Series - Bonus Arms Variations - Barbie Variation I
Set up:
Set up: 1R
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, straps in hands, palms facing in at hips, elbows slight bent to ribs, extend arms up and out to eye level, hold, rotate palms forward, lean torso into frame (peek into window), holding arms and carriage still, push torso back, rotate palms back inward facing and return arms to sides.
Rowing Front Series - Bonus Arm Variations - Satellite Dish Circles
Set up:
Set up:1R
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, straps in hands, arms to sides, palms face in, inhale and raise arms up overhead to 45, make dinner sized circles with arms extended.
Rowing Front Series - Bonus Arm Variations - Boxing
Set up:
Set up: 1B
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, straps in hands, slight forward pitch and rotation of torso, bent elbows, hold straps at waist forward of hips, inhale single arm reaches out diagonally, exhale to return with resistance, rotation occurs at waistline. Work into obliques.
Rowing Front Series - Bonus Arm Variations - Waxing
Set up:
Set up: 1B
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, straps in hands, palms face down, elbows bent at 90 at sides, create slow dinner plate sized circles out in front. 6-8x, reverse.
Rowing Front Series - Bonus Arm Variations - Superman
Set up:
Set up: Never kneeling! 1B
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, straps in hands at front of shoulders, elbows wide or narrow, slight forward pitch of torso, push arms up and out from armpits
Rowing Front Series - Bonus Arm Variations - Salute
Set up:
Set up:Never Kneeling! 1B
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, slight forward pitch of torso, hands in straps, hands to outside of eyebrows under straps, extend and bend
Rowing Front Series - Bonus Arm Variations - Chopping Wood
Set up:
Set up: Never Kneeling! 1B
Position/Movement: Facing foot bar, slight forward pitch of torso, elbows bent and forward facing/narrow, hold straps with fingers laced behind head, inhale extend hands out in front of head, keep shoulders still and down, “chopping wood”, frame eyes with elbows
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1B, handles or straps
Muscular Focus: Core, obliques, truand and scapular stabilizers
Positon/Movement: Sit cross legged or z shape on reformer, side facing, inside hand holds strap, lace both hands together, arms in hug a tree position, rotate body, arms follow, shoulders drop down, activate lats, feel deep abs, turn on obliques, inhale as body rates toward foot bar, exhale rotate back to center 6-12x
What are the 3 variations for Seated Rotation?
- Add lateral flexion, ribs to hips, more obliques
- Opposite hand dominates/pulls the with the strap
- Kneeling instead of sitting
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R
Muscular Focus: Hip, trunk and scapular stabilizers, trunk rotation
Positon/Movement: Side side facing on reformer in Z position, upright as much as possible, inside leg has chin against shoulder blocks, other leg is bent in front, hand is on foot bar. Sit tall, inhale as carriage moves out using hips, sits bones stay grounded, extended arm arcs overhead toward foot bar, shoulders now stacked. Exhale hold carriage still, inhale articulate to return seated using hops and pelvis to lead, spine tall to finish. 3x
What are the 2 variations for Mermaid?
- At end range of mermaid, add torso rotation by placing both hands on foot bar, separated wide and square, spine in flexion, lift into extension - lifting chest through arms
- Stretch up to opposite side - counter stretch
Long Box Series - Pulling Straps - BACK EXTENSION
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1B, Foot bar down for beginner client, left up for other clients
Muscular Focus: Shoulder stabilization, lets, pecs, teres major, deltoids, paraspinals, core, triceps
Position/Movement: Lying on your stomach on the box, rear facing, chest slightly off, thighs supported by box, legs separated - no compression of spine, neutral spine, glutes and abs engaged, inhale roll shoulders back, down, draw straight arms back, skimming outside of the reformer, lift to hip height as torso goes into slight extension, exhale return to start. 6-12x
What are eh 6 variations for Long Box Series - Pulling Straps
- Choke up on ropes or wrap around hands
- Tricep extensions
- Four parts - inhale to prepare, exhale pull straps, inhale lift sternum slight extension, exhale return arms, inhale return torso
- Inhale pull back and lift into extension, circle arms up and around to start position and repeat
- Frame Pull - no straps, hands on rials, thumbs on top of rails, inhale pull arms until hands are aligned under armpits
- Rise Pull - grab risers or tower, elbows narrow or wide. Relax and allow head and chest to lower down as you hold onto the tower for traction stretch
Long Box Series - Pulling Straps II - BACK EXTENSION
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1B or 1R
Muscular Focus:
Position/Movement: Lying on your stomach on the box, rear facing, chest slightly off, thighs supported by box, legs separated - no compression of spine, neutral spine, glutes and abs engaged, hands in straps palms down, arms straight in T position, sternum lifted legs extended with thighs lifted off box, inhale engage core, reach arms back toward hips, exhale to return to start. 6-12x
What are the 2 variations for Long Box Series - Pulling Straps II?
- 2” return holding in each positon
2. Hold straps at various locations: D ring or higher
What is a good exercise on the reformer to strengthen the vmo?
Side line series
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R or 1B, lower foot bar
Muscular Focus: Core, triceps, biceps, lats, pecs, scapular stabilizers
Position/Movement: Grab handles, lie yourself back, head off box, chin to chest, scoop belly, cry baby arms, hug abs in tight, legs in TT, straighten legs to ceiling, legs and arms up, exhale circle arms and legs around (can do smaller size circles with legs or keep legs in TT while arms circle)
What are two progression set up for backstroke?
- No straps, feet on low foot bar, eyesight at belly button, scoop up a little more, perform arms only
- No straps, perform arms and leg circles without straps
What is one variation of backstroke?
Double leg stretch with straps in hands, legs in table top
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R or 1B, Lon box, low foot bar
Muscular Focus:Core, triceps, biceps, lats, pecs scapular stabilizers
Position/Movement: Lying on the box, head and chin tucked into ab curl, shoulder blades off box, legs TT, straps in hands extended to ceiling, circle arms mourned coming up to teaser.
What are 2 modifications for teaser?
- Option to stay in TT
2. Option to just roll up a little bit more
What are 4 variations for teaser?
- Legs extended long, head and chest back and off the box
- Lower and lift arms
- Small circles with the arms
- Serving bread
Single Leg Strap Work
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R or 1B
Muscular Focus:Hip extensors, adductors, core, scapular stabilizers, neutral spine
Position/Movement: One strap in a foot, extend to ceiling, other leg in TT, equal weight in both hips, neutral spine, exhale press leg down, inhale lift it up.
What are 5 variations for single leg strap work?
- Extend other leg to 45 instead of TT
- Add scissors
- Bend both knees in TT, push out with strapped leg
- Push both legs out and in from TT
- Both legs to ceiling, lower both legs down and up together
Side Leg Glute Work with Strap
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R or 1B, strap around knees, or arch of the foot (advanced)
Muscular Focus: Glute, hamstring, core, quad, pelvic floor, vmo
Position/Movement: Lay down on side, align neck
What are the 7 variations for side lying leg flute work with straps?
- Fire Hydrant - no movement of carriage, lift and lower leg
- Knee Circles - draw a circle (hold magic circle for help)
- Clam - carriage will move, heels together, toes apart, knees open and close
- Reaches - knee pulls into chest, exhale straighten leg out, reach hell back, feel back side of leg working
- Straight leg pull down - leg goes in front of body, flex forward, point back)
- Inner Thigh Pull Down - extend leg straight up, point up, flex down
- Straight leg circles - up, out and around, hips/shoulders stay stacked
Semi Circle
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up:1R, pilates V or parallel
Muscular Focus: Core, paraspinals, glutes, hamstrings, spinal articulation, pelvic/shoulder stabilizers
Position/Movement: Straight arms, palms on shoulder blocks, keep pressing against shoulder blocks, ribs knitted, cue bridging, lift hips up, extend legs out, lower hips down towards springs, bend legs in, then reverse
Short Spine
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, 1B or 2R (easier), headrest flat
Muscular Focus: Hamstrings, glute, core, adductors, pelvic stabilizers, spinal articulation
Position/Movement: Scooch away from shoulder blocks, lying supine, neutral spine/pelvis, arms by sides, extend legs to 45; inhale and bring leg up and over, tailbone anchored, exhale engage core and glutes, peel spine off mat and reach legs over, inhale, bend knees into frog, heels together (diamond shape), seat lifted, exhale articulate down, rolling down vertebrae by vertebrae, legs in frog, then extend legs straight to 45 and repeat.
What are 2 modifications for short spine
- Legs extended, frog in roll up spine, roll down, frog out
2. Don’t roll all the way up to shoulder blades, just to bra line
Stomach Massage
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 2R or 2B, 1B (advanced)
Muscular Focus: Core, obliques, spinal erectors
Position/Movement: Flat back, hands behind hips, palms flat, toes on foot bar in 1st position, nice and tall with spine, extend legs out, drop heels under footbar, then lift them up, bring carriage in
What are 2 additional movements to add to Stomach massage?
- Reach arms out, puff chest, perform exercise with arms reaching
- Twist - Reach arms out, puff chest, open out, look as outside fingers, rotate through spine, hips stay square
What are 3 stretches to do in stomach massage position?
- Monkey - toes on bar, hip distance apart, hands on bar outside of feet, extend carriage, allowing spine to flex, drop and raise heels
- Monkey wide - toes widen than hips, hands on bar between feet
- Saw Stretch - Toes wide on bar, one hand on bar diagonally at opposite foot, fee arm reaches back, gaze towards outside arm as carriage extends out on inhale, grow tall and rotate, exhale return
Down Stretch
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, 1B, bar high (lower bar is harder), lose the blue spring - harder
Muscular Focus: Core, scapular and trunk stabilizers, spinal extensors, pelvic floor
Position/Movement: Push out to exhale, keep hips still, no hinging, stay in one line, lift with chest, pull ribs tougher, belly in, keep fingers open, lats activated
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, 1B
Muscular Focus: Core, shoulder, scapular and trunk stabilizer, glutes and hips
Position/Movement: Stabilize through upper body, fingers extended, exhale pull abs in and up, hinge through hips, inhale press carriage out, feet stay planted, exhale return carriage home, think downward dog
Long Stretch
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, 1B, headrest up, 1R- harder
Muscular Focus: Core, shoulder, scapular and trunk stabilizers, glutes and hips
Position/Movement: Feet against shoulder rest, hands on foot bar under shoulders, in a push up position, inhale push carriage out, exhale return to start
What is an option for Long Stretch?
Place box on foot rest, drop to 1R, elbows on box
Chest Expansion
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, handles or straps, long box with flat headrest OR kneeling rear facing
Muscular Focus: Core, lats, spinal and scapular stabilizers
Position/Movement: Facing tower, exhale to press arms back behind hips, shoulder not moving, stalbize upper body, arms are levers, option to turn head side to side with each pull back, fingers open, palms face back
What should you do with the straps if you are kneeling while doing chest expansion?
Choke up on ropes
What are three palm potions with the loops in chest expansion?
- Palms face back
- Palms face in towards thighs
- Palms face forward
6 part chest expansion
- Kneeling with straps, press arms back
- Hinge back with ftat back
- Sit seat back towards heels
- Hinge back up
- Bring body back to tall
- Bring arms forward
Chest Expansion Thigh Stretch
Kneeling, choke up on ropes, pull ropes to hips, inhale prepare, bring chin to chest, exhale as body hinges in one line, inhale lift hips and return to start position
What should you know before 6 part chest expansion?
Thigh stretch
Bonus Arms Variations Rear Facing
Tea Cups/Candles
1B, log box or kneeling
Teacups - Facing tower, feet on headrest, garb handles, palms up, glue elbows to sides, extend arms out to side
Candles - grip handles instead of palms up
Bonus Arms Variations Rear Facing
Tricep Presses
1B, long box or kneeling
Arms extended, hinge body forward, maintain this position, bend elbows keeping arms behind you, lifting out of top of head, long through spine, shoulders down, can choke up on ropes if too easy
Bonus Arms Variations Rear Facing
Tiny Circles
1B, long box or kneeling
Straight arms behind you, pull arms back, tiny circles holding arms back
Bonus Arms Variations Rear Facing
Reverse Fly’s
1B, long box or kneeling
Plans face each other, arms at shoulder height, open arms out to sides, still see arms in peripheral
Bonus Arms Variations Rear Facing
Bicep curls
1B or 1B, long box or kneeling
Fingers looking up, elbows resting on imaginary table, co-contract bicep with tricep
Option to tuck tail under, scoop, round back, hold, bicep curl
Bonus Arms Variations Rear Facing
1R or 1B, long box or kneeling
Palms face down row to shoulders or palms face in to row narrow to hips
Bonus Arms Variations Rear Facing
1B or 1R, long box or kneeling, straps in hands or around elbows
Arms bend to shoulder height, open to a chest stretch position, maintain rope tension
Bonus Arms Variations Rear Facing
Church Steeple
1B or 1R, long box or kneeling, straps in hands or around elbows
Carriage should move, reach directly up, keep elbows open, tall spine
Bonus Arms Variations Rear Facing
Dowel through Straps
Bicep Curls
1B or 1R, long box or kneeling
Elbows bent and anchored to slightly anterior ribs
Scoop core or remain upright
Bonus Arms Variations Rear Facing
Dowel through Straps
Reverse Curl/Forearm lift
1R or 1B, long box or kneeling
Palms face down, glue elbows to sides, lift hands up OR
Straight arms, lift and lower
Long spine stretch
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 2R, 1R&1B- harder, headrest down
Muscular Focus: Core, hamstrings, spinal articulation, shoulder and trunk stabilizers, ab and adductors
Position/Movement: Feet in straps, bring legs into frog, inhale to prepare, exhale push out to straight legs, inhale, bring legs to 90, arms long, press palms down, exhale, peel spine up, toes to ceiling, open legs wider than hips, no movement of carriage, roll spine down, once tailbone touches mat, circle legs out and up together. Reverse - legs separate, then roll up, close legs, lower spine down, circle around
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, 1B or 1R - harder, headrest flat
Muscular Focus: Core, spinal articulation, triceps and shoulder stabilizers
Position/Movement: Start in TT, lower arms and legs to 45, arms stay down, fold legs over Boyd, pike legs up to ceiling and roll down keeping toes towards ceiling, legs back to TT
Front Splits
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, 1B or 1R - intermediate
Muscular Focus: Stretch hamstrings and hip flexors, balance
Position/Movement: Kneeling on mat, foot supported by shoulder block, other foot on gray legs, shin against bar, chest up, push carriage out, no dumping into hips, straighten out top leg, option to take foot on top of foot bar to increase stretch. More advanced - stand on carriage, one leg on foot bar, other leg against shoulder block; chest lifted, look straight ahead, push out to straight leg. Add pikes - use abs, pelvic floor, add arms reaching out to advance.
Russian Splits
Set up:
Set up: 1R, 1Y, headrest up
Position/Movement: Face tower, hands on shoulder blocks, stand on carriage, one foot to edge of footbar, on toes, other foot to headrest, straighten out front leg, then bend it in. Add on - keep leg straight for pikes
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, 1B or !R, 1Y
Muscular Focus: Lumbo-pelvic stability, core, scapular stabilizers, quads, hip flexors
Position/Movement: Keeling on mat, hold footbar, push out to plank, bend knees in and out, exhale as you pull knees in. Option to take box on footbar, lighten spring, elbows on box
Set up:
Set up: 1R
Position/Movement: Kneeling on mat, hold footbar, push out to plank, extend one leg out, hovering about carriage, bend standing knee, as standing leg extends, bend other leg into chest, one knee bends, one extends, alternate. Should feel abs not quad!
Up stretch I, II, III
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, 1B (beginner) or 1R (intermediate)
Muscular Focus: Core, shoulder, scapular and trunk stabilization, glutes, hips
Position/Movement: Do Elephant first.
I. On toes, holding foot bar, hips over ankles, thumbs in line with index fingers, push carriage out and in.
II. Start in up stretch position I, on toes, drop down to plank, pike back up to upstrech position, lifting up through abs, pause to hold plank, then pike up
III. Once in plank position, add long stretch. Down to plank, forward movement, lift chest up, bringing carriage in, then pike up and move carriage out - combo of up stretch I and II
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, 1B (beginner), 1R (intermediate)
Muscular Focus: Core, quads, hamstrings and shoulder girdle
Position/Movement: To get on the carriage - hand-foot, hand-foot. Plank position, holder one foot, pick up as you lift leg, then back to plank, hovering leg again, use abs and legs to pull carriage in.
Rowing I & II
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, headrest flat
Muscular Focus: Core, scapular and trunk stabilzers, deltoids, biceps, triceps and lats
Position/Movement: Rear facing, legs through shoulder blocks, straps in hands, palms face out, bend elbows and bring knuckles together, looking at outside of wrist, exhale abs in, tuck tail, coming back to c-spine, inhale open palms out to back of room, carriage not moving, exhale diver forward, and press arms behind you, inhale hold stretch, exhale circle arms up and around forwards towards feet, take stretch, inhale and roll up to start.
I - scoop, II is flat back
Bonus Arm Variations Side Facing - strap in inside hand (6) Set up: Position/Movement: 1. Wiper 2. Yoho 3. One Arm Hug a Tree 4. Hug a Moon 5. Star 6. Libery
Set up: 1B, cross legged, long box or kneeling, strap or handle
1. Wiper - Spine tall, elbow into ribs, shoulder down, palm in to body, open back up, hand in line with elbow, to increase resistance, move body towards footbar
2. Yoho - Like rubbing your belly. Depress shoulders, palms face in towards body
3. One Arm Hug a Tree - As if you had straps in both hands, exalted draw fingertips towards one another, inhale open, shoulder down, ribs knitted
4. Hug a Moon - Finger sips up, as if you had straps in both hands, move arms tougher, dopping shoulders, shoulder blades pulled down, modify - smaller range of motion
5. Star - Arms extended, palms up, bend elbow, exhale reach it up and over, add lateral flexion, stay strong through center of core
6. Liberty - Elbow bent, arm in front of shoulder, string up like an elevator
Bonus Arm Variations - Strap in outside hand Set up: Position/Movement: 1. Teacups 2. Candles 3. Reverse Yoho 4. Sward 5. Swaqity 6. Archer
Set up: 1B, cross legged, long box or kneeling, strap or handle
1. Teacups - palm up, elbow to waist, exhale open out to side, elbow stays glued
2. Candles - thumb up, palm in, open out to side, gripping handle or loop
3. Reverse yoho - Elbow bent, bring elbow up towards ceiling, maintaining elbow bend
4. Sword - hand at hip, exhale open up to side, palm face out, like drawing a sword
5. Swaqity - loops - palm down, handles - palm in, arm at shoulder height, elbow bent, stirring a pot of soup
6. Archer - kneeling, face to side, a couple inches away from shoulder blocks, knees aligned with front shoulder block, inside hand to front shoulder block, looking at inside hand, push hips foward, puff chest out, push outside elbow back, bend and extend outside arm
Standing splits
Set up:
Muscular Focus:
Set up: 1R, 1Y - lighter springs = harder
Muscular Focus: Pelvic stabilizers, abductors and glutes
Position/Movement: Step onto ledge, then step other foot on the carriage, spine tall, inhale to push carriage out with both legs, exhale squeeze inner thighs together and give the stopper a hug, equal weight distribution, standing tall, tailbone tucked under, knitting ribs, abs in, other thighs push out, inner thighs pull in. Option to add arms out to shoulder height as carriage pushes out or hands on hips or keep arms extended.
Standing splits position, hands behind low back, hinge forward, sit back, weight back, straight out leg and bend in, standing leg does not move, abs in and glutes on