Pilates Philosophy Flashcards
*What are the 9 Principles of Pilates?
- Core
- Breathing
- Postural Alignment
- Form/Precision/Control
- Balance/Centering/Concentration
- Stamina
- Relaxation
- Mind Body Conditioning
- Flow
What makes up the core?
TA, Pelvic Floor, Diaphragm and Multifidus = Cage
What’s another name for breathing?
Internal Shower
What does alignment have a direct correlation to?
And what can that lead to?
Posture; disruption of this posture leads to pain, accelerated wear and tear, muscular imbalances and energy drain.
What kind of movement is Pilates?
What is required to focus the mind on the principles?
Mindful Movement
Intention and Attention
What is Proprioception?
The sense the body has about where it is in space.
How is stamina achieved in Pilates?
Exercises are designed to flow from one to the other so the “down time: is minimal and almost creates a circuit training effect the requires endurance.
How is relaxation promoted in Pilates?
By controlled movements and deep breath work, which has an effect on the nervous system promoting calmness and centering.
What is Mind Body Conditioning?
Concentration the Pilates requires to focus on what is being done thus connecting the mind to the body.
What is the focus of flow?
Grace and fluidity; dynamic movement
*What is MR PSC BFF?
Mind Body Conditioning Relaxation Postural Alignment Stamina Core Balance Form Flow
Breathing Intention: Position/Movement: Muscular Focus: Monitor: Cueing: Modifications: Remedial Exercises:
Intention: Internal Shower
Position/Movement: Posterior-Lateral Breath into the lower rib area
Muscular Focus: Diaphragm, Muscles of respiration
Monitoring: Chest/belly breathing, holding/short breath, noisy breathing
Cueing: Foggy breath to activate TA, Breathe in thru your nose and open lower rib area allowing back to open and spread out away from spine, Inhale breathing into the back, ribs open to side, Maintain core connection during inhalation, Maintain abs pulled in - avoid pooch
Modifications: Allow natural breathing while learning a complicated movement, then add back in the breathing
Cross train the breath
Remedial: 1. Fogging, exhale to “fog” a mirror and draw rib cage together lacing imaginary corset. On next inhale, keep ab contraction. Jaw and neck relaxed. 2. Posterior Lateral Breath: wrap a Thera band around ribcage holding or thin it in the front, have client visualize expanding and stretching the Thera band out to the sides on the inhale and relaxing it on the exhale.
What does Inhalation facilitate?
Extension and rotation (decompression of the spine); promotes lengthening
What does Exhalation facilitate?
Relaxation of the back muscles and torso flexion; stabilizes lumbar spine
What does Nasal Breath do?
Relaxes the mind and body
What do the numbers on the clock refer to?
12 - Belly Button
6 - Pelvic Floor
3 - Left Hip
9 - Right Hip
How to find neutral spine in hook lying?
- On back, feet on ground, palms down, ASIS and pubic bone should be horizontally level. Imagine a glass of water resting on lower abs.
- 12 and 6 should remain pressed in the mat, vertebrae in between in a soft, natural arch - small mouse hole.
How to find neutral spine in side lying?
Stack hips, reach long with top left, make a mouse house
How to find neutral spine in prone?
On stomach, hips down, belly up
How to find neutral spine in plank?
On forearms, toes - no collapse in shoulders or low back
How to find neutral spine seated?
Bend legs, ASIS aligned vertically
How to find neutral spine standing, kneeling?
Ears over shoulder, shoulders over hips, hips over knees
Modifications for finding neutral spine
- Pillow as needed under lower back= neutral or under tail = tuck/post. tilt
- Imprint spine
Cueing for neutral spine
- Anchor tail
- Balance a cup of water on ribs or lower abs
- Mouse house
- Align ASIS with pubic bone
What is the multifidus?
Muscles in the lumbar area that attach to the spinal column
*What are the 4 layers of abs?
- TA
- Internal OB (going down)
- External OB (going up)
- Rectus Abs
What area of the body is the cervical spine located?
What are the 4 muscles that are major joint stabilizers for the lower back?
- TA
- Multifidus
- Gluteus Maximus
- Psoas muscle - co-contractor of Glutes
Head/Neck Position
Intention: Neck muscles and neck alignment, elongation
Monitor: Neck shearing, chin over tucking, hypertension/break at the neck when in the prone position
Cueing: Draw chin back while puling up thru crown; pull neck out of shoulders like a turtle, keeping neck long; tuck chin as if holding a peach under chin
Modifications: Pillow under neck to assist natural C curve; allow neck to rest and eliminate head lifts during exercises; place prop behind head/shoulders to shorten range of motion
Bad posture affects the neck, by “locking” it. What are the results of this?
Locked Long - weak
Locked short - tight
What is the best question to ask your client before their session?
How is your body feeling today?