Mat Work Flashcards
Pelvic Curl
Muscles Used:
Intention: Spine/pelvis stability/flexibility & hamstring work
Muscles Used: Hamstrings, core, parspinals
Position/Movement: Hook lying, imprinted spine, engage core, inhale prepare, exhale lift hips up by rolling spine up one vertebra at a time, inhale hold, exhale articulate each vertebra to lower down
Muscles Used:
Intention: Circulation, breathing
Muscles Used: Core, lats, deltoids, pecs (co-contractors with lats) and triceps
Position/Movement: Lying supine, knees bent or at TT, inhale prepare, exhale, allow head and shoulders to lift up, maintain neutral spine, chin tucked, arms to side, hovering off floor, energize fingers, pump arms up and down in small range, long inhale 5 reps, exhale for 5 reps, 20 sets max
Roll Up
Muscles Used:
Intention: Spinal articulation and hamstring stretch
Muscles Used: Core and hip flexors
Position/Movement: Lying supine, legs extended and squeezed together, feet flexed, arms overhead, inhale to prepare, exhale raise arms in line with ears, allow head and shoulders to lift, peeling spine off of floor, continue to reach over toes into a C shape with spine. Inhale, hold, exhale naval to spine roll back as spine articulates to floor, engage glutes and control the descent with arms reaching forward, when shoulder blades touch floor, float arms overhead
Muscles Used:
Intention: Spinal articulation
Muscles Used: Hip flexors, core, shoulder stabilizers, triceps
Position/Movement: Footprints first, lying supine, legs extended towards ceiling, arms along sides, palms down, inhale to prepare, exhale lift hips up with core, fold from hips, reach legs overhead towards floor behind, roll only to top of shoulders, touch toes to floor, inhale open legs shoulder width, exhale roll spine down with control using core, returning legs to up position
Single Leg Circles
Muscles Used:
Intention: Hip joint mobility, core and pelvic stability
Muscles Used: Hip flexors, hamstrings, ad/abductors, core
Position/Movement: Lying supine, legs extended, lift one leg to ceiling, neutral spine/pelvis, core engaged, controlled dinner plate size circle (inhale across midline, exhale as leg moves down and away, stop back to center). Reverse
Rolling Like a Ball
Muscles Used:
Intention: Spinal Massage, Balance
Muscles Used: Core, Hip flexors
Position/Movement: Seated with knees bent, at shoulder width, hold ankles from outside, gaze toward engaged core, spine is flexed, balance on sacrum, inhale roll back to shoulder blades, exhale to return to balance position
Single Leg Stretch
Muscles Used:
Intention: Length and stretch of body and core
Muscles Used: Core, hip extensors/flexors
Position/Movement: Lying supine legs slightly closer than TT, curl up to bottoms of shoulder blades, clasp one knee with opposite hand, same side hand gently holds outside of ankle, elbows out, other leg reaches away, switch legs smoothly, slow inhaled and slow exhale, stay curled up
Double Leg Stretch
Muscles Used:
Intention: Length and stretch of body, core
Muscles Used: Core, hip flexors/extensors, shoulders
Position/Movement: Lying supine, legs slightly closer than TT, curl up to bottom of shoulder blades and clasp shins, inhale and extend legs to 45, arms go overhead simultaneously side of ears, stay curled up with head, exhale to circle arms around and return to knees
Muscles Used:
Intention: Hamstring stretch, core
Muscles Used: Core, hip flexors, hamstrings, lats
Position/Movement: Lying supine, inhale to prepare, exhale allow head and shoulders to curl up extending one leg to ceiling, other leg long and 2” off the floor, hold top leg with both hands at ankle, elbows wide. Stretch/pulse leg towards you 2x using core, scissor switch the leg, keeping them straight
Spine Stretch
Muscles Used:
Intention: Spinal flexion, articulation, hamstring stretch and pelvis stabilization
Muscles Used: Core, hip flexors, spinal erectors, neutral pelvis
Position/Movement: Seated legs extended and apart, wider than hips, relaxed feet, arms extended forward shoulder high and width, inhale and lengthen spine tall, exhale to scoop abs and thoracic spine, maintain upright pelvis, flexing forward as if over a ball, chin to chest, hold, inhale and sequentially roll up using core, imagining a wall behind you
Open Leg Rocker
Muscles Used:
Intention: Spinal massage, balance
Muscles Used: Hip flexors, core
Position/Movement: Seated with knees bent and open shoulder width, toes together on floor, hold ankles with hands from outside, pelvis tilts posterior, entire spine is flexed, balance on sacrum engage and gaze at core, extend legs up and open, inhale roll back to shoulder blades, exhale return to balance position and sit up into a neutral spine
Muscles Used:
Intention: Limbo-pelvic stability, core/hip mobility
Muscles Used: Hip flexors/rotators, core, quadrates lumborum
Position/Movement: Lying supine arms along sides, legs extended up relaxed and parallel, relax shoulders, inhale as legs drift slightly to the side then slightly down and around to the other side, back to center on exhale (circle in the air) and stop. Maintain pelvis anchored to mat, use breath, and core, reverse.
Muscles Used:
Intention: Hamstring stretch, obliques, rotation and flexion/pelvis stabilization
Muscles Used: Hip flexors, core, quadratus lumborum
Position/Movement: Seated legs extended and apart wider than hips, flexed feet, arms extended out to sides at shoulder height, keep in peripheral vision, inhale lengthen spine tall and rotate from above the pelvis, exhale scoop core and thoracic spine to c shape, flexing forward chin to chest, reach pinky to little toe of opposite foot, opposite arm opens and lengthens away and back, gaze is nose to knee, inhale hold, exhale sequentially roll up and then rotate to center using core, imagine a wall behind you.
Swan Dive
Muscles Used:
Intention: Spinal extension
Muscles Used: Spinal erectors, gluten, hamstrings, core
Position/Movement: Perform rocking cobra 2-3 times prior to doing position to gather slight momentum. Prone, palms on floor at shoulders (cobra) legs extended with a slight turnout and open hip distance, engage core, press chest up on inhale neck in alignment with back, exhale to lower the upper body as legs simultaneously lift 2-3 reps, during next lowering phase arms quickly extended out in front like superman flight and continue rocking movement
Single Leg Kick
Muscles Used:
Intention: Stretch thighs and hips flexors, spinal extension
Muscles Used: Core, hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, serrates (anterior, under armpit, holds shoulder down and connects to lat), lats
Position/Movement: Prone, upper body propped up on elbows aligned under shoulders, lace hands together, legs extended and slightly apart, engage core, on 3 small inhales, bent knee with flexed foot, squeezes towards glutes 3x quickly, exhale lift thigh, with pointed foot slowly lengthen leg to mat, switch sides, tempo is quick
Double Leg Kick
Muscles Used:
Intention: Stretch shoulders, spinal extension
Muscles Used: Core, hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors
Position/Movement: Prone, turn head to one side, lace hands together mid to upper back, shoulders relax to mat, legs extended and slightly apart, inhale to prepare, engage core, bend knees, flexed feet, squeeze towards glutes 3x on 3 quick exhales keeping glutes and inner thigh engaged, on inhale lift head and upper body and look center as legs extend back pressed into the mat with arms reaching back opening chest chin tucked, neck long, exhale lower to start position, head switches sides
Neck Pull
Muscles Used:
Intention: Hamstring stretch, core, spinal articulation
Muscles Used: Core, hip flexors
Position/Movement: Lying supine legs extended hip distance apart, flexed parallel feet, hands behind head to create neck traction, inhale prepare, exhale tuck chin curl up peeling spine off floor, continue forward arms reach over toes into a lifted c shape of entire spine. Inhale hold, exhale navel to spine roll back up to seated, return hands behind head, inhale hold, exhale posterior tilt pelvis first, begin rolling back, engage glutes and control the descent with elbows reaching open, lower body remains fixed.
Criss Cross
Muscles Used:
Intention: Rotation/core
Muscles Used: Core, spinal rotators, hip flexors, glutes, obliques
Position/Movement: Supine, lift legs one at a time to TT, hands behind head, inhale prepare, exhale curl up keeping shoulder blades off mat; elbows open, inhale armpit reaches to opposite knee as other leg extends, exhale switch, focus on torso rotation and length of legs
Spine Twist
Muscles Used:
Intention: Rotation, obliques, deep breath work, pelvis stabilization
Muscles Used: Core, spinal rotators, hip flexors, obliques
Position/Movement: Seated legs extend and apart slightly wider than hips, flexed feet, arms extended to sides shoulder height in peripheral vision, lengthen spine tall, rotate from above the pelvis on an inhale perform 3 pulses/reaches; exhale engage core to return to center, reverse
Muscles Used:
Intention: Spinal articulation, hip differentiation
Muscles Used: Core, hip flexors, triceps, shoulder stabilizers
Position/Movement: Lying supine extend legs to 90 one leg at time, parallel and squeezing together, arms along sides palms down, inhale to prepare, exhale lift hips up with core, fold from hips continue to reach legs overhead towards floor, roll only to top of shoulders, inhale snap legs up to Jackknife position toes towards ceiling using hips forward into a shoulder stand, lower feet only slightly towards head, exhale to soften sternum and use core to lower spine back to the mat with control, legs at 90
Side Lying Legs
Muscles Used:
Intention: Mobility of hip joint, pelvic stability
Muscles Used: Glutes, core, hams, quads
Position/Movement: Lying side, shoulders and hips staked, head down on outstretched arm, palm up; opposite arm on floor in front, spider fingers, feet relaxed, then move legs to a light forward angle (banana), neutral spine/pelvis, core engaged, mouse house
Muscles Used:
Position/Movement (Progression):
Intention: Core, balance, articulation Muscles Used: Core, hip flexors Position/Movement: Progression 1. Arms up in the air, palms face each other, reach arms behind you, ribs stay connected, if ribs lift, stop, circle arms around to hips as you lift head off mat 2. Curl spine all the way up to seated 3. Extend on leg, then switch legs 4. Stay in in TT, balance on sits bones 5. From TT, extend legs to 45, balance on sits bones
Can Can
Muscles Used:
Intention: Coordination, chest and shoulder stretch, mobilize low back
Muscles Used: Spinal rotators, core, obliques, hip flexors, shoulder stabilizers
Position/Movement: Start on forearms first, puff chest up, elbows down, abs in, legs one unit. Lets at TT, inhale, legs float to right, hold, using obliques, exhale back to center, go to the other side. Stabilize upper body! Add leg extension while rotated to side. Add giraffe arms (arms extended behind you), wider stance, roll shoulders back
Hip Circles
Muscles Used:
Intention: Coordination, core, chest and shoulder stretch
Muscles Used: Core, obliques, shoulder/torso stabilization
Position/Movement: Seated with arms behind, palms down, (giraffe stance), bend needs to chest, balance on sacrum, pelvis tucked, chest lifted, legs one unit, straighten towards ceiling (teaser position), hips stay down to inhale legs drifting right, continue down to make a circle, exhaling up with core to stop, reverse.
Muscles Used:
Intention: Spinal extension/length
Muscles Used: Glutes, hams, core, spinal erectors
Position/Movement: Prone, rest forehead on towel, arms extended out in front, legs separated to decompress the spine, palms down, engage core, tuck dial to protect lower back. Lift one arm, lower, then the other. Lift one leg, lower, then the other. Lift left arm, right leg, lower, then reverse.Lift arms and legs, start to swim, breath is normal
Leg Pull Down
Muscles Used:
Intention: Achilles and calf stretch, pelvis and shoulder stability
Muscles Used: Spinal erectors, serrates anterior, pecs, glutes, hams, shoulder stabilizers, core
Position/Movement: Plank position, hands under armpits, reach heels away, inhale lift one leg up to hip height, exhale to lower down, alternate. Controlled and deliberate! Equal weight distribution in hand (tripod wrist). Hips stay square.
Leg Pull Up
Muscles Used:
Intention: Hip differentiation. pelvic/shoulder stability
Muscles Used: Core, hip flexors, spinal erectors, QL, glutes, hams, shoulder stabilizers
Position/Movement: Seated upright with legs extended, squeezing together, feet pointed, arms by side, palms down, lift hips up off mat, aligning neck, shoulders, and hips (reverse plank), inhale to lift one leg straight and high, exhale to lower, alternate. Back is stable. Option to do work on forearms and elbows on box. Microbend in knees or elbows to avoid hyper-extnetion.
Side Kick Kneeling
Muscles Used:
Intention: Stability, balance
Muscles Used: Glutes, core, abductors, hams
Position/Movement: Kneeling, place hand on mat, in line with knee, top hand behind head, elbow up, reach top leg to side in line with kneeling knee, pull up through hips and lengthen from head to toe, engage core, inhale to lift leg, flex foot to kick to front at hip height, exhale to point foot and pull leg back.
What stretch should be done after Side Kick Kneeling?
Child’s Pose
What are 3 variations for Side Kick Kneeling?
- Take leg further into extension (back) during exercise
- Lower and lift leg
- Hamstring curls to back
Side Bend
Muscles Used:
Intention: Balance, stretch raises, ribcage, shoulder strength
Muscles Used: Spinal erectors/rotators, QL, core, obliques, shoulder girdle
Position/Movement: Side side seated on one hip, legs slightly bend, top foot in front of bottom foot, place palm down directly under shoulder, top hand rests at side, inhale to prepare, exhale engage obliques, press up to balance, shoulders and feet aligned, raise arm over ear, inhale hold, exhale lower arms and hips to start position. No dumping into arm - shoulder will hike and arm will be locked. Option to keep hips on ground and perform arm overhead side stretch only
What are the 3 variations for Side Bend?
- During plank phase of exercise, small pulses of hips
- Twist - lower top arm towards floor, rotating through upper back on inhale, exhale return to tall
- Twist II - exhale, reach top arm towards floor and reach it under and through body, pushing hips up towards ceiling, chest out, tail out
Muscles Used:
Intention: Balance, shoulder stretch, coordination, flow, hamstring stretch
Muscles Used: Core, muscle control
Position/Movement: Seated tall, legs extended and ankles crossed, palms down at sides, inhale to prepare, exhale push through hands, scoop core and roll back to shoulders bringing legs overhead parallel to floor, inhale reverse ankle position, exhale roll down on e vertebrae at a time, rolling up to a teachers position with arms reaching, inhale hold balance and move arms back, reaching behind you, clapping hands, chest open, exhale fall forward with control, inhale bring arms around and forward, round forward, nose to knee, exhale to roll up though spine to start position. Repeat.
Muscles Used:
Intention: Balance, coordination, spinal massage, cool down
Muscles Used: Core, adductors
Position/Movement: Seated tall with knees bent, toes touching, reach arms through inside of legs, wrapping hands around to hold ankles on the outside; spine flexed into c shape. balance on sits bones, engage core, inhale to roll back to shoulder blades, exhale to return to balance position, stay scooped, balance and use hip joints to clap feet together.
Push up
Muscles Used:
Intention: Upper body strength
Muscles Used: Scapular stabilization, serratus anterior, pes, triceps
Position/Movement: Standing, feet in pilates v, arms reach overhead, inhale to prepare, exhale dive/roll down, tucking chin, articulate one vertebrae at a time, core up/tail under, try to touch hands to floor, inhale, walk froward in 3 counts to a push up position, hands under shoulders, exhale to organize, inhale, start to perform 3 pushups, push hips up to down dog, walk hands back to feet in 3 counts, exhale roll up, articulating through the spine. Repeat 3x