Reflexes Flashcards
Why is reflex testing used?
It is a diagnostic tool used to assess the condition of a person’s nervous system.
I.e the spinal cord/brain
Distorted, exaggerated or absence may indicate damage to a particular part.
Are reflexes voluntary or involuntary?
They are rapid involuntary responses to stimuli occurring over simple nerve pathways.
What is a reflex are composed of?
● Receptor
● Sensory neurons
● Integration centre (synapse in cns)
● Motor neurons
● Effector
What is the Pupillary reflex used for ?
Assess brain trauma and deterioration of brain tissue.
By shining a light in one eye whilst covering the other. Pupils should constrict briskly.
Both eyes should be equal .
What happens in the deep tendon reflex?
If you tap on the tendin of a muscle, it contracts.
Its synergists contract and its antagonists are inhibited aka POLYSYNAPTIC reflex.
What part of the spine does the deep tendon BICEPS test?
Upper limb
What part of the spine does the deep tendon TRICEPS test?
What part of the spine does the deep tendon brachioradialis test?
The lower limb deep tendon reflex which tests the knee, is also known as………….?
patellar reflex
Which assesses the nerves between the region of the spinal cord between lumber 2 and 4(L3/4)
Elicated by sharply tapping just below the knee with the base of a Taylor Hammer.
The lower limb deep tendon Ankle reflex is also known as…………..?
Achilles which tests L5/S1.
What is the name given to superficial spinal reflex?
Planter reflex
How is the planter reflex elicited?
By firmly drawing the handle of a Taylor hammer along the lateral border of the foot from the heel to the toe.
NORMAL adult response: toes flex and move together away from body.
NORMAL baby response: toes flare and bug toe moves upwards. Aka. Babinski reflex
When examining reflexes, what principles must be observed?
1) relaxed patient
2) identify tendon
3) single, well directed strike
4) identify reaction
- visible limb movement
- visible muscle contraction
- palpable muscle contraction
5) reinforcement techniques
6) more than one method to get reaction
At birth infant reflexes are primitive. If they aren’t present at birth. What can that indicate?
Lack of development of the Central Nervous System
What are primitive reflexes superseded and when does this occur?
Postural reflexes which are voluntary responses and occurs between 6-12 months of life.
List some involuntary permanent reflexes present at birth
Breathing reflex
Eye blink reflex
Pupillary reflex
Swallowing reflex
What is the rooting reflex?
It is an infant reflex only -absense can indicate something is wrong.
When stroking a babies cheek, baby moves mouth towards the cheek.
What is the Moro reflex?
Present only in infants.
Sudden startle causes babies arms to throw outwards.
Disappears around 6 months
What is the gallant reflex?
Present only in infants.
When babies skin is stroked on one side of back, baby turns back towards that side.
What is the palmer reflex?
Present only in infants.
Baby closes hands around any object in palm.
What is the stepping reflex?
Present only in infants.
When baby is held upright, baby does a walking motion.
What is the Glasgow coma scale and when is it used?
The Glasgow coma scale is used to assess the severity of brain injury and prognosis.
It has 3 components. EYE, VERVAL, MOTOR
The glasgow coma scale provides a score in the range of 3-15; patients with scores of 3-8 are usually said to be in a coma.