Reflexes Flashcards
Stretch Reflex (Deep Tendon, Myotatic)
Stimulus: Rapid stretch of muscle, excites primary and secondary sensory neurons
Normal response: Stretched muscle contracts, also excites synergist and inhibits antagonist muscles
UMD: Hyperreflexia, Clonus
Autogenic Inhibition
Stimulus: Large force on tendon excites GTO
Normal response: Muscle tension decreases; inhibits synergist; excites antagonist muscles
UMD: Clasped Knife reflex - forceful stretch is muscle is first resisted then collapses
Flexor Reflex - Protective avoidance reflex
Stimulus: Sharp, painful stimulus - excites cutaneous pain receptors
Normal response: Limb is rapidly withdrawn from stimulus; inhibits extensors of same limb and excites extensors of opposite limb
UMD: Babinski sign - toes extend to cutaneous stimulus of sole of foot
Pupillary Light Reflex - II to III
Stimulus: Shine light in eye
Sensory: Optic nerve
Response: Excite constrictor of pupil - III short ciliary nerves
Clinical: Check II, absence can indicate catastrophe
Corneal Reflex - V to VII
Stimulus: Touch cornea of eye with cotton
Sensory: Long ciliary nerves (V1), somatic sensory
Response: Close eye (VII branchiomotor)
Clinical: Test for damage to V1 sensory, VII mtor
Gag Reflex - IX to X
Test: Touch Posterior tongue, oropharynx
Sensory: Visceral sensory in IX
Response: Excite muscles of pharynx, palate - X branchiomotor
Clinical: Symptoms of X damage - patient says ahh, soft palate not elevated on ipsilateral side, uvula deviated away from lesion
Jaw Jerk Reflex (Stretch reflex) - V to V
Stimulus: Tap down on mandible - stretch muscles of mastication
Sensory: Excites muscle spindles in V
Response: Contract muscles that elevate mandible - V3 motor
Clinical: Hyporeflexia indicates V damage