Ref Ranges, Formulas, Mnemonics Flashcards
Formula for Absorbance
2 - log%T
NOTE: The relationship between absorbance and %T is LOGARITHMIC
Formula for Absorbance under Beer-lambert’s law
A = εbc
ε = molar absorptivity (L/ mol x cm)
b = light path (cm)
c = concentration of analyte (mol/L)
Units for Molar Absorptivity
L/(mol x cm)
Ref: Serum Osm
280 - 300 mmol/kg
Ref: Osmol Gap
<10 mmol/kg
Formula for Osmolal Gap
Osmolal gap (mOsm/kg) = Measured osmolality (mOsm/kg) - Calculated osmolality (mmol/L)
Formula for Calculated Osmolality
[2Na+] + [glucose] + [urea] = mmol/L
Ref: pH
7.35 - 7.45
Ref: pCO2
35 - 45 mm Hg
Ref: pO2
70 - 90 mm Hg
Ref: HCO3-
20 -27 mmol/L
Ref: Sodium
133 - 146 mmol/L
Sodium Crit
<125 OR >155 mmol/L
Ref: Potassium
3.5 - 5.0 mmol/L
Potassium Crit
<2.6 OR >6.2 mmol/L
Ref: Chloride
96 - 109 mmol/L
Ref: Calcium
2.10 - 2.60 mmol/L
Calcium Crit
<1.65 OR >3.25 mmol/L
Ref: Magnesium
0.70 - 1.00 mmol/L
Magnesium Crit
<0.40 OR >1.90 mmol/L
Ref: Phosphorus (phosphate)
0.80 - 1.45 mmol/L
Phosphorus Crit
<0.40 mmol/L
Ref: Anion Gap
4 - 16 mmol/L
Ref: Osmolality (serum)
280 - 300 mmol/kg
Ref: Osmolal gap
<10 mOsm/kg
Ref: Serum total protein
64 - 84 g/L
Ref: Serum albumin
30 - 45 g/L
Ref: 24 hr Urine Total Protein
<0.5 g/volume
Ref: CSF total protein
0.15 - 0.45 g/L
Concentration of dsDNA when A(260) = 1.000
50 µg/mL
Concentration of ssDNA when A(260) = 1.000
33 µg/mL
Concentration of ssRNA when A(260) = 1.000
40 µg/mL
Which formula is used to calculate the reagent amounts required for endpoint PCR ?
C1V1 = C2V2
How is Tm of PCR primers calculated ?
Tm = 4(G+C) + 2(A+T)
What A(260/280) is considered “pure” for DNA ?
What A(260/280) ratio is considered “pure” for RNA ?
What A(260/230) ratio is considered “pure” for both DNA and RNA ?
Approximately 2.0 - 2.2
Ref: ALP
Female: 30 -130
Male: 30 - 130
Ref: LD
Female: 100 - 225
Male: 100 - 225
Ref: ALT
Female: <40
Male: <60
ALT - alanine transaminase
Ref: AST
Female: <35
Male: <45
AST - aspartate aminotransferase
Ref: CK
Female: <200
Male: <250
CT - Creatine kinase
Ref: GGT
Female: <80
Male: <80
GGT - gamma glutamyltransferase
Ref: AMY
Female: 30 - 150
Male: 30 - 150
AMY - Amylase
Ref: LIP
Female: 0 - 60
Male: 0 - 60
LIP - Lipase
Ref: urine pH
4.5 - 8.0
Ref: Urobilinogen
< 16 μmol/L
Ref: SG
1.005 - 1.030
SG - Specific gravity
Mnemonic: Colored urine = False Pos
“broke LPNs” have (+) colored urine
B - bilirubin
Uro - uro bilinogen
K - ketones
L - leukocytes
P - proteins
N - nitrite
Mnemonic: Colored urine = False Pos
“broke LPNs” have (+) colored urine
B - bilirubin
Uro - uro bilinogen
K - ketones
L - leukocytes
P - proteins
N - nitrite
Mnemonic: High SG = False Neg
“sweet, bloody nitrites!” I hate (-) it when my drink is too dense
Glucose, Blood, Nitrites
Mnemonic: High [ascorbate] = False Neg
“luke glues bloody bills at night” when he drinks too much orange juice; it’s a bad (-) habit
Leuk - ocytes
Glu - cose
Blood - y
Bil - irubin
Nit - rites
Ref: Iron
8-35 μmol/L
40-75 μmol/L
Ref: Saturation Index
Female: 0.12 - 0.60
Male: 0.10 - 0.55
Ref: Ferritin
Female: 20 - 300 μg/L
Male: 30 - 500 μg/L
Ref: Transferrin
1.8 - 4.5 g/L
Ref: Total bilirubin
<20 μmol/L
Ref: Conjugated (direct) bilirubin
<7 μmol/L
Ref: eGFR
> 60 mL/ min/ 1.73 m2
Ref: Creatinine Clearance
1.30 - 2.30 mL/ sec/ 1.73 m2
Ref: ACR (albumin: creatinine ratio)
<3 mg/mmol
Ref: Ammonia (plasma)
<35 μmol/L
Critical: Ammonia (plasma)
> 199 μmol/L
Ref: Creatinine
Female: 40 - 100 μmol/L
Male: 50 - 120 μmol/L
Ref: Urea
2.5 - 8.0 mmol/L
Ref: Uric Acid (urate)
Female: 150 - 400 mol/L
Male: 200 - 500 mol/L
Crit: PLT
inpatient: <10 x10^9/L
outpatient: <20 x10^9/L
Crit: PTT
> 120 sec
Ref: D-dimer
<0.5 mg/L
Ref: Glucose (fasting)
4 - 6 mmol/L
Ref: Hct
Hct <0.55
Ref: Hgb
130-175 g/L
Ref: WBC count
4.0 - 11.0 x10^9/L
Ref: PLT count
140 - 400 x10^9/L
Ref: PT
10 - 14 seconds
INR 0.8 - 1.2
Ref: PTT
25 - 35 sec
Mnemonic: Enzyme enhanced Ab
Private Investigator Lewis likes Kidds Rhunning Around:
P,Ii, Lewis, Kidd, Rh, ABO
Mnemonic: Ab depicting Dosage
DoSage Rhaging MaN Child:
Duffy, Ss, Rh, MN, Kidd
Mnemonic: Ab do not bind complement
Rhude MeaN Dudes don’t give out complements:
Rh, MN, Duffy
HCT / RBC x 1000 = fL
HGB / RBC = pg
HGB / HCT = g/L
Ref: MCH
25 - 35 pg
320 - 360 g/L
Ref: RBC
4.0 - 5.0 x10¹²/L
Ref: WBC
3.5 - 10.5 x10⁹/L
Formula: Cell count on hematocytometer
Average count (dilution factor) / volume = cell x10⁶/L
Calculate: diagnostic sensitivity for an assay
True pos = true positives/ (false negatives + true positives)* x100%
*NOTE: total individuals affected by the disease
%Ag Frequency: D
%Ag Frequency: C
%Ag Frequency: c
%Ag Frequency: E
%Ag Frequency: e
%Ag Frequency: K
%Ag Frequency: k
Beta-thal and Alpha-thal minor % (Hgb A, Hgb A2, Hgb F)
Hgb A = 90% (~decreased)
Hgb A2 = 8% (~increased)
Hgb F = 2%
Beta-thalassemia major % (Hgb A, Hgb A2, Hgb F)
Hgb A = <7% (decreased)
Hgb A2 = 3%
Hgb F = 90% (increased)
Formula: Creatinine clearance
(UV x 1.73m²) / (P x SA x 84,600sec)
U = urine creatinine (umol/L)
V = volume of urine (mL/sec)
P = plasma creatinine (umol/L)
SA = surface area of patient (m²)
24h = 84,600sec
Ref: Fibrinogen
2.0 - 4.0 g/L
Ref: reticulocyte count
20 - 90 x10⁹/L