ref ch2 acts - Sheet1 Flashcards
CR According to Acts chapter 2, They were all together where?
A. In oneplace.(2:1)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, There came what?
A. A sound like a mighty rushingwind.(2:2)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Began to speak how?
A. In other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.(2:4)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, What nation?
A. Every nation underheaven.(2:5)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, Residents of where?
A. Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging toCyrene.(2:9) **
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Belonging to what?
A. Cyrene.(2:10)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Our own what?
A. Tongues.(2:11)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, What hour?
A. The third hour of theday.(2:15)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, the third what?
A. Hour oftheday(2:15)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, what hour?
A. The third hour oftheday(2:15)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, what prophet?
A. The prophetJoel(2:16)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, In those days what?
A. I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.(2:18)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, I will show what?
A. Wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire, and vapor ofsmoke.(2:19)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Turned to what?
A. Darkness.(2:20)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Men of Israel what?
A. Hear thesewords.(2:22)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, According to what?
A. The definite plan and foreknowledgeofGod.(2:23)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, the hands of whom?
A. Lawlessmen(2:23)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Who raised him up?
A. God.(2:24)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, You will not what?
A. You will not abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One see corruption.(2:27)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, you will not what?
A. Abandon my soul to Hades, or let your Holy One see corruption(2:27)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Full of what?
A. Gladness.(2:28)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, full of what?
A. Gladness(2:28)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, what paths?
A. The pathsoflife(2:28)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, The resurrection of whom?
A. Christ.(2:31)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Having received what?
A. The promise of the HolySpirit.(2:33)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, The Lord said what?
A. The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”‘(2:34)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, What gift?
A. The gift of the HolySpirit.(2:38)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, you will receive what?
A. The gift of the HolySpirit(2:38)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, the gift of whom?
A. The HolySpirit(2:38)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Continued to what?
A. Exhortthem.(2:40)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, continued to what?
A. Exhortthem(2:40)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Who were baptized?
A. Those who received his word were baptized.(2:41)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 2, who were baptized?
A. Those who received hisword(2:41)
CR According to Acts chapter 2, Came upon what?
A. Everysoul.(2:43)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 1, The day of what?
A. Pentecost.(2:1)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 1, what day?
A. The day of Pentecost(2:1)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 2, Mighty what?
A. Rushingwind.(2:2)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 2, What house?
A. The entire house where they weresitting.(2:2)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 3, What tongues?
A. Divided tongues asoffire.(2:3)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 4, Filled with what?
A. The HolySpirit.(2:4) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 4, What tongues?
A. Other.(2:4)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 6, His own what?
A. Language.(2:6) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 6, What language?
A. His own language.(2:6)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 7, Amazed and what?
A. Astonished.(2:7)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 8, What language?
A. His own native language.(2:8)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 8, His own what?
A. Native language.(2:8) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 11, We hear what?
A. We hear them telling in our own tongues the mighty worksofGod.(2:11)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 12, Amazed and what?
A. Perplexed.(2:12)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 13, Filled with what?
A. Newwine.(2:13) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 14, What men?
A. Men ofJudea.(2:14)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 16, What prophet?
A. The prophetJoel.(2:16)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 17, I will pour out my Spirit when?
A. In the lastdays.(2:17)
CVRMA According to Acts chapter 2: verse 17, What men?
A. Your young men; your oldmen.(2:17)
CVRMA According to Acts chapter 2: verse 17, Who shall prophesy?
A. Your sons and your daughters.(2:17)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 18, I will pour out my Spirit when?
A. In thosedays.(2:18)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 20, The day of whom?
A. TheLord.(2:20)
CVRMA According to Acts chapter 2: verse 20, what day?
A. The day of the Lord, the great and magnificentday(2:20)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 21, What name?
A. The name of theLord.(2:21)
CVRMA According to Acts chapter 2: verse 22, Mighty what?
A. Works and wonders andsigns.(2:22)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 25, What hand?
A. My righthand.(2:25)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 26, Dwell in what?
A. Dwell inhope.(2:26)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 33, the promise of whom?
A. The HolySpirit(2:33)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 36, Crucified whom?
A. Jesus.(2:36)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 38, What name?
A. The name of JesusChrist.(2:38)
CVRMA According to Acts chapter 2: verse 45, They were what?
A. Selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceedstoall.(2:45)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 46, Day by day what?
A. Attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generoushearts.(2:46)
CVR According to Acts chapter 2: verse 47, Day by day what?
A. The Lord added to their number day by day those who were beingsaved.(2:47)