ch 3 refs Flashcards
CR According to Acts chapter 3, what hour?
A. The hour of prayer, the ninthhour(3:1)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, Immediately what?
A. His feet and ankles were madestrong.(3:7)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 3, immediately what?
A. His feet and ankles were madestrong(3:7)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, Began to what?
A. Walk.(3:8)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 3, Filled with what?
A. Wonder and amazement.(3:10)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, filled with what?
A. Wonder and amazement(3:10)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, Men of Israel what?
A. Why do you wonder at this or why do stareatus.(3:12)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 3, Our own what?
A. Power orpiety.(3:12)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, why do you what?
A. Why do you wonder at this or why do you stareatus(3:12)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 3, The God of whom?
A. Abraham; Isaac; Jacob; our fathers.(3:13)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, Asked for what?
A. A murderer to be grantedtoyou.(3:14)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, You killed whom?
A. The Author oflife.(3:15)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, I know that what?
A. You acted in ignorance, as did also yourrulers.(3:17)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, What times?
A. Times of refreshing.(3:20)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, It shall be what?
A. That every soul who does not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed from thepeople.(3:23)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, You are what?
A. The sons of the prophets and of the covenant that God made with your fathers.(3:25)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 3, what covenant?
A. The covenant that God made with yourfathers(3:25)
CR According to Acts chapter 3, sons of whom?
A. The prophets and of the covenant that God made with yourfathers(3:25)
CVRMA According to Acts chapter 3: verse 8, Walking and what?
A. Leaping and praisingGod.(3:8)
CVR According to Acts chapter 3: verse 9, All the people what?
A. Saw him walking and praisingGod.(3:9)
CVR According to Acts chapter 3: verse 10, What gate?
A. The Beautiful Gate of thetemple.(3:10) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 3: verse 13, The presence of whom?
A. Pilate.(3:13)
CVR According to Acts chapter 3: verse 18, The mouth of whom?
A. All the prophets.(3:18) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 3: verse 21, The mouth of whom?
A. His holy prophets.(3:21) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 3: verse 24, What prophets?
A. All the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and those who came afterhim.(3:24)