Chapter 1 References Flashcards
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 1, what book?
A. The firstbook(1:1)
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 2, What apostles?
A. The apostles whom he hadchosen.(1:2)
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 7, his own what?
A. Authority(1:7)
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 8, You will be what?
A. My witnesses.(1:8)
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 10, What men?
A. Two men (stood by them) in whiterobes.(1:10)
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 11, Who was taken up?
A. This Jesus, who was takenup.(1:11)
CVRMA According to Acts chapter 1: verse 17, He was what?
A. For he was numbered among us and was allotted his share in this ministry.(1:17)
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 20, What book?
A. The Book ofPsalms.(1:20) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 21, What time?
A. All the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out amongus.(1:21)
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 22, What day?
A. The day when he was taken up fromus.(1:22)
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 25, His own what?
A. Place.(1:25) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 1: verse 26, He was numbered how?
A. With the eleven apostles.(1:26)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, Began to what?
A. Do andteach.(1:1)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, The first what?
A. Book.(1:1)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, the first what?
A. Book(1:1)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, After he had what?
A. Given commands through the Holy Spirit To the apostles whom he hadchosen.(1:2)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, He presented what?
A. He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdomofGod.(1:3)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, Speaking how?
A. About the kingdomofGod.(1:3)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, The promise of whom?
A. TheFather.(1:4)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, the promise of whom?
A. TheFather(1:4)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, Baptized how?
A. With water; with the HolySpirit.(1:5)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, John baptized with what?
A. Water.(1:5)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, It is not what?
A. It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.(1:7)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, you will receive what?
A. Power(1:8)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, And when he had said these things, what?
A. He was lifted up and a cloud took him out of theirsight.(1:9)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, What robes?
A. Whiterobes.(1:10)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, what robes?
A. Whiterobes(1:10)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, why do you what?
A. Stand looking intoheaven(1:11)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, What mount?
A. The mount calledOlivet.(1:12)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, they returned to where?
A. Jerusalem(1:12)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, Judas the what?
A. Son ofJames.(1:13)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, The son of whom?
A. The son of Alphaeus; the son ofJames.(1:13)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, Judas the what?
A. Son ofJames(1:13)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, Together with whom?
A. The women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.(1:14)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, With one accord what?
A. All these with one accord were devoting themselves toprayer.(1:14)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, Mary the mother of whom?
A. Jesus(1:14)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, In those days what?
A. Peter stood up among the brothers and said, Brothers
CR According to Acts chapter 1, Peter stood up where?
A. Among the brothers.(1:15)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, The mouth of whom?
A. David.(1:16)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, the mouth of whom?
A. David(1:16)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, Falling how?
A. Headlong.(1:18)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, falling how?
A. Headlong(1:18)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, What inhabitants?
A. The inhabitants of Jerusalem.(1:19)
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, What is written?
A. May his camp become desolate and let there be no one to dwell in it”; and “Let another take his office.”(1:20) “
CRMA According to Acts chapter 1, it is written where?
A. In the book ofPsalms(1:20)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, Who called Barsabbas?
A. Joseph.(1:23)
CR According to Acts chapter 1, They cast what?
A. Lots.(1:26)