ch 4refs Flashcards
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 2, What resurrection?
A. The resurrection from thedead.(4:2)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 4, What number?
A. The number of the men came to about five thousand.(4:4)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 4, Who believed?
A. Many of those who had heard theword.(4:4) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 5, Gathered together where?
A. In Jerusalem.(4:5)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 8, Filled with whom?
A. The HolySpirit.(4:8)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 8, filled with what?
A. The HolySpirit(4:8)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 10, The name of whom?
A. Jesus Christ of Nazareth.(4:10)
CVRMA According to Acts chapter 4: verse 13, Whose boldness?
A. The boldness of Peter andJohn.(4:13)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 14, What man?
A. The man who washealed.(4:14)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 16, We cannot what?
A. Denyit.(4:16)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 16, What sign?
A. A notablesign.(4:16)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 19, In the sight of whom?
A. God.(4:19)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 20, We cannot what?
A. But speak of what we have seen andheard.(4:20)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 30, The name of whom?
A. Your holy servantJesus.(4:30)
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 31, Filled with what?
A. The HolySpirit.(4:31) **
CVR According to Acts chapter 4: verse 32, What number?
A. The full number of those who believed.(4:32)