Recovery process Flashcards
What is oxygen deficit?
Short fall in oxygen supply for energy provision during exercise.
What is EPOC?
Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.
Elevated oxygen consumption above resting levels after exercise.
What are the 2 possible phases of EPOC?
What is alactacid?
Recovery after using ATP/PC system, rapid recovery phase
What is lactacid?
Recovery after using glycolytic system, slow recovery phase. Responsible for removal of lactic acid
What is the definition of recovery process?
Events occuring in the body during/after exercise. Recovery maintains an elevated respiration/heart rate/ body temperature.
What is the aim of the recovery process?
Restore the body to its pre-exercise state
What are the 2 main processes involved in the alactacid phase?
Re-synthesis of ATP and PC stores. Elevated aerobic respiration provides energy for ATP and PC restoration.
Replenishment of blood (haemoglobin) and muscle (myoglobin) oxygen stores.
How much oxygen is needed in the alactacid system?
Accounts for 10% of total EPOC
Requires 1-4 litres of oxygen above rest
How long does the alactacid system take?
2/3 minutes for 100% restoration.
50% restoration in 30 seconds.
75% restoration in 60 seconds.
What are the processes of the lactacid system?
Occurs in mitochondria via aerobic energy system.
4 processes:
1 - removal of lactic acid.
2 - elevated temperature (60-70% of EPOC)
3 - elevated circulation SV X HR=Q
4 - elevated ventilation f X TV = VE
What are the stages of removing LA in the lactacid phase?
1 - 65% used as a metabolic fuel
2 - 20% into glycogen
3 - 5% into glucose
4 - 10% into protein
How much oxygen is needed in the lactacid phase?
Requires approximately 5-8 litres of oxygen above rest.
How long does lactacid phase take?
1-24 hours depending upon intensity and duration (normally 1-2 hours)
50% within 15-30 minutes
What is it called when oxygen consumption = oxygen required?
Steady-state oxygen consumption