Recovery from anaesthesia Flashcards
What should be done once the surgery is complete?
- Turn off anaesthetic agent
- If patient is intubated or has been on inhalational anaesthesia, provide 100% oxygen for about 5 min, as they will need to expel as much volatile agent as possible
What should be done as the patient starts to react to external stimuli?
- After oxygenation requirements have been met, dump the reservoir bag
- Disconnect patient from circuit and turn flow meter off
What is the extubating process?
- Once the gag reflex returns remove the ETT
- Cats need to be extubated sooner than dogs due to laryngospasms
- Brachycephalics should be extubated as late as possible to reduce risk of airway obstruction
What should be done when transferring from theatre to recovery?
- Place in a warm dry kennel
- Adequate bedding
- Sternal positioning recommended
What should be done for post-op monitoring?
- Monitor vital signs
- ECG/SPO2 at regular intervals
- Supplemented O2 if needed
- Heat sources
What is the advantage of blankets?
- Minimal chance of overheating
What is the disadvantage of blankets?
- Not active warming
What are the advantages of heat mat/pad?
- Active warming
- Waterproof
What are the disadvantages of heat mat/pad?
- Specific weight required to activate warming
- If animal is sedation they are unable to move away from heat, so an increased risk of burning
What are the advantages of electrical forced air warmer?
- Continuous active warming of the patient with warm air
- Minimal possibility of burning
What are the disadvantages of electrical forced air warmer?
- Expensive
- Air warmer sheets can become soiled and dirty
What are the advantages of electrical intravenous fluid warmer?
- Warm fluids entering the patient
- Inexpensive
What are the disadvantages of electrical intravenous fluid warmer?
- Minimal effects if used alone
- Positive effects can be questioned
How can analgesia be monitored?
- Monitor signs of pain using pain score sheets
- If high scores, speak to VS regarding analgesics