Recovery Flashcards
What is recovery?
Techniques that aim to minimise fatigue to:
- encourage supercompensation effect
- enhance quality and quantity of training
- reduce overuse injury risk
What is tapering?
A reduction in the training load of athletes in the final days of training before a competition to optimize performance
How can tapering be used to optimise performance?
- altering training volume, intensity or frequency
- altering the pattern of taper (progressive or step)
- altering the duration of taper
How long in duration should a taper be?
~ 2 weeks
How much should training volume, intensity and frequency be decreased when tapering?
41-60% decrease in volume
no change in intensity or frequency
What are some possible mechanisms of tapering?
- increased oxygen extraction and increased VO2 max
- energy cost of exercise is decreased
- increase in recovered muscle glycogen
What are some possible mechanisms of tapering?
- increased oxygen extraction and increased VO2 max
- energy cost of exercise is decreased
- increase in recovered muscle glycogen
What is the practical application for active recovery?
walking, jogging, cycling post training/competition
What are the positive effects of active recovery?
- accelerated recovery of lactate in blood
- partially prevents immune system depression
- promotes faster recovery of the CV and respiratory systems
- may aid heat dissipation post exercise
What are the practical applications for recovery nutrition?
- immediately post exercise: fluids and carbohydrate
- post warm down: carbohydrates, protein, fluids
Why is nutritional recovery important? (3 Rs)
- refuel to restore glycogen stores
- repair/regenerate/adapt micro-damage to tissues with protein
- rehydrate from water and electrolyte loss with fluids
What are the practical applications of hydrotherapy for recovery?
- 30 min post exercise or the following day
- waist to shoulder depth immersion seated or standing
What are the 4 different types of hydrotherapy?
- cold water immersion *
- hot water immersion
- contrast water immersion * (hot/cold)
- pool or beach recovery sessions
What is the underlying mechanism of hydrotherapy for recovery?
Immersion of water creates an increase in hydrostatic pressure
Leads to inward and upward displacement of fluid from extremities to central cavity= decreased oedema, increased clearance of metabolites aided by increased Q.
How do compression garments assist recovery?
creates pressure gradient that may enhance venous blood flow/return and reduce swelling
What are the 3 main hypotheses that relate to recovery from exercise?
- allows for energy conservation
- provides for body tissue restitution
- provides for temperature down regulation
When should a massage be used in recovery?
end of day or the next day
What is cold water immersion and how does it assist in recovery?
- ice baths 10-15 degrees, for 3-20 minutes after competition
- decreased muscle soreness, maintain subsequent performance
What is contrast water therapy and how does it assist in recovery?
- alternating short bouts of hot >36 deg. and cold <20 deg. water.
- pumping of vasodilation:vasoconstriction
- decrease oedema, decrease muscle spasm, remove metabolites
What is detraining?
partial or complete loss of training-induced anatomical, physiological and performance adaptations as a consequence of training reduction or cessation