Recovery Flashcards
purpose of recovery
is to enhance the restoration of the performer to pre exercise levels
when the muscles become tired from exercise, the inability of your body to sustain exercise at high intensity
causes of fatigue
depletion of food sources
build up of metabolism by products
why recover
allows athletes to perform at the highest level possible
reduces pain and injury
recovery assists with
repair of muscle fibres
replenishing atp and pc stores
breakdown lactic acid
replenish fuel stores and rehydration
active recovery
is a less intense workout
should be used after high intensity workout to prevent injuries
benefits are still doing exercise but less intense do fatigue and injuries are not high
passive recovery
purposefully exercising at a low intensity to recover from high intensity
after any high intensity work to prevent injuries
benefit is giving you oxygen to get rid of lactic acid
contrast water therapy
is alternating between hot and cold water
used after intense exercise
reduces inflammation, gets rid of waste products
extreme cold temps
ice should be used after intense exercise and for pain and inflammation
it reduces swelling and inflammation
heat therapy, the use of heat
only be used after the swelling has gone
can increase circulation, cellular metabolism
pool and beach sesh
immersing themselves in water and exercising to get results without pain or stress on joints
should be used after match or training but before 24 hours
good cardio workout without pressure on joints, flushes wastes
are garments that are really tight
directly after exercise they should be worn and during
keep muscles warm, prevent chafing and rashes, improving circulation
hyperbaric oxygen therapy
a 100% oxygen chamber
should be used when you have an injury from sport
provides a space to let your body heal faster
sleep and rest
lets the body recover from any exercise and the daily activities
at the end of the day, and rest after sport
repairs and heals, improves memory, boosts mood, lose weight
the rubbing and kneading of muscles of the body with the hands
to relieve tension or pain in the muscles, not when they have acute pain, open wounds or broken bones
reduces stress, releases muscle tension, immunity boosting
glycogen keeps our body running
consumed before during and after workout depending on the length and intensity
restores glycogen levels, increases endurance and delays fatigue