Records and Information Management Flashcards
What is records and information management?
The application of a records management system is to create,collect and store information in a systematic manner for preservation in papers for a period of time.
What are the categories of records?
-Essential records
-Valuable records
-Current records
-Reference Records
Define essential records.
This is vital information crucial to the development of the business and cannot be replaced if damaged.
Eg. Tax records, the deed of the business.
Define valuable records.
Contains important information sometimes confidential and can be replaced if damaged.
Eg. Personal records,contracts.
Define current records.
Contains specific information that helps with the smooth daily running of a business. If lost can be replaced.
Eg. Transactions of the business
Define reference records.
Contains information about the business to which reference is made from time to time.
Eg. Rules and regulations, first aid manual.