Reconstruction of Europe Flashcards
Stimson Doctrine
Doctrine of USA who refused any boundary changes and undercut League of Nations
Benito Mussolini
Italian fascist leader
Night of the Long Knives
Hitler set fire to parliament building, then blamed it on the opposition, then had everyone killed on parliament
Mandate System
Colonies became the responsibility of the Leagues members. The league was to help those in need back to self governing status asap. Big brother watched little brother
Was a puppet state in northeast China governed under a form of constitutional monarchy
Great Depression
Global financial crash (economic slump) that caused mass unemployment
Weimar Republic
Democratic political group consisting of the upper house (non- democratic) and the lower house (Reichstag/elected officials)
Manchurian Crisis
Staged crisis that gave Japan reason to invade China. (Blew up dynamite on railroad and blamed it on Chinese)
An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization
Adolf Hitler
Right wing Fascist Leader
Enabling Act
Passed in 1933 and Allowed Hitler to rule by decree and eliminate every opposition in Germany
League of Nations
An organization set up after the First World War that replaced alliance system and provides signatories with collective security