Recommend Admin and Personnel Actions Flashcards
What 3 types of promotions are there?
Decentralized, Semi-Centralized, Centralized
What are decentralized promotions?
Enlisted promotions to Private E2, Private First Class, and Specialist.
What are semi-centralized promotions?
Enlisted promotions to Sergeant and Staff Sergeant
What are centralized promotions?
Enlisted promotions to Sergeant First Class, Master Sergeant, an Sergeant Major
What forms are used to recommend decentralized promotions?
The (AAA–117) for the RA, the Enlisted Promotion Application for the USAR, and DA Form 4187 or promotion orders for the ARNG
How are promotions intiated for PV2, PFC, and SPC?
Automatically by the electronic military personnel office system (eMILPO) (RA) and the Regional Level Application Software (RLAS) (USAR) or immediately with promotion orders (ARNG) for posting to the automated personnel file and/or the master military pay file
Can an ARNG soldier be promoted to SPC prior to becoming MOS qualified?
Eligibility criteria for automatic (RA and USAR) or immediate (ARNG) promotion to PV2, PFC, and SPC will be as follows:
Promotion to PV2 is 6 months TIS.
Promotion to PFC is 12 months TIS and 4 months TIG.
Promotion to SPC is 24 months TIS and 6 months TIG.
Soldiers must meet eligibility criteria in paragraph 1–11. Any Soldier previously reduced (for misconduct,
inefficiency, or cause) must be fully qualified (without a waiver) for promotion to the next higher rank.
Upon completion of BCTor AIT, CDRs can do what with soldiers?
Promote up to 10 percent of each company’s assigned training-base Soldiers from PV1 to PV2 and PV2 to PFC without regard to the TIS and TIG requirements.
What are the waivers for TIS and TIG under the decentralized promotions?
Promotion to PV2 may be waived at 4 months TIS. Promotions to PFC may be waived at 6 months TIS and 2 months TIG. Promotions to SPC may be waived at 18 months TIS and 3 months TIG. Any Soldier previously reduced must be fully qualified (without waiver) for promotion to the next higher rank.
Who acts as the promotion authority to the ranks of SGT and SSG, and selection authority for TPUs, AREs, and/or multi-component units located within their command’s area of operations, provided the promotion authority grants selection authority.
Field grade CDRs of any unit authorized a CDR in the rank of LTC or higher:
What is the Secondary Zone?
The secondary zone creates an accelerated promotion opportunity for Soldiers who excel and clearly are ahead of their peers. They are recommended by unit CDRs on a monthly basis.
What is the Primary Zone?
The primary zone establishes a point in time when Soldiers should be ready (that is, trained, in good standing, and meets Army standards) to assume positions of increased responsibility. This periord lasts for one year.
What is Mandatory List Integration? (applicable to RA and USAR AGR only)
Soldiers, after having been eligible for promotion list integration while in the primary zone for one year, who are not integrated into the promotion recommended list will be integrated by HQDA for RA and the U.S. Army Reserve Command (USARC)– G–1 for USAR (AGR). Integration will be with all promotion points earned. Local commanders are not authorized to deny mandatory list integration.
What is Common List Integration? (applicable to U.S. Army Reserve TPUs, ARE and/or multi-component)
Command list integration is a process that forces a Soldier onto the SGT and SSG list after the Soldier has transitioned through the primary zone without having been recommended by the CDR. The CDR must act to deny integration; with appropriate counseling
Who personally appears before a semi-centralized promotion board.
RA and USAR AGR. USAR (TPUs, AREs, or multi-component) do not.
How often are there recommendations for board appearances from the secondary zone?
On a monthly (RA and USAR AGR) or minimum of quarterly (USAR TPU, ARE, and multicomponent units) basis.
Who promotes soldiers to the ranks of SFC, MSG, and SGM?
What are is the intent and purpose of the centralized promotion list?
To provide the Army a means to promote Soldiers, on a monthly basis, to satisfy personnel manning requirements by skill and grade.
How long does the centralized promotion list last?
24 full months. (The 1st day of the 25th month from the date published)
Can soldiers in the ranks of SSG, SFC, and MSG decline consideration for promotion and consideration for attendance to the USASMC?
Yes, they may decline.
What is the service obligation upon promtotion to SFC, MSG, and SGM?
3-years (36-months)
What are the categories of individual awards?
Decorations, Army Good Conduct Medal, Campaign/expeditionary/service medals, Service Ribbons, Badges and tabs, Certificates and letters.
What is a DA Form 638?
Initiates, processes, and approves award recommendations of all U.S. Army
individual decorations, to include valor and heroism decorations.
Recommendations requiring action by HRC or higher authority should arrive no later than when?
No later than 60 days prior to the desired presentation date. All other recommendations should be approved or disapproved within command channels within 60 days of initiation.
What is the DOD goal for initiating and processing valor award recommendations
Within 45 days of the act justifying the award. This timely initiation helps ensure witness statements and other evidence is collected as close to the date of combat event.
Properly constituted award recommendations will include the following:
DA Form 638, Narrative justification, Proposed citation, All supporting documents (optional for BSM and lesser awards), records/extracts/sketches/maps/diagrams/photographs, Recommendations from all intermediate level commanders.
The ERS encompasses the means and mehtods needed for what?
Developing people and leaders. An effective ERS involves the execution of leadership, the establishment of a rating relationship with personal interaction, the conduct of develop-mental counseling and reviews, and the determination of critical assessments.
What is the basic foundation of the ERS?
To evaluate today’s Soldiers to select and develop tomorrow’s leaders.
What is the primary function of the ERS?
To provide information to HQDA for use in making personnel management decisions.
What is the secondary function of the ERS?
To encourage leader professional development and enhance mission accomplishment through sound senior and/or subordinate relationships that stress the importance of setting standards and giving direction to subordinate officer and NCO leaders.
What 4 components comprise the information provided to the HQDA through the ERS?
Evaluation reports, Army Leadership Requirements Model and basic Soldier requirements, “Whole file” concept, Raiting chains’ views of performance and/or potential for use in centralized selection, assignment, and other
personnel management.
The leave and pass program is designed to allow Soldiers what?
To allow soldiers the ability to use their authorized leave to the maximum extent possible.
Commanders will establish an annual leave program to manage leave designed to provide:
- Maximum opportunity to take leave. 2. Caution soldiers to use or lose leave above 60-day balances at the end of the fiscal year. 3. Allowable leave within the constraints of operational military requirements.
Commanders must place on emphasis on granting leave for 15 circumstances. What are they?
PCS, After periods of difficult duty, After prolonged deployments, Evidence leave would improve health and morale, Block leave, Reenlistment/Reserve to Active status, National Holiday Periods, When affected by natural disasters, Spiritual retreats, Preprocessing for release from AD, Together with a consecutive overseas tour (COT), To average 30 days per year, Taken as earned, Prior to separation, Key personnel.
What are the leave accrual rates and limits?
AD earn 30 days of leave/year w/ pay and allowances 2.5 days/month. Soldiers may carry forward up to 60 days of leave at the end of each fiscal year. Above that amount will be lost.
When is special leave authorized?
- When in area under hostile fire or imminent danger pay for atleast 120 continuous days. 2. When assigned to designated deployable ship, designated mobile unit, or other area preventing use of leave. 3. Deployed for 60 days or more. 4. Deployed to meet a contingency operation of the U.S. 5. Deloyed to enforce national policy or an international agreement based on a national emergency or in the need to defend national security. 6. Prevented from using leave due to deployment.
What are the 2 categories of leave?
Chargeable and Nonchargeable leave.
What is the purpose of flagging a soldier?
To prevent or preclude execution of favorable actions to a soldier who may be in unfaborable status, movement of a soldier when they working through ongoing actions.
Are flags to be used as a punishment or restriction?
No, they are only to be used as an administrative tool.
When should a flag be initiated?
Within 3 working days after identification of the soldier’s unfavorable status. Flags must be inititiated when military or civilian authorities inititate any investigation or inquiry that may potentially result in disciplinary or adverse admin action.
Flags are classified into what two categories?
Nontransferable and Transferable.
What are nontransferable flags?
The flagged Soldier may not be transferred to another unit (except as provided for in para 2–8).
What are transferable flags?
The flagged Soldier may be transferred to another unit.
What are the three types of transferable flags?
1) Punishment Phase. 2) APFT Failure. 3) Army Body Composition Program.
What is the effective date of a flag?
The effective date of a Flag, unless otherwise specified in this regulation, will be the date that the circumstance(s) requiring the Flag occurred, not the date the Flag was initiated (for example, if the circumstance occurred on the 25th of March, but the Flag was not initiated until the 3d of April, the effective date of the Flag would still be the 25th of March)
What should counseling for a flag include?
Reason for the Flag, requirement for Flag removal, and action prohibited by the Flag. All flagged Soldiers will be provided a copy of the DA Form 268 when the Flag is initiated and when it is removed.
What items are used to remove a flag and how long should they be maintained?
DA Form 268 and supporting documentation removing a Flag must be maintained for 1 year by the unit or the HR office controlling the flagging action.
What is a DA Form 268?
Form used to add or remove flags to a soldier’s record.