Counsel Subordinates (Prepare to Counsel) Flashcards
What are the five qualities of the leader as a counselor?
respect for subordinates, self-awareness, cultural awareness, empathy, credibility
What is the quality - respect for subordinates?
Fostering a climate that treats everyone with dignity and respect, regardless of ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, creed, or religious belief. Fostering a positive climate begins with a leader?s personal example. Leaders treat others, including adversaries, with respect.
What is the quality - self-awareness?
An understanding of oneself. An awareness of our own values, needs and biases makes us less likely to project our feelings on to the subordinate.
What is quality - cultural awareness?
A mental attribute and a part of self-awareness. Leaders must be aware of
the similarities and differences between individuals of different cultural backgrounds and how these
factors may influence values and actions. Cultural awareness enhances a leader?s ability to display
What is the quality - empathy?
A real understanding of how the subordinate “sees? the situation increases a leader’s ability to help. The subordinate is able to quickly tell if the leader “knows where I?m coming from.?
What is the quality - credibility?
Trustworthiness, consistency, and straightforward statements and actions make it easier to achieve meaningful communication. You must walk the walk not just talk the talk.
To be a caring and empathetic Army leader, what five things should be provided during a counseling?
purpose, flexibility, respect, communication, support
What do self-aware Army leaders do?
Consistently develop and improve their own counseling abilities. They do so by studying human behavior, learning the kinds of problems that affect their followers, and developing their interpersonal skills. The techniques needed to provide effective counseling vary from person to person and session to session. However, general skills that leaders will need in almost every situation include active listening, responding, and questioning.
What is the sub-competency, Create a Positive Learning Environment?
Considers an organization?s climate and culture. Leaders have the responsibility to establish and maintain appropriate expectations and attitudes that foster healthy relationships and a positive organizational climate.
How do leaders improve or sustain high performace in their organization?
By focusing on the four Develops sub-competencies found in the Army leadership Requirements Model.
Why is a positive learning environment important?
It encourages self-improvement, among other positive outcomes.
What eight components of creating a positive environment must be managed to improve an organization?
a. Fosters teamwork, cohesion, cooperation, and loyalty (espirit de corps) b. Encourages fairness and inclusiveness and inclusiveness c. encourages open and candid communications d. Creates a learning environment e. Encourages subordinates to exercise initiative, accept responsibility, and take ownership f. Demonstrates care for follower well-being g. Anticipates people’s on-duty needs h. Sets and maintains high expectations for individuals and teams
What are the 5 W’s and How of sharing relevant personal experiences?
Who - Leaders share with their subordinates. What - Experiences, failures and success. When - During initial interactions. Where - Operationally and in professional military education (PME) settings. Why - To inspire others and maintain the momentum of leader development. This level of candor builds credibility while modeling that it is okay to bring up leader development needs. It is essential to establish trust to create a learning environment. How - Through counseling, coaching, and mentoring.
What are two considerations of sharing personal experiences?
Subordinates have to be receptive, engaged, and ready to learn. Leaders must recognize it may take extra time to build necessary rapport with some individuals and less with others
What are the 5 W’s and How of assessing developmental needs of subordinates?
Who - Leaders assess their subordinates. What - Evaluate the competence, develop understanding of strengths and weaknesses, and how quickly subordinates pick up new info and skills. Assess whether someone can meet the expectations of a new position. When - Continuously and always. Where - N/A. Why - Leaders who know their subordinates understand where to encouage development. How - Observations and through review of organization?s policies, status reports, and recent inspection results for indicators of weak areas. They ask outgoing Leaders for an assessment and meet with key people
outside the organization.
To objectively assess subordinates over time leaders must do what three things?
a. Observe and record subordinates? performance in the core Leader competencies. b. Determine if their performances meet, exceed, or fall below expected standards. c. Share observations with subordinates and provide an opportunity for them to comment.
What are the 5 W’s and How of developing subordinates on the job?
Who - Leaders develop subordinates. Additionally, individuals must be active participants in their developmental process. What - Encourage subordinates to develop in every aspect of daily activities. Leaders are responsible for ensuring subordinates receive the appropriate education, training, and
experiences at the proper time for promotion as well as increasing their potential in current and future assignments. When - Always. Where - Self-development can occur anywhere, so it is also an important aspect of development in
organizations. Why - Integrating Leader development into the organization creates a positive, learning climate, builds an expectation that Leader development is a priority, and produces improved individual and unit readiness. How - Working in real settings?solving real problems with actual team members?provides challenges and conditions where Leaders see the significance of Leadership and practice their craft. Good Leaders seek ways to define duties to prepare subordinates for responsibilities in their current position or next assignment.
What does the operational domain include and provide?
The three factors of leader, led, and situation. It also provides real tasks with feedback. This combination provides ideal condidtions for development.
How do leaders counsel effectively?
A leader must choose a technique appropriate for the type of counseling and approach while considering the subordinate’s expectations, and the leader’s capabilities.
An effective leader must recognizes each subordinate as what?
As unique, complex individual, each with a distinct set of values, beliefs, and attitudes. Counseling is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor.
What are the three approaches to counseling?
Directive, nondirective, and combined.
Techniques to use during the directive approach to counseling include:
Corrective Training and Commanding
What is the directive approach?
The directive approach is more counselor-centered versus subordinate-centered. In this approach, the leader does most of the talking and tells the subordinate what needs to be done. This type of counseling is done when there is little time and/or you are dealing with inexperience or untrained soldiers.
What is corrective training technique?
Teach and assist the subordinate in attaining and maintaining the required standard. A subordinate completes corrective training once consistently meeting standards.
What is commanding technique?
Order the subordinate to take a given course of action in clear, precise words. The subordinate will face the consequences of failing to execute.
Techniques to use during the nondirective or combined approaches include:
Suggesting alternatives, Recommending, Persuading, Advising
What is suggesting alternatives technique?
Discuss alternative actions the subordinate may take. The leader and a subordinate together decide which course of action is most appropriate.
What is recommending technique?
Recommend one course of action but leave the decision to accept it to the subordinate.
What is persuading technique?
Persuade the subordinate that a given course of action is best, but leave the final decision to the subordinate. Successful persuasion depends on the leader’s credibility, the subordinate’s willingness to listen, and mutual trust.
What is advising technique?
Advise the subordinate that a given course of action is best. This is the strongest form of influence not involving command.
What is the nondirective approach?
The nondirective approach to counseling is subordinate-centered. This is the preferred approach in most situations. This approach encourages open communication and maturity.
What is the combined approach?
The combined approach to counseling allows the counselor to use his/her experience. In the combined approach, the leader uses part of the directive and nondirective approaches; the combined approach emphasizes that the subordinate must be responsible for the planning and decision making.
In addition to the techniques used to counsel, leaders must have these basic counseling skills:
Active listening, responding, questioning.
What are potential pitfalls that can interfere with the counseling relationship?
A leader?s likes, dislikes, biases, and prejudices.
Leaders should also avoid common mistakes such as:
Personal biases, rash judgments, stereotyping, loss of emotional control, inflexible methods of counseling, and improper follow-up.
Can counselors promise confidentiality?
No, only chaplains can offer total confidentiality of communications.