Overall PT :
- Moderately PT:
- Very PT :
- Overall PT : <37 wks gestation
- Moderately PT: between 32 and 36 weeks
- Very PT : <32 weeks gesatation
- method of systematically assessing NB after birth
- Assessed at 1 and 5 minute of life infants immediately
- If the 5 min score is <7, additional scores should be
assigned every 5 min up to 20 min
- between 34-36 6/7 wk
- 37 0/7 wks - 38 6/7 wks
- 39 0/7 wks — 40 6/7 wks
- 41 0/7wks - 41 6/7 wks
- 42 0/7 wks and beyonce
Late preterm: between 34-36 6/7 wk
Early Term: 37 0/7 wks - 38 6/7 wks
Full Term: 39 0/7 wks — 40 6/7 wks
Later Term: 41 0/7wks - 41 6/7 wks
Post Term : 42 0/7 wks and beyonce
- To obtain a more accurate idea of the GA
- Most accurate if performed within the 1st 12 hrs of life
- Infant’s true GA can he estimated with an accuracy of about 2 wks
- If scored age 18 W/T 2 wks of the GA suggested by the mother’s dates, then accept her dates as correct
Ballard Score
- Scalp pressure from the uterus
- Circular boggy areca of edema w ith indistinct borders
Caput succedaneum
Well-circumscribed fluid-filled mass; does not cross the midline
- Not restricted by the houndaries of the sutures
- Larger and more diffuse
- Result in hypovolemuc shock
Subgaleal hemorrhage
genetic d/0, congenital intxn, drug exposure
Hyrocephalus, storage dse, achondroplasia, cerebral gigantism, neurocutaneous syndrome, IEM
premature fusion of sutures
- Large anterior fontanel: achondroplasia, Apert syndrome, hypothyroidism, cleidocranial dysostosis, congenital rubella syndrome, Halierman-Streiff syndrome, hydrocephaly, hyphophosphatasia, IUGR, Kenny syncrome, OI, PT, Trisomies, Vit. D def rickets
- Small fontanels: microcephaly craniosynostosis, CH of wormian bones
- Presence of third fontancl suggest T21, but seen in preterm infants
Fontales: anterior fontanel
- Atrophic or alopecic scalp
Sporadic or alopecic autosomal dominant - Asstd with T13, chromosome 4 deletion, or Johanson- Blizzard syndrome
Aplasia cutis congenita
- In utero positioning
- Asstd with torticollis and vertex positioning
Deformational plagiocephaly
- Symmetric acial palsy
- Absent/hypoplasia of 7th nerve nucleus
Mobius syndrome
Cornea >1cm in dia with photophobia and tearing or clouding