Recognition Criteria Flashcards
Revenue (IFRS)
- Identify the contract
- Identify the performance obligation
- Determine the transaction price
- Allocate the contract price
- Recognize when performance is achieved
Revenue (ASPE)
- Collection is reasonably assured
- A reliable estimate can be made
- Performance has been achieved
- There is an appropriate measurement basis
2. The items to be given up or received are probable to be given up or received
- It is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity
- The cost can be reliably measured
Intangible Assets (IFRS and ASPE)
- It is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity
- The cost can be reliably measured
Impairment (IFRS and ASPE)
When the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount
Provisions (IFRS)
- There is a present obligation as a result of past events
- It is probable there will be an outflow of economic resources
- A reliable estimate can be made
Contingencies (ASPE)
- It is likely there will be an outflow of economic resources
- A reliable estimate can be made
Asset (IFRS and ASPE)
- There is a future benefit
- The entity controls the future benefit
- It is a result of past events
Liability (ASPE)
- There is an obligation that will result in an outflow of economic resources
- There is no discretion to avoid it
- The obligating event has already occured
Liability (IFRS)
- There is a present obligation
- It arose from past events
- It is expected to result in an outflow of economic resources
Grants (for profit)
- The requirements in the agreement will be fulfilled
2. Collection is reasonably assured
NPO - Donated goods / services
- The FV can be reliably estimated
2. The goods/services would have been acquired in the normal course of operations if not donated
Biological asset or agricultural produce
- the entity controls the asset as a result of past events
- it is probable economic benefits will flow to the entity
- the FV or cost of the asset can be measured reliably
Investment Property
- It is probable the future economic benefits will flow to the entity
- the cost of the property can be reliably measured
Assets Held for Sale
- Management has a plan to sell the assets
- The plan to sell is unlikely to change
- The terms of the sale are ordinary
- The assets are available for immediate sale
- The entity is actively looking for a buyer
- The assets are actively marketed
- Shareholder approval is probable
- The assets are expected to be sold within a year
Discontinued Operations
The discontinued operations were sold out are classified as held for sale
Financial Instruments
When the entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument