Ch. 4 - Financial Instruments - Passive Investments Flashcards
Initial Measurement - How
Initial measurement is done at fair value
Initial Recognition - When
When the entity gains control over the asset
Subsequent Measurement - Different measurement options
- Cost
Subsequent Measurement - FVTPL includes
- Assets not qualified to be recorded at amortized cost
- Assets qualified as held for trading
- Assets that are designated as FVTPL
Subsequent Measurement - Assets held for trading
must meet one of the following:
- it is acquired principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing in the near term
- It is added to a portfolio of financial instruments that have a pattern of short-term trading
- it is a derivative
Subsequent Measurement - FVTPL (Transaction Cost Treatment)
- expensed in net income when incurred
Subsequent Measurement - FVTPL (subsequent measurement)
measured at fair value with gains/losses to net income
Subsequent Measurement - Amortized Cost includes
financial assets held to collect contractual cash flows consisting of principal and interest
Subsequent Measurement - Amortized Cost (transaction cost treatment)
added to the cost of the investment
Subsequent Measurement - Amortized Cost (subsequent measurement)
recorded using effective interest method less impairment
Subsequent Measurement - Amortized Cost (impairment)
- when is it impaired
- how is it recorded
- impairment is recorded when estimated future cash flows is less than carrying value
- is recorded in net income
Subsequent Measurement - FVTOCI includes
- Equity investments designated as FVTOCI (cannot be investments held for trading)
- Debt instruments with payments consisting of principal and interest with the purpose to receive payments or sell the instrument
Subsequent Measurement - FVTOCI (transaction cost treatment)
capitalized as part of the investment
Subsequent Measurement - FVTOCI (subsequent measurement)
- Debt
- Equity
- Debt: measured at amortized cost and remeasured to FV with gains/losses to OCI
- Equity: measured at fair value, with gains/losses to OCI
- General
- Debt through FVTOCI
- Equity through
- difference between amount received and carrying value is recorded to P/L
- Debt instruments with G/L in OCI are moved to P/L
- Equity with G/L in OCI is transferred directly to equity (R/E)
ASPE Differences
- the following are measured at fair value
- the following are recorded at cost
- investments in equity instruments quoted in an active market and certain derivatives
- All others