Recap Flashcards
We divide the cycle into 2 halfs what are they
The Follicular and the luteal
The first half of the cycle is?
The second half of the cycle is?
The first half of the cycle is yin and follicular and the second half of the cycle is Yang and luteal
What is oestrogen promoting follicle and a growth through positive feedback mean?
It means Yin supports action of Jing
What does oestrogen stimulating cervical glands to produce fertile mucus mean
Yin creates fluid
What is oestrogen stimulating cells of the fallopian tube to produce mean?
It means yin creates fluids
What is progesterone thin mucus secretions in the fallopian tube to allow embryo passage mean
It means Yang transforms fluids and clears damp
When progesterone Haults production of Free flow of mucus from the cervix it means
Yang dries fluids
The more cervical mucus a woman has the more_______ She has
If she says she only has cervical mucus for one day you know if she’s what
A little bit yin deficiency
She says she has me cervical mucus for five days she has abundanceof_____
Yin.. yin will be supporting the action of Jing
What causes Blood stagnation
Prolong cold, damp heat, kidney deficiency, blood deficiency
What cause Liver heart stagnation
Sudden shock, prolonged anxiety, historical traumas
What causes Damp phelgm accumulation
Infection, excess rich and sweet diet often develop secondary to previous syndromes
What syndromes can cause kidney Yang deficiency
Liver and heart stagnation
What kind of blood is charged with governing the period
Liver blood