Rear Of Tractor/Trailer Front Flashcards
Tractor frame
Tractor frame and cross members have no cracks, bends, or broken welds. There are no loose or missing cross members.
Steps are solid, securely bolted, and clear of objects.
Exhaust is securely mounted, tightly connected, and has no loose clamps. There are no cracks, holes, severe dents, and no leaks of soot or rust.
Drive shaft
Drive shaft is not bent or cracked. U-joints are secure and free of foreign objects.
Torque arm
Torque arm is securely mounted and not damaged.
Whites, reflectors, and reflector tape
Lights, reflectors, and reflector tape are clean, secure, functional, proper color, and not damaged.
Air and electrical lines and connectors
Connectors are secure and not damaged.
Glad hands are locked and not damaged or leaking.
Electrical plug is firmly seated and locked into the trailer.
Lines are not leaking, cut, taped, spliced, or chafed. They are not tangled, pinched, crimped, or dragging against the truck.
Trailer bulkhead
Trailer bulkhead is secure. It has no cracks, bulges,holes, or missing rivets. It is strong enough to hold cargo.