Realist theories Flashcards
right vs left realists
right - similar to new right , support get tough stance on crime
left - similar to socialists , argue theres structural causes of crime such as poverty
3 causes of crime according to left realists
relative deprivation
how does relative deprivation cause crime (leftist)
which theorist
Runciman - refers to how deprived someone feels in relation to others. crime because ppl feel resentment that others have more than them - that its unfair and so resort to crime to get what theyre entitled to
Lea Young on relative deprivation
todays society both more prosperous and more crime ridden - more awareness of relative deprivation due to media and advertising - raises expectations and they resort to crime to get them
evaluation of relative deprivation
its not relative deprivation its individualism which is the concern of self and individual rights rather than group
encourages pursuit of self interest at expense of others
how does marginalisation cause crime (left realism)
marginalised groups lack clear goals and organisations to represent interests unlike workers (trade unions)
- unemployed youth are marginalised - just have a sense of resentment and frustration - powerless to use political means so express frustration thru rioting
evaluation as marginalisation as a cause for crime
women and asians are marginalised and do not have high crime rates
how do subcultures cause crime (left realism)
to solve relative deprivation ppl join subcultures - religion to fill deprivation (weber - ‘theodicy of disprivilege’ - promise of salvation as a reward for poverty)
- another way is crime - subscribe to goals and values of mainstream society but use crime to achieve them
how has employment changed from the 50s
less manual, traditional jobs that are for WC males - factories shut down my thatcher
who talks about a bulimic society
what does Young talk about (left realism)
bulimic society because we are over-exposed to consumerism
- advertising shows what life should be like
- poor cannot afford to improve lifestyle - resentment , anger at relative deprivation
- London riots - 15,000 admitted they looted to improve lifestyle
what is a policy example of left realists
working tax credits - govt payment to help day to day expenses to working people. 2k per year
(help tackle poverty)
evaluating left realism (4)
- idealistic - not anymore realistic than marxists - society will never be equal
- offers solutions to tackle structural causes such as working tax credits
- surely women would commit crime if it was due to exclusion
-fails to account for crimes that are not street crimes
what do left realists argue about police
consensus policing - public need to have more confidence in police so they would report more crimes
if public worked with police there would be less crime since it would be less easy for ppl to get away with crime
3 right realist causes of crime
biological differences
inadequate socialisation and the underclass
rational choice theory