Reagents Flashcards
what does NaNH2 does to an alkene and what does it to alkyne
alkene converts to alkyne
the H on 3 bonded C is more acidic hence acid base reaction
HOCl in ionic form is? and what does it breaks into in first place!?
OH- and Cl+
it breaks into Cl+ first
which one is more soluble in diethyl ether? anyhdrous AlCl3 or Hydrious AlCl3
Anhydrous AlCl3 is more soluble in Diethyl ether as ether has electron pairs which can be acccomadated in the vacent orbitals of the Al(anyhydrous)
in hydrous one, the vacant orbitals are occupied by the electron pairs of H2O
What does H2 with Pd/Ni do to an alkene, acid halide, ketone,nitrile and nitro HC?!
And what can the above reagents cant reduce?
it cant reduce anhydride,carbo acid and ester
ketone is coneverted to alcohool
ntirle is converted to primary amine
what kind of addition does H2 with metals do>!
cis addition
How to make poisoned H2/Pd and what does it do and where else is it also used in the reaction(name reaction)
adding BaSO4 to H2/Pd makes it poison
it becomes mild reducing
it is also used in Rosenmund’s reaction
Whats lindlar’s reagent
Alkyne with liq NH3 forms and the type of GI formed is?
forms an alkene and a trans alkene is formed
Whats wilkinson’s catalyst
Sodium in alcohol is a reducing or oxidising agent?
R-CN on reduction forms?
primary amine
R-NC on reduction forms
secondary amine
R-CN with SnCl2/HCl/H2O forms?
and what is the reaction called?
Zn,Hg +HCl with Aldehyde/Ketone forms?!
LiAlH4 is a reducing/oxidizing agent and which 3 compounds it cant reduce?
reducing agent
it cant reduce alkene,alkyne, and benzene
LiAlH4 with carbonyls forms?
alcohol(any carbonyl compound)
LiAlH4 with cinnamic compound forms?
LiAlH4 with cinnamic compounds can even reduce the alkene to alkane along with the extra grp reduction
LiAlH4 with ‘N’ Containing compounds forms?
NaBH4 is oxidizing/Reducing agent and what 3 compounds can it reduce and what does it always reduce to?
reducing agent
it can reduce aldehyde, ketone, and acid halide to alcohol
DIBAL-H in aldehyde,ketone,acid halide forms?
What do DIBAL-H forms with nitriles followed by hydrolysis
What does DIBAL-H forms with Esters in cold medium
What does DIBAL-H forms with Esters iin hot medium
what is used to convert carbonyls to hydrocarbons if there is a
base sensitive grp in the compound
or an acid-sensitive grp in the compound
for base sensitive grp:- Clemmenson reduction(Zn-Hg, HCl)
for acid-sensitive grp:- wolf Kishner reduction ( NH2-NH2, KOH)
What’s the reagent in wolf kishner reaction and what does it forms !?
Red Phosphorous with I2 converts stuff to what?
it converts any thing to simple Hydrocarbons with alkane
KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 can oxidize only which kind of alkane?!
To what does KMnO4/K2Cr2O7 oxidise toluene and its derivatives with other methyl groups and which kind of derivative it can’t oxidize
it can convert any toulene derivative to carbo acid but not the tertiary toulene
Whats Baeyer’s reagent and what does it converts alkenes to and which kind of addition does it does
baeyer’s reagent:- cold,dilute KMnO4
it converts alkenes to diols
syn addition
To what does baeyer’s reagent convert alkynes to?
What does Acidic/conc/heat KMnO4 do to double bonds
What is the reagent in oxidative ozonlysis and what does it behaves like?
reagent:- O3 + H2O2
What does Reductive ozonolysis do
What is the function of PCC(pyridine chloro chromate) or PDC oxidize/reduction
what does it does to alcohol
Whats jone’s reagent and what does it do to 1,2-degree alcohol
CrO3 + Aq. H2SO4
1,2,3 alcohol with Cu/heat forms?\
What does Hot, conc KMnO4 converts 1,2,3 alcohol to?
what kind of alcohol can be converted to aldehyde by MnO2
tollen’s test reagent
and what does it convert aldehyde and ketone to?
Fehlings test reagent
and what does it convert aldehyde and ketone to?
benedicts test reagent
What does acetic anhydride does?
acylation Reagent and acylation reaction
How to convert carbo acid to alcohol with just one reagent
add B2H6
Ozonolysis of alkyne
CrO3 is strong or weak oxidising agent?
Mo2O3 is a _______ agent
aromatising agent
nitrile grp with DIBAL -H forms
NBS (N-Bromosuccinimide)
where does the bromination happens?
where there is a stable radical or on allylic carbon
what does NaBH4
or NaBH4 with alcohol/ether
converts aldehydes and ketones or acid halide to alcohol
on what stuff does NaBH4 doesnt reacts upon
DIBAL H turns what to what?
it turns aldehyde,ketone and acid halide to alcohol
to what does DIBAL-H converts nitrile
to what does DIBAL-H converts ester to!
how can we convert double bond O to a C to just CH2
to what does KMNO4 converts toulene to
what do cold KMnO4 form to double bonds when its cold and diluted?
and what kind of addition is that?!
they are added from the same side(syn addition)
how can we convert toluene to benzaldehyde and what is the reaction called?!
added CrO2Cl in presence of CS2
etards reaction
how can we convert phenol to salicylic acid and what is the reaction called?!
the reaction is called Kolbe’s electrolysis and its done by forming a phenoxide ion and adding CO2 to that
nitrile on partial and complete hydrolysis forms
it forms amide on partial hydrolysis
and carboxylic acid on complete hydrolysis
how can we convert nitrile to a primary amine
carbylamine test reaction write
alkyne treated with h2/Pd BaSo4, quinoline
cis alkene formed
alkyne treated with Na/Liq NH3 forms
trans alkene
NaH,NaOH,CH3Na attacks what? and which only Hydrocarbon reacts with it?
it finds acidic H and only terminal alkynes has an acidic H and hence only terminal alkyne can react with those reagents
acid hlaide treated H2/Pd with BaSO4 forms
alcohol with a strong acid forms
what does MnO2 do
allylic alcohol is converted to aldehyde
it does allylic oxidation
what reagents are used in haloform test and what kind of compounds are detected
reagents used are NaOH/Br2 and NaOH/I2
carbo acid teated with B2H6 forms
coupling reaction
Gabriel phthalimide reaction
amide treated with Br2 and KOH forms? and what is the reaction called?
Hoff mann Bromamide reaction
mCPBA reaction with ketones
Cl has what more? -I effect or +M effect