Readings/Tutorials Flashcards
turning point of increased vulnerability and potential
oral failure
can result in forms of addiction, self-delusion and greed.
retentive-eliminative mode
behaviour in the anal stage in which the child hoards some things but throws away others with meaning.
castration complex
in the phallic stage, period in which boys are scared of losing the penis and girls believe they have lost it due to some sin or punishment.
oepidus complex
in phallic stage, boys give genital affection to the mother and develop a sexual rivalry against the sexual owner of the maternal figure.
older adults have higher…
emotional intelligence
older adults have impaired…
learning and are at higher risk for dementia.
emerges around the beginning of preschool. arises due to tension because of lacking instant gratification (what a baby gets by crying, they now have to do things for themselves), in order to grant gratification, the child engages in imaginary, illusory play.
play has…
freedom but also implicit rules.
secure- parental base
secure children use the parent as a secure base
parent is more comfortable with exploration than closeness.
anxious resistance
parent is uncomfortable with exploration but seeks closeness
hard to predict what needs will be met. often a precursor for abuse.
in strage situation, the reunion is the most important. if the focus is on toys then the attachment relationship values exploration.
horizontal declage
skills for one task are learned and completed but cannot be transferred to a similar task
trust vs mistrust
autonomy vs shame and doubt
initiative vs guilt
industry vs inferior
identity vs role confusion
intimacy vs isolation
generativity vs stagnation
integrity vs despair
authoritative parenting utcomes
high self-esteem, internalised moral standards, psychosocial maturity and academic success