Reading question types Flashcards
Types of big picture
- Main point
- structure
- tone
- function
Types of inferenced based
- Reality inf
- belief inf
- analogy
- continuation
- interpret a term
- passage answers
- source
- example of a theory
- point at issue
Types of arguement
- Streghten
- weaken
- necessary
Types of Its in there
- Detail
- method
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
Main point
MP CAC will state or refer to the ISSUE and the APOV
Question Stem Language
Main point
main point | main purpose | primary purpose | title of the
passage | seeks to primary answer
Question Stem Language
organization | structure of the passage
Question Stem Language
tone | attitude | feelings | stance
Question Stem Language
function | role | purpose of | primarily serves to | primarily in
order to | why does the author mention
Question Stem Language
Reality inf
inference | infer | inferred | supports which of the following |
passage suggests | following most likely to be true
Question Stem Language
Belief Inference
most likely agree | hold which of the following views | most likely
assent to | inferred … author believes | most likely regard |
passage suggests … were skeptical | most likely to reject
Question Stem Language
most closely parallels | most analogous | situations most similar
Question Stem Language
most likely continue the passage | most appropriately added to
the end of the passage
Question Stem Language
interpret a term
uses the term [x] … to refer to | meaning of the phrase | term [x]
means | uses [x] primarily to refer to | closest to the meaning of
the phrase | most likely means, use the term [x] | primarily in
order to refer to | means to suggest
Question Stem Language
Passage Answers
concerned with answering … following questions | passage
sufficient to answer | questions explicitly addressed in the passage passage provides information most helpful in answering
passage provides information most helpful in answering
Question Stem Language
from which of the following sources | most likely … intended
audience | from what larger work | author’s relationship to |
Author’s occupation
Question Stem Language
Example of a theory
from which of the following sources | most likely … intended
audience | from what larger work | author’s relationship to |
Author’s occupation
Question Stem Language
Point at issue
disagree | point at issue | agree
Question Stem Language
following…if true would most strengthen
Question Stem Language
weaken | undermines | call into question | cast most doubt
Question Stem Language
presumes | assumes | assumption | take for granted | depend on
conform to which of the following principles
Question Stem Language
passage states | is mentioned | cites | passage identifies | author
distinguishes… regarding | passage indicates | the following was
true | according to the passage … one reason … was | according to
the passage … had | was true | is a claim advance by the author |
is true
Question Stem Language
seeks to advance its argument by | relationship between the final
paragraph and the first paragraph
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
STR CAC will refer, very vaguely, to the BP
parts of the passage, in order
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
TONE CAC will state the tone of some POV.
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
Function (FUN)
CAC will describe the relationship
between some aspect of the passage and BP.
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
Reality inference
CAC will state an inference about reality
that can be inferred from the info in the
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
Belief Inference
CAC will state an inference about someone’s
beliefs from the info in the passage
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
CAC will describe a situation that has the
same 2 to 4 distinctive elements (DEs)
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
CAC will state an inference about reality
that can be inferred from the BP info in the
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
interpret a term
CAC will define or describe a term as the
term is used in the passage
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
passage answers
CAC will ask a question, the answer to
which can be inferred from the passage
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
CAC will state something about the source
of the passage (genre, author, audience, etc.)
that can be inferred from the passage.
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
Example of a Theory
CAC will describe or provide an example of
some theory (idea) described in the passage
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
Point at issue
CAC will make a statement with which one
POV will agree & the other will disagree
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
CAC will make the POV (idea) more likely
to be true
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
CAC will make the POV (idea) less likely
to be true
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
CAC will state something that NEEDS to be
true for the POV (idea) to be true
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
AC will restate something stated in the
How does the CAC relate to the passage?
CAC will describe the way some part of
the passage proceeds, but in vague terms