Reading/Dyslexia Flashcards
What are the 3 routes to reading?
1) Direct Visual bypassing Semantics aka Whole Word Route
2) GPC route, “sublexical route”
3) Direct Visual/Lexical Route
Direct Visual Route
Reading via meaning
can be called direct lexical route
VAS –> VIL –> SS –> SOL –> PL
GPC Route
sublexical route
VAS –> GPC –> PL
used with unfamiliar, non words
Does NOT work for irregular words
sounding out words
Direct Visual Route bypassing Semantics
Whole word route
VAS –> VIL –> SOL –> PL
still know it is an English word
Phonological Dyslexia
Impairment is in the GPC route to reading (bypass, sublexical route)
CAN: read exception/irregular real words, read via semantics/whole word
CANNOT: use GPC, read non words (may end up reading as visually similar words), function words, bound morphemes, blend, segment, L–>S knowledge, re-learn/learn new words through reading
Forced to read via semantic route
Surface Dyslexia
Impairment in direct visual route (VAS–>VIL–> SS –> SOL –> PL)
Can be an impairment anywhere along route (VIL, VIL/SS link, SS, SOL)
Can use GPC’s, so pt is very good at reading nonwords
Reading via GPC is very slow (for real words)
Cannot read exception/irregular words (like, “Yacht”) because they won’t be able to access it as a stored word
Produce regularization errors (have > gave)
Semantic Access Dyslexia
Broken link between VIL and SS
very poor at reading words
some knowledge of words, but cannot read it
can’t activate precise semantic entry or bring it to consciousness
vague notion of the word, looks familiar, recognize it is a real word, but no strong activation of what word means
Direct Dyslexia
Impairment in semantics
Pt does a good job reading aloud but they absolutely BOMB comprehension questions, because they did not process what they were reading
Can read: regular, irregular words but do not understand them
Forced to use whole word route, direct visual bypassing semantic route
Deep Dyslexia
Impairment in GPC and Direct Route
cannot read real and non words
make semantic errors
worse at abstract words than concrete (if they CAN read at all, it’s high frequency, concrete, imaginable, sight words)
Peripheral Dyslexias
1) Neglect Dyslexia
2) Attentional Dyslexia
3) Letter by letter reading
4) Visual Dyslexia
Neglect Dyslexia
Impairment in VAS
Errors preserved at end of word, but incorrect at beginning (1st sound, usually on left side)
Length of word is preserved
purely visual errors
do not show neglect in other domains, just reading
Attentional Dyslexia
Impairment in VAS
pure alexia
impaired when >1 time on page
do better if letter surrounded by #
so rare, only 2 documented cases
Letter by letter reading
VAS –> VIL impaired
slow word recognition
time increases as the length of the word increases
identify words if read letters aloud (so access ends up going through auditory route)
Visual Dyslexia
VAS or VIL affected
Identify words as visually similar ones
grape–>grave, shape