reabsorption and secretion Flashcards
where is the major site of reabsorption taken place? what sort of things r reabsorbes there?
how do these reabsorbed material leave? via what?
– ~60-70% of Na and water
– ~80-90% of K+
– ~90% of HCO3-
– Normally, 100% of glucose and a.a
– Water follows osmotic gradients, so filtrate remains isotonic with plasma
– Reabsorbed materials leave by peritubular capillaries

what r the 2 memebranes of the epithelial cells lining th tubules?
apical (lumnal) and basolateral side

describe the free ion distribution across cell membranes

what r the different types of transport?
Active transport: moves solutes from a region of their lower to a higher concentration (needs energy)
- -Primary: transport coupled DIRECTLY to an energy source (ex: Na-K atpase pump, H+ atpase, Ca+ atpase)
- -Secondary: (coupled transport or co-transport) 3aks primary, 2 or more substances interact w/ a specific membrane protein (Carrier) & r trasnported together across membrane
Osmosis: transport of water from areas of high to low concentration

what sort of subctances r filtered in the kidney?
what things r reabsorbed in the proximal tubule?
explain characterisitcs of proximal tubule
(early and late)
Early: Na+ & HCO3- , (all nutrients, all glucose, aa, vitamins, urea, phosphate, Vb12, VD3, Ca+, Mg, other ions )
throughout: Cl-
Late: Na+ & Cl-
(cl shwaya reabsorbed mu wayd)
how can particles transport across cell membranes?
transcellulary and paracellulary
how is phosphate reabsorbed?
PTH blocks Na+/PO43- cotranporter>>
therfore MORE phosphate excretion
how is Vitamin B12 reabsorbed?
Transcobalamin (TC)

Vb12 needed for rbc formation, neurological formation, DNA synthesis
how is a.a reabsorbed?
how is Urea reabsrobed?
also via Na+
only about 1/2 of the Urea that is filteres is reabsorbed, u pee the remainder 1/2

how is VD3 reabsorbed?

where is most water reabsorbed throughout the nephorn? via what mechanism?
Aquaporin 2 channels & via osmosis & ADH
(trancelullary and paracellulary)
ADH>> causes the insertion of aquaporins into the membranes of cells
how is HCO3- reabsorbed?
- in combination w/ Na+ (holds hands)
- H+ r being secreted into tubulue and Na+ is reabsorbed>> NHE
- HCO3- is combined w/ H+>>bla bla>> the end product of CO2 will be high, so it will rush into the tubular cells and be used again to form HCO3-
- HCO3- that r formed again the tubular cells r reabsorbed via AE w/ Cl-
NHE, AE, Na-K + pump
Ann and edd do the HCO3- reabsobtion!
how is Cl- reabsorbed?
- Na-Cl co-transporter
- Cl- dragged w/ water
- Cl- diffused from high to low concentration (via tight junctions)
- passively via paracellulary ( due Na leaving alot, leaving inside the cell negaitvely charged, charges repell!)
there is a high concentration of Cl- 2nd half of the PCT, bc when Na is reabsorbed, it carries glucose, HCO3- and ions w/ it in the early PCT, leaving behind a solution tha thas high Cl- in it. (favoring #3)
Proportion of tubular ____ as the major anion increases as _____decreases
Proportion of tubular Cl- as the major anion increases as HCO3- decreases
how is Glucose reabsorbed?
via SGLT2 in apical membrane
via GLUT 2 in basolateral membrane
how is albumin reabsorbed?
how is Ca2+ reabsorbed?
the total solute concentration remians the same along the proximal tubule, why?
bc of the extrememly high permeability of this part of the nephron to water!
what is the “solvent drag?”
as water moves across tight junctions by osmosis, it also pulls some of the solutes w/ it!
NA is the BOSSSSS, if its reabsorption changes, it changes reabsorption of water and many other solutes!!!
secretion in Proximal tubule
Organic acids: penicillin, thiazide diuretics, p-aminohippurate (PAH), uric acid?
Strong organic bases: histamine, choline, thiamine, guanine, creatinine? tetraethylammonium?
EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraceticacid)
(para-aminohippuric acid)
why is the total solute concentration remian essentialy the same along the proximal tubule?
bc of the extreemely high permeability of this part of the nephron to water,
water reapsorbtion keeps in pace w/ the Na+ reabsorption
reabsorbed materials leave via the ________
peritubular capillaries