Re(2) Flashcards
Characteristics of a martyr
Someone who gives up their life for Jesus
Someone who gives up their life to fight in the army for their country
In addition a person who gives up work for church
Someone who gives up games to focus on exams.
Why did Romans persecute the christians?
Because they refused to worship the roman gods
When did the monks arrive?
Which important people were with St Augustine?
40 Benediction monks
Define liturgical year
Regular cycle of events to remember and celebrate key events in Jesus’s life.
Define Paschal Tridum
The final 3 days of lent(Good Friday,Maundy Thursday,Holy Saturday)
The congregation are welcomed
Penitential rite
People ask for forgiveness for the sins they’ve done
Liturgy of the Word
Readings from the bible
Proclamation of christian belief
Bidding prayers
Prayers asking God for help
Gifts of bread and wine are brought to the altar
Eucharistic prayer
Prayer which bread and wine are turned into the blood and body of Jesus.
Sign of peace
Congregation offer one another a gesture of goodwill.
The body and blood of Christ is consumed
Blessing and Dismissal
The priest send the people to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.
What does the dove represent?
Represents the holy spirit and that it’s part of the trinity.
What does the cross symbolise?
The cross symbolises crucifixion.
Which 2 places did Peter go to after Pentecost?
Antioch and Rome
What does cathedral mean?
A church with the Bishop’s chair.
Why was Peter killed?
He was killed because he was talking about christianity.
Bishop meaning
The chief oversee of a diocese.Successors of the apostle.
Parish meaning
The church in a small area with a priest and a church.
Diocese meaning
The church in a layer area,looked after by a bishop.
Apostle meaning
One of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus to preach the gospel.
Church meaning
The people of god
Pope definition
Leader of the Catholic church on earth.
What is the Vatican?
It’s the official residence of the Pope,in Rome-Centre of the Roman Catholic Church.
When did the Pope refuse to leave the Vatican?
For nearly 60 years in the 1800s and 1900s.
Who signed Vatican City into existence?
Benito Mussolini
How long since popes live in the Vatican?
14th Century
Who captured the Obelisk that stands in St Peters Square?
Key definitions for exam
Papacy-The office of the Pope
Encyclical-A letter written by a pope for all catholics.
Magisterium-The Catholic teaching body(Popes and bishops)
Canonisation-The process by which someone becomes a saint in the Catholic Church.Overseen by the Pope.
Saint-A person who’s specially honoured as an example of holiness.
Celibate-Not having sexual intercourse.
Who approves the Cause of canonisation?
The local bishop
What is the first title a potential saint receives?
Servant of God
Which Vatican department decides whether the person shows ‘heroic sanctity’?
The congregation for the causes of saints
What are 2 things that must be proved for the person to be declared vulnerable by the Pope?
- Do good works
2. Qualities-Putting it to action
What is evidence that a miracle is attributed to the holy person after their death?
The person is indeed in heaven.
‘After the first miracle a person becomes known as blessed.’What’s the ceremony called?
How many miracles are required by a martyr
a)After the second miracle,what title is given to the person?
B)Who makes the declaration?
Name 2 ways Catholics believe a saint can help them in their life?
- Follow them as a role model.
2. Pray to them to get head start of God.
Number the 4 main steps to sainthood in the correct order?
Servant of God
What are the titles of the pope?
Bishop of Rome-Peter was the Bishop of Rome.He’s the successor of one apostle,Peter.Other bishops are successors of the apostles as a group.
Vicar-Catholics believe that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ because he acts in Christ’s place as Head of the Church on earth.
Father-Shows that Pope must be like a loving father to God’s people onearth.
Servants of the Servants of God-The pope is even more of a servant since he has to serve the whole church,he’s the servant of the servants of God.
Why does a man become a priest?
Brings Christ to people,particularly through the seven sacraments.
Meditates and reads the bible
Called by God to proclaim the “Good News of salvation”to the world and leads Catholics into worship.
Priest’s soul changes forever and at ordination a man’s soul undergoes a change of being-his soul is indelibly marked forever.
How does a man become a priest?
- After being accepted as a candidate,the potential priest will go to the seminary.
- There he will receive preparation
- Usually he will take an undergraduate degree in physiology or theology.
- A good candidate is a practising,believing Catholic who attends mass weekly,prays,obeys the commandments and tries to serve others.
- Must be mentally,emotionally and physically healthy and be open to the will of God.
Definitions for exams
Vocation-A strong feeling of sustainability for a career-a ‘calling’.
Ordination-The act of being made a priest.
Holy Orders-The sacrament in which a man becomes a priest.
Prostrate-Lying face down on the floor as a sign of humanity.
Monks-Groups of religious men who live together in a monastery.
Nuns-Groups of religious women who live in a convent.
Monastic order-Group of people living under a religious rule.
What are 2 ways of being a disciple?
A)2 examples of products produced by monks
B)2 things a monk might study
C)3 examples of vows that a monk might do
D)Name 3 pillars of the monastic life
Live your ordinary life following Jesus. Leave your old life for a new life. A)Tonic wire,pottery,fudge,honey B)Bible and theology C)Showing visitors around,admin work,helping trainees,producing works of art D)Prayer,work and study
Difference between contemplative and apostolic orders
Contemplative order-Leads a hidden life of prayer and work.In enclosed prayers of carmelites,poor clares,carthusians,cistercians
St Benedict-People who joined him formed an order of monks which spread throughout Europe.Lives of members depend on prayer and work
Apostolic orders-Leads a public life of prayer and community,people are Notre Dame de Namur(women)and christian brothers(for men).Mother Theresa was an example.Her congregation,’Missionaries of Charity’,care for the needs of the dying.
Name 2 primary responsibilities of priests
Caring about the church
Caring for the needs of people
In whose place does the priest act when celebrating the sacraments?
Why do only men receive the Sacrament of Holy orders in the catholic church?
All of the disciples were men and the priest is acting in Jesus’s name.
Deacon sacraments
Priest sacraments
Bishop sacraments
D)State the 2 vows made by the priest during the ceremony
A)Baptism and marriage
B)Communion(Day to day spiritual care of the local path)
C)Confirmation and ordination
D)Cellabasy and Obedience
Why is the new priest given the paten and chalice on his ordination?
It holds it with wine
Why are the priest’s hands anointed with holy oil?
Hands are really important and used for sign of strength.
What’s the moment the sacrament is conferred to the new priest?
When the bishop’s hand on the priest.
Why does the new priest lie prostrate on the floor during the ordination ceremony?
A sign of humility
What does Agape mean and examples?
Unconditional love even for strangers
What does eros mean and examples?
Name for sexual love,the feelings someone has for a person they find attractive.For a boyfriend.
What does philos mean and examples?
Name for brotherly love,feelings for a brother or sister.For eg,for their best friend,people whose company they enjoy very much.
What does storge mean and examples?
Name for family love and loyalty.For eg,they might feel storage for their cousins,even if they hardly see them.
Divorce meaning
The legal ending of a marriage
Adultery meaning
When a married person has sex with someone who’s not their husband/wife.
They’ve to give a legal consent by saying ‘I tell you to be my lawful wedded wife/husband.’
This public declaration assures each other that their love is genuine.
Pro creating
A valid catholic marriage must also include a declaration from the couple.
Shows that they’re willing to accept God’s gift of children.
Catholics marry in a church because it’s considered God’s house
Bride will walk down the aisle to meet the groom at the front of the church.
Register meaning
The couple sign the register,to make the marriage legal.Priest usually acts as the registrar.
Bible in a wedding
There’ll be readings,often including St Paul’s letter to the Corinthians about love.
Why can’t couples end their catholic marriage?
They breaking the commandments of the god
Because God is part of the marriage.