Re(2) Flashcards
Characteristics of a martyr
Someone who gives up their life for Jesus
Someone who gives up their life to fight in the army for their country
In addition a person who gives up work for church
Someone who gives up games to focus on exams.
Why did Romans persecute the christians?
Because they refused to worship the roman gods
When did the monks arrive?
Which important people were with St Augustine?
40 Benediction monks
Define liturgical year
Regular cycle of events to remember and celebrate key events in Jesus’s life.
Define Paschal Tridum
The final 3 days of lent(Good Friday,Maundy Thursday,Holy Saturday)
The congregation are welcomed
Penitential rite
People ask for forgiveness for the sins they’ve done
Liturgy of the Word
Readings from the bible
Proclamation of christian belief
Bidding prayers
Prayers asking God for help
Gifts of bread and wine are brought to the altar
Eucharistic prayer
Prayer which bread and wine are turned into the blood and body of Jesus.
Sign of peace
Congregation offer one another a gesture of goodwill.
The body and blood of Christ is consumed
Blessing and Dismissal
The priest send the people to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.
What does the dove represent?
Represents the holy spirit and that it’s part of the trinity.
What does the cross symbolise?
The cross symbolises crucifixion.
Which 2 places did Peter go to after Pentecost?
Antioch and Rome
What does cathedral mean?
A church with the Bishop’s chair.
Why was Peter killed?
He was killed because he was talking about christianity.
Bishop meaning
The chief oversee of a diocese.Successors of the apostle.
Parish meaning
The church in a small area with a priest and a church.
Diocese meaning
The church in a layer area,looked after by a bishop.
Apostle meaning
One of the 12 disciples chosen by Jesus to preach the gospel.
Church meaning
The people of god
Pope definition
Leader of the Catholic church on earth.