R.C Triune God Flashcards
What is praise?
An expression of respect,honour and thanks to God
What is mass?
A ceremony(also called Eucharist) in which the sacrifical death and resurrection of Jesus is celebrated using bread and wine.
What is the psalms?
A book in the Old testament containing peices of poetry that are sometimes set to music
What is the Divine office?
A collection of psalms and readings that every priest, monk and nun has to say at least four times a day
What is the liturgy?
The practices and rituals that make up the communal workship of God
What is plainchant?
The official music of the church, an ancient form of song, usually unaccompained which uses a limited range of notes
What is contemporary worship songs?
Religious songs that have been written recently for the praise of God, often using modern instruments
What is mass settings?
Music that enables people to sing certain parts of the Mass
What is ‘acclamation’?
Praising with great enthusiasm
What is the ‘Eucharist’?
Meaning ‘thanksgiving’ it is especially used about the Mass as a thanksgiving sacrifice to God
What is the ‘Gloria’?
A hymn of praise of God’s glory and goodness which is sung early in the Mass
What is the ‘Alleuia”?
Meaning ‘praise God’. It is the Easter proclomation(announcement of the resurrection) and is used before the reading of the Gospel at mass
What is the ‘Gospel’?
A reading from one of the four Gospels which tells us of the life and teachings of Jesus
What is the Sanctus?
A hymn of praise to the three-fold Holy God which is used before the Eucharistic Prayer in Mass
What is the Eucharistic prayer?
The prayer of thanksgiving that is the central part of the mass during which Jesus’ words from the last supper are said over the bread and wine
What is ‘consecration’?
When the bread and wine are blessed and become the Body and Blood of Christ
What is the ‘Mystery of Faith’?
The acclamation after the consecration where people acknowledge what God has done for them
What does ‘Triune God’ mean?
Within the one God there is a three-ness
What is the trinity?
The belief that there are three persons in one God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are seperate, but are also one being
What is the Shema?
A Jewish prayer affirming belief in one God found in the Torah
What is a mystery?
A belief that cannot be fully understood by the human mind
What is a creed?
A statement of faith
What does ‘consubstantial’ mean?
‘One of being’,showing that the Father, Son and Spirit are not seperate entities but one God
What is a witness?
When someone shows their faith in their words and actions
What is a mission?
‘Sending out’ people with a job or function to perform
What does it mean to preach?
To publically announce a religious message
What is evangelism?
Preaching the good news about Jesus to other people
What are the epistles?
Letters written by the apostles to the early Church
What is the Aramaic language?
The language Jesus spoke
What is a theologian?
A person who studies things related to God and religion
What does it mean to be ‘relational’
Having a personal direct link with another person or with other people
What is immanent theology?
The study of the internal life of God
What is self-revelation?
The idea that humans can only know God throughwhat God has chosen to show about himslef
What is heresy?
A belief that goes against the accepted teaching of the Church
What is a council?
A gathering of bishops to make decisions about important issues of the Church
What is magisterial teachings?
The decisions of the Magisterium that should be accepted by Catholics
What is the laying on of hands?
A symbolic gesture that passes on the power of the Holy Spirit
What is apostolic authority?
The authority of the apostles, as the leader of the early Church, that is passed on to the bishops
What is Baptism
The sacrament in which a person becomes a child of God and a Christian
What is the ‘sign of initiation’?
An action to show that a person has become a formal member of the church
What does it mean to be totally immersed?
Being under water ata baptism so the whole body and head are covered
What is prayer?
The raising of the heart and mind to God
What is traditional prayer?
Forms of prayer that have been used by generations of believers
What is spontaneous prayer?
Prayer that does not have a set structure, where the words aee made up on the spur of the moment
What is genuflecting?
Going down on one knee as a sign of respect
What are two examples of psalms?
- the lord is my shepard
- by the rivers of babylon
The Catholic Church uses music in its ______
Praise of God
What is plainchant often reffered to as?
Gregorian chant
Describe plain chant?(3 aspects)
- no instruments
- limited note range(simple musically)
- written for a male voice
Two examples of traditional hymes?
- soul of my saviour
- guide me O thy great redeemer
Descibe traditional hymes?(4 features)
- accompanied by an organ
- written for the whole church to sing along
- uses standard musical notation
- in English
Give two examples of contemporary worship music?
-here I am to worship
10,000 reasons
Descibe contemporary worship music?(3 features
- been around since the 1970s
- lot more lively
- instruments
What are psalms?
150 peices of poetry that were written down in Jewish prayer
What is St Augustine’s teaching on the trinity?
- the trinity is three persons united in love
- for love to exist there must be a giver and receiver
- there are three parts of love: the person who loves, the person who is loved and the love that united them.
What is Catherine LaCunga’s teaching about the trinity?
- the Son comes from the Father(but was always part of the Father)
- the Holy Spirit is the love that unites the Father and Son together
- the creating act of the Father begetting the son flows outwards to all of creation
- the Son came as Jesus from the Father to save humans
- the Holy spirit guides us towards the Father to complete Jesus’ work
- once redemption is done, everything will be brought back to God
What is the Magesturium?
The teaching authority of the Catholic Church exercised by the Pope and Bishops
What are the key agreements from the council of Nicea?(325 C.E)
- the Son is eternally begotten from the Father(this means the Son has no begining and like the Father is eternal)
- the Father and Son have always existed together as co-eternal and co-equal
what are the main agreements of the council of Constantinople?(381 CE?)
(All on the Holy Spirit btw)
- the Holy Spirit is the Lord the giver of life
- he proceeds with the Father and the Son
- He with the Father and the son are adored and glorified
- he spoke through the prophets
What is the difference between the trinity and triune God?
The triune God stresses the fact that within God there is a three-ness whilst the
trinity focuses on the DISTRINCTIVE QUALITIES of each other
What does the Nicene Creed say about the Father?
- he is onmipotent
- creator of everything
What does the Nicene Creed say about the Son?
- he was present and helped in Creation
- he came down from heaven as Jesus
- he suffered death and was burried
- he rose again on the third day
- he will come again to Judge the living and the dead
What does th Nicene Creed say about the Holy Spirit?
- the giver of life(breath of life)
- worthy of praise(whom with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified)
- has spoken through the prophets
Why is Baptism important?
- it is a pledge that the person will join God in heaven after they die
- it cleanses a person of original sin
- it fills the person with the Holy spirit which gives them the strength to resist evil
- it shoves the life of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit within that person
What does Baptism symbolise?
- going downcin the water(symbolises joining Christ in the tomb)
- water(symbol of cleansing)
- candle(symbol of light and hope)
- oil(symbol of strength)
- white garment(symbol of purity)
What is ‘the Authority of the magisterium?’
The Magisterium have authority because of the laying of hands from the Apostles passes on Apostolic authority(bishops were appointed successors to the Apostles)
Catholics believe that the Holy Spirit guides the church in truth which is clearly expressed in the Magesterial teachings.
Official declorations by the Pope and councils are accepted as infallible(without error) as Catholics beleive that the Holy Spirit is guiding the Church
Why do we use postures when praying?
Physical postures can assist both prayer and show the intervention behind that particular movement(no posture has an exclusive meaning but some suggest a specific focus).
Represents humilty
Lying flat as a sign of total submission
Bending from the waist as a sign of respect
Preaching the gospel by words
What does St Augustine of Hippo say about love?
Must be
A lover(Father loves the Son)
Person who is loved(son loved by Father
Love that unites them(Holy spirit)
What does LaCunga think about God/love?
It is only possible to experiance God through his actions in peoples lives(also God is self-revelation)
-Son coems from the Father but has always been part of God, Holy Spirit is the bond that unites the Father and Son
What are the differences between St Augustine and LaCunga’s views?
LaCunga stresses that humans can know the trinity through what the trinity reveals-its outward effects
St Augustine focuses more of the realtionship within the trinity, he acknowledges that it folws outwards to belivers, but he believes the inner relationship of the Trinity is essential
What were the two main agreements of the council of Nicea?
The Son is eternally begotten from the Father, the Som has no beginning or end and is eternal
-The Dather and Son have always existed together as co-eternal, co-equal of one nature
What was declared at the council of Constantinople?
- Holy Spirit is the Lord the giver of life
- He proceeds from the Father
- He with the Father and son is worshipped and glorified
- he spoke through the propjets
Give two reasons why Baptism is important
Cleanses you of all sim
Becomes a member of the Church and a child of God