R.C Incarnation Flashcards
What are the 7 sacraments?
- Baptism
- Eucharist
- confirmation
- reconciliation
- marriage
- ordination
- sacrement of the sick
Quote for Baptism?
“I baptise you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”
Quote for Eucharist?
“This is my body, this is my blood”
Quote for confirmation?
“Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit”
Quote for reconciliation?
“I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”
Quote for marriage?
“Will you(full name), take(full name) here present as your lawful wedded husband/wife according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Church?”I will”
Quote for ordination?
Almightly father, grant to this servant of yours the dignity of the priesthood
Definition of incarnation?
God taking on the human conditions in Jesus
Definition of the Annunciation?
When the angel Gabriel asked Mary to accept the role of the mother of the son of God
Definition of the birth of Jesus?
God becoming man in the presence of Jesus
Definition of “the word was God”
The word(Jesus) is part of God and is in God’s self expression
Definition of “the word became flesh”
God took human nature, coming down to Earth to live as a human being (the main part of the incarnation)
Definition of the son of man
A title that could refer to any human being , or a human who is given power by God
Definition of the son of God?
Empahsises his divinity(whilst the son of man empahsises his humanity)
What is the Ichthus?
A shmbol of a fish based on the Greek acronym that translates”Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour”
What is the “Alpha and Omega”
A symbol from the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, which are used to show that God and Jesus aee eternal-the begining and the end of all things
What is the Chi Rho symbol?
A symbol to represent Jesus , made up of the first two letters of his name in Greek
What is”sacred heart?
A representation of Jesus that focuses on his burning love for everybody
Definition of “Jesus and art”
The incarnation is understood through symbols and art
Definition of the sermon on the mount
Jesus’ teachings found on Matthew 5-7 which gives Christians a set of rules and values to apply in their lives
Definition of the Beatitudes?
Sayings attributed to Jesus
Definition of the parable of the sheep and goats?
Parable about judgement day and how actions to other humans are actions to Jesus himself
What does St Irenaeus say about Jesus?
Jesus was with the Father at the begining
-the Son as the Word spoke through the Old testament prophets
What does Dei Verbum 4 say about Jesus?
God is revealed in Jesus and speaks through Jesus.
Jesus defeats sin and brings salvation to all people.
Jesus is also sent as a man to stress his humanity
What does Verbum Dominic12 state about Jesus?
“Christ the incarnate, crucified and risen word of God, is lord of all things”(through dying Jesus gave himself to God’s hands. This led to the ressurrection ans his glorification as the Word of God
What is grace?
God’s free gift of unconditional love to the beliver
What are sacraments?
Rites and rituals through which the beliver receives a special gift pf grace; for catholics, Anglicans ans many protestants, sacrements and ‘outward signs’ of ‘inward grace’
Definition of baptism
The cleansing of sins
Definition of confirmation?
Receiving the gifts of the Holy spirit
Definition of the Eucharist?
Receiving the fullness of Christ
Definition of reconciliation?
The passing on of God’s love and forgiveness
Definition of marriage
Each partner accepting the other as husband/wife for life
Definition of the sacrement of the sick?
Strengthening and forgiveness
Definition of ordination?
Conferring the dignity of the priesthood
What is imago Dei?
“The image of God” the Latin term used to show God made humans in his image and likeness
What is abortion?
Removal of a foetus from the womb to end a pregnancy(usually before the foetus is 24-weeks-old)
What is the action, effect and words for Baptism?
Action: the pouring of water
Effect: cleansing of sins
Words:”I baptise you in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit
What is the action, effect and words for Confirmation?
Action: the anointing of the forehead with chrism
Effect: receiving the gifts of the Holy spirit
Words:”be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit
What is the action, effect and words for the Eucharist?
Action: the receiving of the consecrated Bread and wine, the Body and Blood of Christ
Effect: receiving the fullness of christ
Words: “this is my body, this is my blood”
What is the action, effect and words for Marriage?
Action: the consent
Effect: each partner accepts the other as husband/wife for life
Words: “will you ____ take _____ here oresent as your lawful wedded husband/wife according to the rites of our Holy Mother the Church”“I will”
What is the action, effect and words for Ordination?
Action: laying on of hands ans anoiting the hands with Chrism
Effect: conferring the dignity of the priesthood
Words:”almighty father, grant to this servant of yours the dignity of the priesthood”
What is the action, effect and words for Reconciliation?
Action: the laying on of hands
Effect: God’s forgiveness
Words: “I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, son and Holy Spirit”
What is the action, effect and words for The sacrament of the sick?
Action: thr anointing of the head and hands(the senses) with the oil of the sick
Effect: strengthening and forgiveness
Words: “through this Holy anointing may the Lord in his love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy spirit. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up. Amen
How and why the Alpha and Omega represent Jesus?
Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. This symbolises how God was at the begining and the end of all things. It represents his immortality
How and why does the Chi Rho represent Jesus?
The Chi Row is the first two letters of Jesus’ name in greek
How and why does the Ichthus represent Jesus?
In the early days of Christianity where Christians could be prosecuted, Christians’ would draw out the outline of a fish to indicate they were and Christian and where meetings were being held
What does the sacred heart statue tell Christians?
- the holes in the staue’s hands represent the nails that nailed Jesus to the cross
- the flames coming through its heart remind us of Jesus’ buring love for all people
What does a Crucifix show Christians?
It reminds them that Jesus suffered an awful death to absolve us from sin. The crucifix reminds us to thank God for this
When John says “the Word of God” what does he mean
The son of God(Jesus)
Why is the incarnation important?
It shows that God became fully human when he became Jesus. As Jesus suffered in death and in trials, he can empathise with our problems
What does the Annunciation show us about Jesus?
Jesus is not made through sex as Mary is a virgin. This emphasises Jesus” humanity whils the Holy Spirit represents his divinity
What does the Birth of Jesus from Joseph’s perspective tell us?
Joseph was willing to obey God’s plan no matter the costs(before God’s messenger, he doesn’t want to expose Mary publicly)
How does a famous example of art teach Christians?
Sacred heart:
- the holes in the staue’s hands represent the nails that nailed Jesus to the cross
- the flames coming through its heart remind us of Jesus’ buring love for all people
What does St Irenaeus say about Jesus?
Jesus was with the Father at the begining
-the Son as the Word spoke through the Old testament prophets
What is the significance of humans being made in “imagp Dei”
Humans are made in God’s image, therefore the sanctity of life should be respected
What is the significance of Imago Dei on Catholic teaching on abortion?
Humans are made in God’s image, therefore the sanctity of life should be respected. Due to this, the Catholic Church believe life made in Imago Dei is from conception. As a result of this, the Catholic Church is stronly against abortion
What does the church say about Jesus in Dei Verbum 4
God is revealed in Jesus and speaks through Jesus.
Jesus defeats sin and brings salvation to all people.
Jesus is also sent as a man to stress his humanity
What does the church state about Jesus in Verbrum Domini 12?
“Christ the incarnate, crucified and risen word of God, is lord of all things”(through dying Jesus gave himself to God’s hands. This ped to the ressurrection ans his glorification as the Word of God
How an why do sacraments show grace?
A sacrament is an outward sign of inward grace, ordained by God(Grace is given to the soul)
What is said on the sermont on the mount?
“Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God”
“Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy”
What does Jesus say in the parable of sheep and goats
“I was a stranger and you did not invite me in”
“I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink”
Shows what is done to other humans(made in the image of God) is done directly to Jesus
when does jesus refer to himself as the son of man?
Matthew 18:11 “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost”.
When does Jesus refer to himself as the son of God?
Jesus is called the son of God from above Luke 3:22. He does not reject the title
What do Christians understand grace as?
God loving the creation or humans
What the Beatitudes?
The Beatitudes are sayings attributed to Jesus, and in particular eight blessings recounted by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount i