R.C Redemption Flashcards
What is an altar?
The place of sacrifice where the offering of the Mass is made to God
What is the stations of the cross?
A series of 14 images that remind Catholics of Jesus’ final journey to the cross
What is a church
A building in which Christians worship
What is the church.
The holy people of God, also called the body of Christ, among whom Christ is present and active
What are hosts?
Small Communion breads that are given out at Communion
What is the consecration?
The point where the bread and wine are consecrated and become the Body and Blood of Christ
What is lectern?
The reading stand from which the Bible reading are given the word of God is proclaimed
What is the paschal sacrifice?
A term that refers to the Last Supper, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus
What is the crucifix?
A representation of Jesus on the cross on which he died
What is the tabernacle?
Place in which the consecrated hosts are kept
What are denominations?
Distinct groups within the Christian faith, with their own organisation and traditions
What is the last supper?
The final meal that Jesus ate with his disciples before he died; it is the basis of Holy Communion
What is atonement?
Restoring the relationships between people and God through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
What is the ascension?
The event, 40 days after the resurrection, when Jesus returned to God the Father in heaven
What is the restoration?
When things are brought back to the way that God intended them to be
What is eternal life?
Life after death, that exists forever.
What is the resurrection?
Jesus’ rising from the dead after dying on the cross
What is redemption?
Making up for the wrongs done by other people, to bring humans back into a relationship with God
What is salvation?
Freedom from sin, and from the eternal separation from God that is brought about by sin
What is grace?
God’s free gift of his unconditional love to the believer
What is God’s Kingdom?
The reign of God, when everyone will accept God and live forever in peace and harmony
What is the heavenly banquet?
A symbol of the unity and joy of the kingdom of God, pictured as everyone joining together in one great meal
What is crucified?
Executed by being fixed to a cross
What is salvation?
Freedom from sin, and from eternal seperation from God that is brought about by sin
What is ‘atone’
Make amends for something that has gone wrong
What is conscience?
For Christians, the voice of God in thr heart and soul of a person
What is morality?
A system of ethics about what is right and wrong
What is orthodox?
A branch of Christianity mainly, but not entirely, practised in Eastern Europe
What is iconostasis?
The screen that divides the Holy part of an Orthodox Church, including the altar, from the congregation; it represents the meeting place and division between heaven and earth
What are the quakers?
A religious group founded in the seventeenth century;instead of celebrating the Eucharist they gather for prayer and wait to be inspired by the Holy Spirit
What is the salvation army?
A christian group founded in the nineteenth century who see the main purpose of religion as going out to serve and help those in need
What is nonconformist?
Christians who do not follow the rules laid down by a central authority but are organised at a local level; the Bible forms a central part of their worship
What is real presence?
Christ is truly present in the consecrated Bread and Wine
What is the blessed sacrament.
A term that refers to the consecrated Bread and Wine
What is Benediction?
Meaning ‘blessing’ a service at which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed and Catholics worship Christ in the sacrament
What is transubstantiation?
When the bread and wine becomes the Body and Bread of Christ
What do Quakers and Salvation army think about the Eucharist?
They don’t celebrate it
What are non conformists’ belief’s on the Eucharist?
They think the Eucharist is a memorial of the Last Supper of Jesus
What is the altar?
Where the Eucharist is offered, the central focus of the church
What is a crucifix
Cross that bears the image of Jesus, a reminder that Jesus suffered for the sake of humanity
What is the resurrection?
Jesus rising from the dead after dying on the cross
What is restoration?
When things are brought back to the way God intended them to be
What is communion?
Sharing in a meal that unites people with ech other and Christ.
We are given power to resist the tempation to sin.
What are Anglicans.
Some share the Catholic belief that in the Eucharist the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. A larger group believe that the spirit of Christ is received when Commuion is given. Christ is spiritually present, but the bread and wine do not literally become the body and blood of Christ
What is the mass?
Where Catholics come together to offer worship(Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist and the consecration)
What is pentacost?
The descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus after his asension
What is crucifixion?
Death by being nailed to a cross
What is free will and sin?
Free will: God gives humans the ability to actively choose him instead of being forced too
- humans can use free will to sin
- the magesterium teaches that all people are born with the tendency to sin
- sin has broken the relationship between God, humanity and the whole of creation
What are the Words of Institution?
Words used by Jesus at the last supper
When consecrating the Bread and Wine
What is the offertory?
When people present the bread(the hosts) and wine to God as a sign of thanksgiving
What is the Liturgy of the Word?
The readings: Catholics are reminded that God has guided his people through the years in the Gospel reading, Jesus demonstrates through his words and actions how God loves, heals, restores and forgives people
What is the Our Father?
A central Christian prayer which, according to the New Testament, Jesus taught as the way to pray
What is the Eucharistic adoration?
At mass more hosts are usually consecrated that are required for the people present. The extra hosts are placed into a tabernacle as they believe the real presence of Christ is there
What is Angus Dei(lamb of God)?
Latin translation for start of prayer that is said Shortly before Communion
“lamb of God you take away the sins of the world” ect
What is a monstrance?
An open or transparent receptacle in which the consecrated host is displayed for veneration
What is the difference between a church and the church?
A church: physical building where Christians worship
The Church: The Holy people of God among ehom Christ is present and active
How does a Crucifix help Catholics worship in a Church?
It inspires a spirit of gratitude and love for all Christ has done for humanity
-the gratitiude best expresses itself as thanksgivigitiude best expresses itself as thanksgiving in the Eucharist
How does a lecturn help Catholics worship in a Church
Christians believe that as Christ is the Word of God made flesh, Christ is truly present when the word of God is prclaimed(it is procliamed on the lectern)
-the lecturn should be in a prominant place in the church so people can see and clearly hear the Word of God
How does a tabernacle help Catholics worship in a Church?
The tabernacle houses the Real Presence of Christ in the Church, this prayer can give a deep sense of peace to believers knowing that Christ is still there caring for them
How does an altar help Catholics worship in a Church?
As the words of Jesus at the Last Supper are repeated, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ(transubstantiation).
Christ is really present offering himself up on the altar, offering himslef to the Father on behalf of humanity, in return the Father offers the Body and Blood of Christ through the spirit
How does Catholic churches built after 1965 help Catholics worship in a Church?
It is built around the altar to ensure that as many people as possible can ensure wuthvthe sacrifice of the Mass
Explain the different Catholic significance of
Cross, crucifix or risen Christ?
Cucifix: shows Jesus on the cross-reminder that Jesus suffered for humanity
Cross: does not include represntation of Jesus-not worshipping death- victory over death as Jesus is risen(not on cross)
Risen Christ: risen glorified saviour, stresses that Catholics receive in Communion the Body,Blood, soul and divinity of the risen Christ
Explain the different Catholic significance of
Altar or table?
Altar: a place of sacrifce and thanksgiving. (Bread and Wine offered, remider of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross
Jesus also ate with his disciples st a table .
Therefore the central feature of the Church is an altar and a table
What do Catholic belive about conscience?
For Christians, the voice of God in the heart and soul of a person
2 quotes about conscience from the Catholic Church
“Conscience is the inner voice of man thar moves him to do good”-Youcat 296
“There he is alone with God whose voice echoes in his depths”- Gaudium et spes 16
How does the readings relate to redemption?
. In the gospel reading, Jesus demonstrates through his words and actions how God loves, heals, restores and forgives all people
How does the Eucharist relate to redemption?
(Made out of the offertory, Eucharistic prayer, Our Father and Communion)
Offertory: people present bread and wine to God as a sign of thanksgiving
Eucharistic prayer: Jesus’ words at the last supper. Jesus was anticipating his death in his words, Jesus showed his whole being was present
How does Communion relate to redemption?
Belivers receive the Body, Blood, Soul and divinty of Christ(everything he is) in the form of Bread and wine through this action:
- belivers are brought closer to God
- belivers are given power to resist temptation and sin
How does the Agnus Dei (lamb of God)relate to redemption?
Jesus is the new lamb of God, his death and blood destroyed the power of sin and death. All people have been saved by the blood of Jesus-the lamb of God
How does the words of institution relate to redemption?
- Christ’s followers cam share in the defeat of sin and death, and the promise of eternal life
- the external features of the bread remain the same but in reality it changes
How should conscience be educated?
It should take into consideration the many ways that God, through the holy spirit has instructed humanity
- gift of human nature
- Law of God(10 commandments)
- teaching of the magesterium
How can salvation be understood in the past?
Salvation has come through the death and resurrection of Jesus
(Means sinners havebeen freed from the power of sin and death)
-salvation is a gift of grace
How can salvation be understood as in the present?
Others believe salvation is an ongoing process. Christ won victory over sin which brings salvation and healing, belivers need to allow the selves to be guided by the Holy Spirit every day
How can salvation be understood as in the future?
The final victory of God’s grace will come at the end of time, When God’s kingdrom is established.
When this happens the power of sin and death will be completely destroyed and allbelivers will share in the Glory of Christ
Explain how the significance and symbolism of the death of Jesus is related to redemption?
- by acceping death, Jesus was fulfilling Old Testament prophecies
- Jesus promises the thief he will go to heaven-continued to love in Darkest hour
Explain how the significance and symbolism of the resurrection is related to redemption?
St Paul”if Christ had not been raised then our proclamtion and your faith has been in vein”
-faith is needed to accept the resurrection but faith in the resurrection transports lives
Explain how the significance and symbolism of the ascension is related to redemption?
-it shows Jesus is with the Father, sharing his glory for all eternity
What is the metaphor St Irenaeus uses about redemption?
-salvation is part of God’s plan for human beings, all humans were affected by Adam and Eve’s rejection of salvation, Jesus saved humanity from the affects of sin on the cross
Explain St Irenaeus metaphor about redemption:
Makes good use of the parallels between Adam and Jesus
Just as humans were lost by eating fruit of a tree, they were saved by another tree, the tree which Jesus died on
Jesus saved all people who accpeted the will of God
What is St Anslem’s metaphor about redemption?
- through sin, humans reject God and refuse to give him the honour he deserves.
- the one way to make up for this is by being totally obedient to God. Through this, Jesus showed how much he loved God
Explain St Anselm’s metaphor about redemption:
- Jesus Obidience is a paid ransom for the sins of all humans
- metaphor from slave trade, just as slaves could be freed if enougg money was paid, humans are freed by obedience and the death of Jesus
St Anslam advsntages and disadvantages
Pros: Saving us from the ransom to sink being at the service of Christ(personal)
Cons: uses language from the slave trade
Describe the importance of the death of Jesus
- sky turned dark in the middle of the day and there was an earthquake-shows Jesus’ death has cosmic significance qnd affected the whole of creatipn
- the veil that seperated the holiest part of the temple for the rest of it was ripped in 2, show the barrier to God is broken down, humans now have direct access to Gog
- water and bloof flowed from the side where Christ was pierced-shows impotance of water in baptism and the blood of the eucharist