Razlage (5. - 9.) Flashcards
They buy shares and with that they own a part of or have a stake in the company.
Are shareholders (owners) together with the company’s staff: customers, suppliers,..
Unquoted business
Are businesses which are not listed on the stock exchange.
Business angels
They provide financial backing to start-ups in return for a proportion of the company equity.
Debt financing
Is borrowing money from a lender (creditor) with the understanding that the full amount (principal and interest) will be repaid by a fixed date.
Leasing - financial facilities
After all the payments have been made, the business customer becomes the owner of the equipment (hire purchase).
A valuable property promised to a lender if one is unable to repay a debt.
Money given by a government to help support a business the market does not support.
The balance of trade (BOT)
Shows the difference between imported and exported goods (visible trade).
The balance of payments (BOP)
Includes the transactions of goods, services, financial capital and financial transfers (invisible trade).
Trade deficit
If a country imports more than it exports.
Are taxes on imported goods.
Are maximum quantities of a product allowed into a country during a certain period of time.
How the goods are called during transport.
A person or company that sends goods by sea, land, air,..
Freight forwarder
A person specializing in arranging storage.
Trade barriers
Regulations and policies that restrict international trade.
The price for transporting goods.
Money loser
When a high-end brand loses snob-appeal.
Meanings caused by different languages.
Push strategy
When a brand uses sales force to create consumers demand.
Pull strategy
When heavy advertising creates such consumer demand that consumers ask for the product from the retailer/wholesaler/producer.
Direct marketing
Can come in the form of post, email, telephone calls, mail orders,..
Personal selling
Involves face-to-face selling and selling over the phone.
Neuromarketing approach
Are applied to exploit sensory messages (soft played music, the aroma,..).
Word of mouth advertising (WOM)
This is where satisfied customers praise a product or service to others.
Niche marketing
Focuses on a specific segment of a market.
Mass marketing
Focuses on majority of consumers.
Snob appeal and me-tooism
The practice of imitating others.
Saturated market
When there are to many products and too few buyers.
Persuasive advertising
The ultimate goal is to make the consumers buy the product.
Informative advertising
It mainly gives information (time, date,..).
Celebrity endorsement
And advertisement with a famous person saying that they use and like a particular product.
A short easily remembered phrase.
A shop that sells to end buyers.
Market leader
A brand that has the largest market share.
Someone who buys and sells goods in large amounts to other businesses.
Compulsive shopping
An addiction characterized by an uncontrollable urge to spend money.
Building and maintaining professional relations.
When a company tries to influence a politician or public official to change laws in its favour.
Dining etiquette
The rules about table manners and accepted behaviour.
Power dressing
A style of clothing and appearance which makes people seem authoritative.
Power meal
A short meal during which business is discussed.
Corporate hospitality
Entertaining valued business clients.
Are officials ord bodies who supervise a particular industry or business activity.
Internship/work experience
During this students acquire some hands-on experience.
Performance appraisal
A meeting between an employee and their manager to evaluate the employee’s work and to plan future tasks.
Non-competition clause
Is a contractual agreement stating that an employee will not pursue a profession or trade in competition against the employer upon termination of employment or resignation.
Bank facility which allows a business to be in the red.
Financial facility which allows a business to use an asset over a fixed period of time in return for regular payments.
Involves spreading investments.
Venture capital
Is invested in exchange for an equity stake in start-up firms and small unqouted businesses.
Unquoted business
A business which is not listed on the stock exchange.