Raw Materials for Cheesemaking Flashcards
The fourth compartment of the ruminant stomach
The initial step in the souring of milk. During this process, lactose is converted into lactic acid
The process of selecting, agin, and maturing cheeses.
A French term for the alpine fields where animals graze in open air during the summer months. This rich, varied, seasonal diet contributes to milk (and cheese) that is considered superior for its depth, nuance, and complexity.
Ambient humidity
Water dispersed in the air
A flavorless natural dye made from the seed or extract from the achiote tree, which is indigenous to Latin and South America.
Animal Rennet
An enzyme from the stomach lining of an unweaned ruminant’s abomasum
Minerals found in milk, assessed by the amount of ash left from incinerating a milk sample.
Bacterial Counts
Test used to assess microbial contamination in milk to indicate quality
Beta Carotene
A pigment in fruits and vegetables
An animal subfamily classification that includes cattle, water buffalo, and yaks
Used in the washing process, this is a blend of water, salt, and sometimes additional items, such as spirits or cultures. Used to advance flavor development and impede mold growth
Bulk Set Cultures
Frozen concentrated culture starter kit
The natural fat of milk
Butyric Acid
A product of anaerobic fermentation that has an unpleasant smell and taste
A technical term for the proteins found in milk, known as alpha-, beta-, and kappa-
A FPC offering high milk-clotting specificity combined with reduced proteolytic activity. It is naturally produced through fermentation
A proteolytic enzyme that attacks casein causing coagulation
Fecal bacteria used to measure the sanitary quality of foods and water
Coliform Count
Test of water contamination that indicates the extent of fecal matter present in it
Culture Houses
Dairy technology companies that make and sell cheese bacteria
A combination of lactic acid, enzymes, or other microorganisms, bacterial, or mold spores, and natural elements that develop flavor in cheese in aging
Coagulated milk protein
A flavor compound responsible for acidic and buttery flavors in fermented products such as cottage cheese, fromage frais, and quark