Distribution, Transportation, and Storage Flashcards
Bill of Lading
A document of title of goods, transferable by endorsement, and is a receipt from shipping company regarding the number of packages with a particular weight and markings and a contract for the transportation of same to a port of destination mentioned therein
Bonded Warehouse
A secured facility where product goes after entering the country until it is released from the customs process
Bulk Tank Somatic Cell Counts (BTSCCs)
An analysis of white blood cells and other cells in raw milk. This test is used to determine milk quality and the health of the animals that produced the milk
Cold Chain
An uninterrupted series of temperature-controlled storage and distribution points
Common Carriers
People or companies that transport goods for another party
A person or company that will put orders together and transport products to an exporter
Standardized reusable steel box used for transfer of goods among various forms of transportation (ship, rail, truck)
Total amount of money it takes to get product to a seller
Customs Broker
Company that gets product through customs barriers by performing administrative tasks such as paper work and tax payment
Do No Harm
Best practices that ensure the integrity of the product during transport
A company that ships product to another country
Small production cheese produced using traditional methods using milk of animals raised on the cheesemaking premises
Freight Company
A company that moves cargo from one place to another by air, road, sea, or rail
Freight on Board or Free on Board (FOB)
A document that specifies which party (buyer or seller) pays for which shipment and loading costs, and/or where responsibility for the goods is transferred
Import Licenses
Document issued by a national government authorizing the importation of certain goods into its territory. Considered to be non-tariff barriers to trade when used as a way to discriminate against another country’s goods in order to protect a domestic industry from foreign competition
Importer Margin
The amount of your price that is profit –amount of money you’ll actually make off a product expressed in dollars or percent
a percent increase in price relative to cost
Milk stasis, non-infections, or infections inflammation and abscess.
Port strikes
Work stoppage at a port of entry that delays the transfer of product
Amount paid retail for the product by the customer
Temperature recorder
Thermometer that travels with the cheese to track cold chain by recording temperature during transit
Relative pricing
Price of a commodity, such as a good or service in terms of another; ratio of two prices