Rates Of Harvest Flashcards
What were Fultons recommendations In 1910?
Introduce a timber sale license where timber was sold at public auction to the highest bidder. Replaced OTT’s.
What are the 2 common methods of AAC calculation?
The Volume Based: calculation which is based on Mean Annual Increment and volume per hectare of standing inventory.
Area Based: where the forest estate is divided into units equal to the rotation age.
Annual Yeild and periodic Yeild?
The volume or number of stems that can be removed in a specific area in one year, or during a 5 year period, respectively.
Sustainable yield
continuous production with the aim of achieving an approximate balance between net growth of a forest and harvest.
Yeild determination
The calculation, by volume or by area (or a combination of both), of the amount of forest produced that may be harvested annually, or periodically, from a specific area of forest over a stated period, in accordance with the objects of management
Annual Allowable Cut
The Allowable Cut expressed on an annual basis. This is a function of yield determination. In BC ~73million m 3
Annual Cutting Area
The area of productive forest which may be cut in one year.
In BC ~ 190,000 hectares.
What 2 types of management units on crown land?
In TSA AAC is shared between all licensees.
The planned number of years between the establishment of a crop and final felling. The term is applied where forests are managed under a monocylic (even aged – single entry phase) silvicultural system.
Felling Cycle
The planned period, in years, within which all parts of a forest managed under a selection silvicultural system should be selectively cut for logs. The term is synonymous with Cutting or Entry Cycle.
When was the annual allowable cut introduced?
Recommended by Sloan in 1945 because mane shareholders were worried about Canada’s timber supply. Implemented 1947. Simply suggesting to control the rate of harvest as a pose to indiscriminate harvesting practices that were in use.
Also recommended that utilization standards be set and enforced as well as proper zoning.
What is includes in a timber supply analysis? What is the formula for AAC?
- define the supply area after net downs
- assess growth and yield ( MAI ) while taking into account utilization and volume exclusions.
- assess management such as regeneration strategy and minimum harvest ages.
AAC = ∑(Vm/R) + MAI
What happens when you run out of mature volume in the AAC formula?
AAC becomes MAI at culmination based on SI
By law, who and how often must calculate the AAC?
A chief Forrester must recalculate AAC each 10 years for each management unit.
What happens if a Forrester can’t return a land to a free growing state?
The volume that should be there can be set against his AAC or he can get fined by Gov’t.
How can foresters offset the fall down effect?
Gradually reduce old growth harvest
Plant early to maximum density with genetically enhanced seedlings, and fertilize to enhance growth.
Thinning can also contribute to the harvest level.
How is area based AAC calculated?
the MU or THLB is divided into a number of parts (compartments) equal to the rotation and one part is harvested annually regardless of the volume